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Everything posted by Richard

  1. When did JR start wearing the hat?
  2. Richard

    Perfect timing to put the belt on a guy

    Road Warriors at Starrcade '87. Steiners at Road Wild '97.
  3. Richard

    How many old timers are still around?

    I've been here since the beginning, though I honestly remember very little of the old boards.
  4. Richard

    Who can we do without.

  5. This is what I wrote last time this came up:
  6. Richard

    Pictures I Like

  7. Richard

    Pictures I Like

  8. Richard

    Pictures I Like

  9. Richard

    Harry Potter Movies

    How is this fucking us over exactly other than giving us blue balls? I doubt any of you paid for a ticket already.
  10. The New Age Outlaws, and anyone else to turned heel and continued to play to the fans.
  11. Richard

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    My tv's working again after two weeks of no picture. I have no idea what happened, or if it will go out again.
  12. I meant after WCW folded.
  13. Whatever happened to the WCW tv belt? I remember hearing that Duggan auctioned it off, but I don't know what happened afterwards.
  14. Richard

    Pictures I Like

  15. Richard

    Armchair Bookers:What if...

    Good so far. Just remember to keep the belt away from Justin, and use Spike more.
  16. Richard

    Wrestling related dreams

    I've had several dreams that my dad was a wrestler. Well a former wrestler, since he was usually dead in them too.
  17. Richard

    Armchair Bookers:What if...

    I guess you'd have to assume that they'd get the Raven deal, where they couldn't enter the WWF for a year. In this case, they would have to be in ECW until the end.
  18. Richard

    Has anyone here seen the dark knight?

    Heath's performance was to die for.
  19. I think Jarrett actually turned down winning the belt at one point, because he would have been the worst-drawing champ in WCW history up till then.
  20. What was the point of reuniting Hogan and Jimmy Hart? Wasn't he still managing heels on Sat. Night, and playing the heel against Mancow and other local djs?
  21. Richard

    The Compendium of Bad

    This is Bad.
  22. Richard

    Wrestling related dreams

    I remember having a dream about Owen Hart on the anniversary of his death, which was weird because I would have forgotten the date otherwise.