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Everything posted by Tawren

  1. Tawren

    TSM Poster Tournament III

    Agnes Your Paragon of Virtue Agent of Oblivion Deranged Hermit Ripper (the two I nominated against each other...sorry DK) CWM RavishingRickRudo Lord of the Curry NY Untouchable Kahran Ramsus MillenniumMan831 FrozenBlockOfPiss Murmuring Beast chave Kotz LaParkaYourCar Dames Thumbtack Jobber of the Week Zack Malibu Nevermortal IDRM nl5sk1 Anglesault KKK Edwin MacPhisto SpiderPoet AndrewTS Rando Banky FrigidSoul Choken One
  2. Tawren

    TSM Poster Tournament III~!

    People should quit nominating themselves and whoring for nominations. If people want you in, you'll get nominated. Simple as that.
  3. Tawren

    Who does Eddy fight after Bradshaw

    Paul London. Hey, if the reason for Bradshaw's push can be "I am on Fox News, therefore I hate Mexicans", I'm sure they can give something like "Paul and Eddy both have 4 letters in their first name-FEUD!" a chance. Realistically: Booker or RVD.
  4. Tawren

    Big Match Announced for 5/30 IWA Show

    That match sounds bad ass. My god. Except Homicide. I hate him. 5 out of 6 though...damn.
  5. Ah, I wasn't looking close enough and assumed that was just talking like this - ya know? Apologies to you, GeniusMoment.
  6. No offense, and I'll say it again I did not see the show, but Torrie/Dawn better than Rey/RVD/Dudleys and Cena/Dupree, which we've heard were almost decent? Explain.
  7. Out of curiousity (I'm not flamebaiting; I didn't watch the show and so I am wondering) what story did it tell?
  8. No Mercy did suck, but both of those had potential ****+ stuff. JD has NOTHING.
  9. I'll agree with Sandlot.
  10. Troy made about what I expected. I think it'll drop to 30-35 mil next week. I think Van Helsing will drop to 10-15 mil and then finish around 130 mil in the end. Shrek 2, I see it making 45-55 mil next week, taking the #1 spot (duh).
  11. Eddy/Bradshaw sounds like best match of the show. Seriously. No way in hell am I ordering this.
  12. Tawren

    Who esle gets morning amnesia?

    Worst thing that happened to me was forgetting to turn off my radio before I went to sleep, waking up at 1:00 AM with my radio blaring and assuming it was my alarm, going to the bathroom and showering, getting out and being yelled at by my parents for waking them up. Meh.
  13. Tawren

    That Decisive Moment...

    I started watching when I was 9-10, and I knew after a few shows that it was fake (my parents wouldn't shut up about it being fake). Since I didn't have the extended time you did watching as a fan who considered it real, it wasn't hard for me to keep watching and getting more and more into it.
  14. Tawren

    TSM Poster Tournament III~!

    Ripper Dynamite Kido
  15. Tawren

    Jasmin St. Claire

    at the Meanie letter. Just let the lies roll off your back. When Teddy Hart punched me, he did an interview a few weeks later and said I was a trained wrestler who wanted to be part of the show, and my dad pulled me away so that it looked like Teddy punched me. They're lying, we know it, you know it, they know it. at that letter again. Priceless.
  16. Tawren

    Best of the Super Jr 2004 Line-up

    Stolen from EWB: 5/22 – Yamato Sports Center 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Heat vs. Tiger Mask IV 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Koji Kanemoto 5/25 – Tomi City Fureai Gym 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Masayuki Naruse vs. Rocky Romero 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Big Boss MA-G-MA vs. Ryusuke Taguchi 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: GARUDA vs. Ultimo Dragon 5/26 – Kira Messe Numazu 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Curry Man vs. GARUDA 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: American Dragon vs. El Samurai 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Heat vs. Masayuki Naruse 4. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Wataru Inoue vs. Koji Kanemoto 5/28 – Toyota City Gym 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Big Boss MA-G-MA vs. El Samurai 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Rocky Romero vs. Ultimo Dragon 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Tiger Mask IV 4. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Wataru Inoue vs. Jushin Thunder Liger 5/29 – Soka City Sports Gym 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: GARUDA vs. Masayuki Naruse 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: American Dragon vs. Wataru Inoue 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Curry Man vs. Heat 4. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Koji Kanemoto vs. Ryusuke Taguchi 5/30 – Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Hall #11 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Ultimo Dragon 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Masahito Kakihara vs. Ryusuke Taguchi 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Rocky Romero vs. Tiger Mask IV 4. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Jushin Thunder Liger vs. El Samurai 6/1 – Toba Citizen Gym 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Curry Man vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Masahito Kakihara vs. El Samurai 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Big Boss MA-G-MA vs. Wataru Inoue 4. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: GARUDA vs. Heat 6/2 – Minokamo Plaza Chutai 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: GARUDA vs. Rocky Romero 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: American Dragon vs. Big Boss MA-G-MA 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Curry Man vs. Tiger Mask IV 4. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Koji Kanemoto vs. El Samurai 6/4 – Takamatsu City Gym 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Masayuki Naruse 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Big Boss MA-G-MA vs. Masahito Kakihara 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: American Dragon vs. Ryusuke Taguchi 6/6 – Tsuyama City Gym 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Curry Man vs. Rocky Romero 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Wataru Inoue vs. Ryusuke Taguchi 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Masayuki Naruse vs. Ultimo Dragon 4. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Masahito Kakihara 6/7 – Matsue City Gym 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Wataru Inoue vs. El Samurai 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: GARUDA vs. Tiger Mask IV 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Heat vs. Rocky Romero 4. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: American Dragon vs. Jushin Thunder Liger 6/8 – Text Port Imabari 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. Rocky Romero 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: American Dragon vs. Masahito Kakihara 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Curry Man vs. Ultimo Dragon 4. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Big Boss MA-G-MA vs. Koji Kanemoto 6/9 – Kurashiki City Park Fukuda Gym 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: GARUDA vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Wataru Inoue vs. Masahito Kakihara 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: El Samurai vs. Ryusuke Taguchi 4. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Curry Man vs. Masayuki Naruse 6/11 – Takasago City Gym 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Masayuki Naruse vs. Tiger Mask IV 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: American Dragon vs. Koji Kanemoto 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Block A: Big Boss MA-G-MA vs. Jushin Thunder Liger 4. Best of the Super Jr. – Block B: Heat vs. Ultimo Dragon 6/13 – Korakuen Hall 1. Best of the Super Jr. – Quarterfinals: Block B 2nd Place vs. Block A 3rd Place 2. Best of the Super Jr. – Quarterfinals: Block A 2nd Place Block B 3rd Place 3. Best of the Super Jr. – Semifinals: Block A 1st Place vs. Winner of #1 4. Best of the Super Jr. – Semifinals: Block B 1st Place vs. Winner of #2 5. Best of the Super Jr. – Finals:
  17. Tawren

