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Everything posted by Richard

  1. Richard

    Rock rock rock rock

    The sequel with Corey Feldman wasn't that bad.
  2. Richard


  3. Richard

    This Week in Baseball 7/9 - 7/15

    Unless of course the Twins win the pennant again.
  4. Richard

    Pictures I Like

    Obviously, Photobucket is not a fan of the Jewcock.
  5. Richard

    Create a Simpsons avatar

    http://www.simpsonsmovie.com/main.html This is me. I'm fatter than this but nowhere near Homer-size. To copy your av, press the print screen key, usually located by the backspace key. If it's on top of SysReqs, you will have to use the 'Alt' key with it. Then open up paint, paste, and crop.
  6. Richard

    Pictures I Like

  7. Richard

    The What If Topic...

    What if Flair had stayed in WCW in '91? I'd guess that Sid would be placed in his role, winning the title at the rumble and losing at mania to Savage. Meanwhile, Hogan would feud with Taker and Jake, leading to a tag match at WM. Hogan's mystery partner would be Warrior, who pins Roberts. The Savage-Warrior-Perfect angle still happens more or less, while the Undertaker, who's still a heel, feuds with a top face (let's say Bossman). Taker beats Savage soon after the ppv, leading to UT/Razor vs Savage/Perfect at Survivor Series. Taker probably jobs to Bret sometime before mania, though they could have UT beat Hart at the show and have Hogan get his cheap win. As for WCW, who the hell knows. It would be cool if The Dangerous Alliance formed anyway, leading to Flair being betrayed by Arn and the other Horsemen (I'd switch the roles of Windham and Eaton) and having to crawl back to Sting and friends. Since Sting's an idiot, he takes him back and they become friends again. Of course after the DA is defeated, Flair returns to his old ways.
  8. Richard

    What If...?

    What if the Colts win SB III? Assuming the game wasn't fixed of course.
  9. Richard


  10. Richard

    Hamas Kills off Mickey Rip Off

    There was a brief "Farfour in Prison" text. Perhaps the scene where he officially died was missing from this edit.
  11. Richard

    Hamas Kills off Mickey Rip Off

    I didn't realize being put in prison counted as being martyred.
  12. Richard


    I shave once in a while, but usually let it grow. I'm getting a haircut sometime this week and I figure I should shave it then.
  13. Richard

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Whatever. I digitally put Jabba the Hutt back into the original Star Wars movie! I'll do what I want!
  14. Richard

    How much do you respect your dog/cat?

    depends on my mood
  15. Richard

    I got a pet rat

    So was the jizz tasty?
  16. Richard

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Suck too much cock?
  17. Richard

    Bad Covers

  18. Richard

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    So the reason my uncle asked me if I was gay is because my bedroom curtains vaguely resemble the gay rainbow flag, which is enough for my meth-addicted redneck neighbors to make comments and jokes.
  19. Richard

    Pictures I Like

  20. Richard

    Pictures I Like

  21. Richard

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    My uncle asked me if I was gay.
  22. Richard

    Apparently, I live next door to a crime scene

    I think finding rats in the house would be my biggest concern.
  23. Richard

    Pictures I Like

    Lexington Steele