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Everything posted by Richard

  1. Richard

    I need a name for my new death metal band.

    The California Dreams
  2. Richard

    SNL last night..

    They need to bring back Dan Vitale.
  3. Richard

    I need a name for my new death metal band.

    The Diarrhea of Anne Frank
  4. Richard

    Post in this thread

    What the hell, do me.
  5. Richard

    I need a name for my new death metal band.

    Jesus Christ Porno Star
  6. Richard

    SNL last night..

    Well thank god the real Bush never gets outclassed. Anyway I sure am glad I saw this week's episode. Now I can say I've seen Seth Meyer's penis.
  7. Richard

    I need a name for my new death metal band.

    Bad Charlotte
  8. Richard

    I need a name for my new death metal band.

    The ButterCream Gang
  9. Looking through old NWA supercard results, I noticed that neither member of the R & R Express made an appearance from mid '88 to early '90. Were they not around or just victims of the general incompetence that was the NWA/WCW?
  10. Richard

    How would you spend your last day alive?

    Find a slut, and ride her like a pony. Then kill my worst enemy.
  11. Richard

    Choose Your Fate As A Wrestler

    B) Your favorite baseball team is playing their arch rivals in a game that could decide the division.
  12. Richard

    Choose Your Fate As A Wrestler

    A) and bring a chair
  13. Richard

    Rebooking WWF & WCW

    SNME 4-25 1. IC title: Rick Rude© d. Jim Duggan 2. Randy Savage d. Bret Hart 3. World Title Cage Match: Hulk Hogan© d. Bad News Brown 4. Tag Titles: Brainbusters d. Demolition© by dq Music City Showdown 5-7 1. Great Muta d. Doug Gilbert 2. Samoan Swat Team d. Midnight Express 3. TV title: Sting d. Mike Rotundo© 4. World Tag titles: Rick Steiner & Eddie Gilbert d. Road Warriors© by dq. 5. Ron Simmons fought Butch Reed to a double dq 6. US title: Steve Williams d. Lex Luger© 7. Brad Armstrong d. Iron Sheik 8. World title: Rick Flair d. Ricky Steamboat© Terry Funk attacks Flair afterwards
  14. Richard

    Rebooking WWF & WCW

    1989 Royal Rumble 1-15 1. 2/3 falls: Jim Duggan & Hart Foundation d. Dino Bravo & Rougeaus 2 falls to 1 2. King Haku d. Harley Race 3. Brainbusters d. Young Stallions 4. IC title: Ultimate Warrior© d. Greg Valentine 5. Royal Rumble: Rick Martel wins, last eliminating Ted Dibiase. Other competitors included Ax, Smash, Andre, Mr. Perfect, Ronnie Garvin, Jake Roberts, Ron Bass, Brutus Beefcake, Shawn Michaels, Akeem, Butch, HTM, Tito Santana, Bad News Brown, Marty Jeanetty, Randy Savage, Boris Zhukov, Hulk Hogan, Koko B Ware, Warlord, Blue Blazer, Big Bossman, Luke , Red Rooster, Barbarian, Big John Studd, Hercules, Nikolai Volkoff Main Event 2-3 1. Megapowers d. Twin Towers 2. Ted Dibiase d. Hercules Clash of the Champions V 2-15 1. Midnight Express d. Russian Assassins 2. Butch Reed d. Bam Bam Bigelow 3. Lex Luger d. Bob Orton 4. US tag titles: Varsity Club©(Williams & Rotundo) d. Fantastics 5. Ricky Steamboat d. Barry Windham 6. 6-man titles: Road Warriors & Genichiro Tenyru© d. Sting, Michael Hayes, & JYD Saturday Night’s Main Event 2-16 1. Rick Rude d. Brutus Beefcake 2. Hulk Hogan d. Bad News Brown 3. Ted Dibiase d. Blue Blazer 4. Brainbusters battled Rockers to a double countout 5. Red Rooster d. Brooklyn Brawler Chi-Town Rumble 2-20 1. Brad Armstrong d. Bob Orton 2. Sting d. Butch Reed 3. Loser Leaves Town: Midnight Express & Cornette d. “Midnight Express” & Dangerously 4. TV Title: Mike Rotundo d. Rick Steiner© 5. US Title: Lex Luger d. Barry Windham© 6. World Tag Titles: Road Warriors© d. Michael Hayes & JYD 7. World Title: Ricky Steamboat d. Ric Flair© Wrestlemania V 4-2 1. Hercules d. King Haku 2. Twin Towers d. Rockers 3. Mr. Perfect d. Blue Blazer 4. Ted Dibiase d. Brutus Beefcake 5. Jake Roberts d. Andre the Giant Andre turns face after Heenan slaps him 6. Tag Titles: Demolition© d. Powers of Pain & Mr. Fuji 7. Red Rooster d. Bobby Heenan 8. Hart Foundation & Sheepherders d. HTM, Valentine, & Rougeaus 9. Brainbusters d. Strike Force after Martel walks out 10. IC Title: Rick Rude d. Ultimate Warrior© when Red Rooster re-turned heel 11. Bad News Brown d. Jim Duggan 12. World Title: Hulk Hogan d. Randy Savage© COTC VI 4-2 1. Great Muta d. Steven Casey 2. US Tag Titles: Rick Steiner & Eddie Gilbert d. Varsity Club© (Williams & Sullivan) 3. Brad Armstrong d. Jimmy Garvin 4. World Tag Titles: Road Warriors© d. Midnight Express when the Samoan Swat Team interfered 5. Butch Reed d. Michael Hayes 6. World Title 2/3 falls: Ricky Steamboat© d. Ric Flair 2 falls to 1
  15. Richard

    Major Miscommunications With RAW

    You remember Steph's 9-11 comment right?
  16. Richard

    Choose Your Fate As A Wrestler

    D) Tobacco is wacko
  17. Richard

    Choose Your Fate As A Wrestler

    B) it's your parent's money anyway
  18. Richard

    I'm the Emperor of France

    I am the Furher of Germany, thus I invade and fuck that Amelie bitch.
  19. Richard

    Choose Your Fate As A Wrestler

    D) sounds nice
  20. Richard

    Choose Your Fate As A Wrestler

    B) Their food's even worse than Diesel Fried Chicken
  21. Richard

    Choose Your Fate As A Wrestler

    C) and get a 6-pack for the road
  22. Richard

    Choose Your Fate As A Wrestler

    A) Sometimes you just gotta say "what the fuck"