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Everything posted by Tawren

  1. Tawren

    Which would you rather see?

    Benoit as champ.
  2. Tawren

    What was the better Benoit / Hart match?

    http://www.shootangle.com/tabe/tape410.htm Uncut version of the match is on that tape. http://www.tabe.nu is the guys site. The tribute match is better, but it is still violently overrated. *** from me. I think people get rose-tinted glasses because it was a tribute match for Owen.
  3. OMG~! They're both white!~!!
  4. Tawren

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I, for one, don't like how Spike is back. If Buffy is going to show up later in the season (even for a oneshot), then...it just doesn't work for me.
  5. Tawren

    The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection DVD Cover...

    Like a motherfucker.
  6. Tawren

    The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection DVD Cover...

    Someone posted this on Lamejournal, so take it for what it's worth... That was a wishlist, I believe. No way they would put all that non-WWE stuff on.
  7. Tawren

    The Joe Schmo Show

    Kicked off. He "broke the rules".
  8. Oh. My. God. Words cannot describe how I feel about this.
  9. Tawren

    The Joe Schmo Show

    I loved tonight's show. The stripper bit was hilarious. Spoiler (Highlight to Read): I think that is why they'll be voting 2 people off next week-Hutch will get back on and they'll need to make up for this weeks eviction.
  10. Tawren

    News on new WWE DVDs...

    It is. It's on a handheld, so of course WWE won't use it, but it is out there on video.
  11. Tawren

    Ultimo Dragon

    Nothing great, nothing terrible. Nothing to go out of your way to see.
  12. Tawren

    News on new WWE DVDs...

    They have released Best of 99, 00, and 01 VHS/DVD's. Don't know if they are full matches, though.
  13. Tawren

    HBK: From the Vault DVD

    Cool, thanks.
  14. Tawren

    HBK: From the Vault DVD

    Does the HBK:FTV DVD have the full matches or clipped? I got the VHS as a gift and while it is fine, I really want the full matches. So, there's my question.
  15. Tawren

    HHH v. Steve Austin - No Way Out 2001?

    I have no problem putting it as ****+, but it is no longer ***** to me. It seemed a lot more like a war back then, but you are right, it is way more brawly and standard now.
  16. Tawren

    Jericho's commentary last night.

    His schtick was great, too. Too bad he'll never actually gain control over Austin, but it's nice to think.
  17. Tawren

    WWE RAW Writing Try-out

    Actually it is a pretty good idea. Better than the rumored "Triple H is Goldberg in disguise" idea.
  18. Tawren


    Shut up you dipshit. I'm seventeen and not a dipshit. Ha. That's hilarious. You are a very funny guy. You deserve a standing ovation.
  19. Tawren

    TV season premiers

  20. Tawren


    For the record, I'm a kid (17) and I have a work ethic. But yes, I agree that many people don't.
  21. Tawren

    How often do you

    I watch: Raw Smackdown Velocity Confidential (Afterburn and Bottom Line if I'm bored) Heat WWE PPV's NWATNA Tapes (usually at least 4 hours per week, often more) Plus I go to every Stampede Wrestling live Oh yeah!
  22. Tawren

    Jeez, remember this?

    I thought Dreamer had a NYC one. Bif, I think you are thinking of Austins Smoking Skull belt. I don't think the Rock ever had a custom one...I could be wrong, though.
  23. Tawren

    My First Ask411 Movies Column Posted

    Good job Very fun read.
  24. Tawren

    The Simpsons, gay sex, Futurama...

    Superliminal. HEY YOU TWO! JOIN THE NAVY!