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Everything posted by Richard

  1. Richard

    The Youtube thread

    Remember Welcome Freshmen? Well here's a refresher.
  2. Richard

    Pictures I Like

    Old enough to pee, old enough for me
  3. Richard

    Nickelodeon is starting a wrestling promotion

    They need to bring in Lex Luger to cut a promo.
  4. Richard

    Pictures I Like

  5. Richard

    Pictures I Like

    Renee Olstead
  6. Richard

    NFL Week 10

    Cincy could easily tie the game with our defense. Great fans there.
  7. Richard

    Pictures I Like

    At the launch of her new book: "The New Beauty Secrets: Your Ultimate Guide to a Flawless Face"
  8. Richard

    NFL Week 10

    Holy mother of god, we're leading!!!!!!11111 I swear on my mother's grave, if we hold on to this lead, I'll track down Marty and offer to suck his balls.
  9. Richard

    NFL Week 10

    I see it's a bye week for our D. Jesus Christ, someone better get fired this week.
  10. Richard

    NFL Week 10

    I may have spoken too soon.
  11. Richard

    NFL Week 10

    Bolts are only down by a td now. Do you believe in miracles?
  12. Richard

    NFL Week 10

    The best thing about morning games is I'm usually too tired to pay attention to what's going on in the game. Unfortunately, I'm wide awake now.
  13. Richard

    Classic WCW Nitro, Thunder, & Saturday Night...

    Thanks for the upload, though I don't think I've ever gone through so many junk mail offers to see something. I had forgotten what a shitty announcer Bischoff was, even Tony was better than that.
  14. Richard

    Pictures I Like

  15. speaking of hot tubs...
  16. Richard

    First the A's, now the 49ers

    They do care about the niners, which is why York has gotten away with gutting the team. If fans abandoned them completely, York would be forced to not be such a cheap bastard and buy some decent players.
  17. Richard

    Pictures I Like

  18. Weren't they originally called the Dancing Fools?
  19. Richard

    NFL Week 9

    Ugh, because we really needed another Denver night game. The Broncos will have 5 night games by Thanksgiving. But on the bright side, I get to watch Ind - Dal now.
  20. 45) He got the IC belt off Chyna
  21. Richard

    Saddam sentenced to death

    We should give him the "Mr.Hands" treatment.