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Everything posted by Tawren

  1. Tawren

    Benoit: Push to the Gold 2003

    You're just reading too much into it, methinks.
  2. Tawren

    Finished With Buffy Season Three

    I'd say "let's petition Joss" but then those things never come across well, and we'd look like obsessed fanboys. But...but...I am an obsessed fanboy!
  3. Tawren

    Undertaker vs Mick Foley

    Vince McMahon took the same bump, if not better, at St. Valentines Day Massacre 1999 (falling from the cage through the SAT). HBK also fell off the cell through the SAT at BB97.
  4. Tawren

    The TRUE and OFFICIAL Buffy thread

    Basically, it is the closest thing to a demon that a vampire can be. Or yes, no human in it.
  5. Tawren

    Scott Keith food review

    Good. Go do so.
  6. Tawren

    Scott Keith food review

    Anyone who thinks that was funny is a fucking idiot, because that wasn't funny at all.
  7. I hope they don't do a Joe Schmoe 2, because it just wouldn't work AND nothing ever rekindles the magic of the original (in TV world). Survivor 1 and 2 were good, everything else has sucked ass. And with things like Joe Millionare and Joe Schmoe, they just don't work a second time around.
  8. Tawren

    10 Essential Pay-Per-View Events

    What? Every match on it was solid from top to bottom and one of them was fucking awesome (the 6 man). Two were pretty good, the triple threat and RVD/storm. But nothing was really bad. The only other PPV I can say that for is Canadian Stampede. And plus it was the start of ECW. ECW started in 92-93, not 97. PhantMan, if he wants to post something, he shouldn't post something so shitty.
  9. It's called 20 Most Essential Matches. That basically means 20 best.
  10. Excellent show, I am very glad I watched its entire run.
  11. Pretty badly. Spike screws everything but Joe Schmo up, really.
  12. He's taking it better than I thought he would.
  13. That took forever. Ready to go now.