    OAO Troy Thread

    "That guy" is Odysseus, who you just may have heard of. And it is foreshadowed. After the council of leaders where Agamemnon is going crazy and yelling that they will never breach the wall, he goes out and sees a soldier making a wooden horse for his son. He gets a glimmer in his eye and the idea for the horse is born. He is also the narrator of the story for the brief period it is narrated and went on to have a little adventure of his own. I wouldn't say it is foreshadowing. He just sees it and bam, they build the horse. I'd have preferred to have seen a scene or two of them building it, or debating building it. And no, I was not aware that was Odysseus. Telling who was who in the movie was pretty confusing at times.
  18. Tawren

    OAO Troy Thread

    Just got back from Troy. It sucked. (spoilers following, so don't highlight if you don't want anything spoiled!) What a terrible, terrible movie. The acting was mostly OK, with a decent performance by Pitt, but everything else was terrible. Some of my problems with the movie: Troy was the good side for most of the movie, which made no sense as Achilles was fighting them. Yes, I understand that the Greeks were to be portrayed as the evil invaders, but the movie seemed to swap objectives many times through this long-ass movie. Troy was built up very sympathetically, as a group suffering because of Paris' stupid decision. Paris came off like a tool, as in the original story he is influenced by the gods to love Helen, but in this he just loves her and steals her away, refusing to give her back even when Troy is about to fall because of it. Achilles' heel was not addressed at all throughout the movie until the end, when Paris shoots an arrow throught it. Four arrows kill Achilles makes no sense after some of the fights he had been through. Achilles came off as a huge pussy at the end. Condensing the war into 3 days total (minus the 12 day break in the middle) really hurt it. In the story, it is a 10 year siege. Here, it was condensed to so small and fast, and was poorly done. The Trojan horse, much like the heel of Achilles, was not built up to. Just BAM! look, Greeks have left, a huge horse is here, oh god no. A greek guy just comes up with the idea, and then we switch scenes to the horse. If there was a scene with the guy explaining it to the King, it would have worked far better, especially if they explained how it was the only way to get through the wall. Most of the movie came across as "look! it's an epic! trust us! epiiic!" rather than an actual epic movie. More of the foot soldier war we've seen done before (and done better, as well). I have many other smaller complaints, such as Achilles flip-flopping between cold hearted war monger ("HECTOOOR!" and chopping off the head of the statue) and dignified, quit man ("here ya go, his dead body, which I dragged back behind my chariot" and "don't hurt that woman! i love her!") and the cheesy lines always being spouted out (one character gets zoomed in on and says a clip designed for the commercials about 10 times in the movie). 3/10
  19. Tawren

    Raw Battle Royal

    Reasons. NOW. I'm guessing iB is just using the term ***** to say he really enjoyed that match. Kind of like how someone would say so and so movie is 10/10 just to express how happy they were with it even though they've watched considerably better before. I truly hope so.
  20. Tawren

    What sports do you SERIOUSLY play?

    Winger for me.
  21. Tawren


    And we go BACK ON TOPIC~!, with this, the logo:
  22. It's only been a week, man. You should wait AT LEAST two weeks before even thinking about "why aren't the tapes here".
  23. Tawren

    Raw Battle Royal

    Reasons. NOW.
  24. Tawren

    What sports do you SERIOUSLY play?

    Hockey Lacrosse Soccer Rugby
  25. My opinion is right there. What a terrible looking show.