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Everything posted by Tawren

  1. Tawren

    Weekend Boxoffice Report, Feb 11-13. 2005

    This is the single greatest thing I have ever read.
  2. Tawren

    Who should be the mod?

    Rugged Ronnie Garvin
  3. Tawren

    Live from Saitama, It's Velociday Night!

    Akio/London was very good. They wrestled it in a much different style than their other three matches, wrestling slower but working more themes and such in because they didn't have to sprint through it. I loved the opening matwork with them trading control, setting up the equalness theme for the rest of the match. And from who else are you going to see a test of strength style lock up 5 minutes into a match, at least in the WWE? London murdered himself with the steel steps bump. Please Don't Die indeed. I also really liked London hitting 20 odd consecutive chops on Akio. London teasing the dive and hitting it later was good and helped get the crowd get more into the dive itself. Each hitting their own leg lariat to get into control was neat. And of course, beautiful 450 to end it. I would have liked to have seen some plays to their earlier matches, especially when Akio was targetting London's neck. Seeing as in two of their earlier matches they had two big neck bumps (the death backflip by London that was overshadowed by Lita's chest landing, and the overhead belly to belly into the corner), I would have liked to have seen Akio bust out one of those. Still, that is a very minor thing. Good match, really good in fact. I love Velocity.
  4. Tawren

    Live from Saitama, It's Velociday Night!

    "They like to sit back, observe, and react to what they see." Ohhh. They observe and react to what they see. Good thing they cleared that up.
  5. Tawren

    PWG 2/12/05 Results

    What a bad ass looking show. I can't wait to read some live reports for this. PWG needs to hurry up with getting out tapes, dammit!
  6. Tawren

    Live from Saitama, It's Velociday Night!

    True. I love me my cruiserweights.
  7. Tawren

    Is Anybody Watching 24/7

    It's already been going for several months.
  8. More people around these parts need to watch Smackdown as it is hands down better than Raw. Rey/Angle was great. Angle's continuous attempts to reel in Rey and Rey reversing played so well into the finish of Angle finally clamping down with the heel hook after the reversals was far smarter than Angle usually works. Rey is probably my favorite WWE wrestler right now - his huge ass splash to the outside was great, his selling is great, his moveset is way wider than most anyone else, he has great ring presence, everything. I loved how at the beginning, they had Rey escape Angle's attempts to mat wrestle and did a staredown, and then a second one happened after Angle escaped a 619 attempt. Really good match.
  9. Tawren

    Is Anybody Watching 24/7

    I've got some of the tapes. Incredible VQ, especially on the older stuff. The MSG shows are a treat to watch. I don't have any of the Raws/Nitros, but from what I understand they are the full shows with intros from Micheal Cole. I'm not 100% sure, though.
  10. Tawren


    See Rudo go to the torrent site See Rudo download the torrent Download, Rudo, Download
  11. Tawren


    HOLY FUCKING SHIT. That is why I loved my LOST. Love it like a big bag of love. 1. Jack vs Ethan: Pain in the Rain ROUND TWO baby! They are even now! One win each! Oh SHIT, time for round three... 2. NUH UH BITCH, CHARLIE DUN FUCKED HIM UP. Three shots. Ethan = dead, Charlie = PISSED OFF, me = shocked. 3. Best episode yet as far as the musical score goes. Goddamn. Perfect. Even the out of nowhere change for the copy machine scene. Beautiful. 4. The shots of Claire/Kate/Sayid/Sawyer/Locke/Jack in the rain before the fight against Ethan were intense. Ditto with the big group shot. 5. Loved the flashback stuff. Charlie is so weak. And yet strong enough to kill a man. 6. JACK KILLED A MAN...a long time ago...AND SAWYER REMEMBERS. Perfect. Sawyer remains greatest rudo ever. 7. "Dude, that was Scott." RIP. I weep for the fallen angel that was Stev-Scott. Who? Ah, whatever. 8. Locke remains the creepiest motherfucker on that island. The smiles, the smug assurance, the acceptance of what is going on...that guy is seriously fucked up. 9. Sayid is the Akira Taue of the Big Four. Misawa/Kawada/Kobashi/Taue. Jack/Locke/Sawyer/Sayid. And he knows it. Or he should. 10. The ending where Hurley had his headphones on. I was thinking "ending song montage, haven't had one of those in a while" but then the camera moved on to Jin and Sun sleeping, and then on to Sayid getting wrapped up by Shannon, and then on to Kate/Jack. I love how they haven't forgotten the little things (Hurley's CD player) even though there are huge ass things going on. BONUS 11. Jin: "What are they talking about?" Hilarious, yet perfectly conveyed a big part of his character and segued into a great conversation with his wife. Great writing there. On the whole, super awesome episode. I love this shit, baby.
  12. As always PsychoDriver, I really like your preview. You always do a great job hyping the card and getting over the matches. Joe/Super Dragon II should be great. I really wish they would get these shows out faster.
  13. Tawren


    NEW EPISODE DAY~! I can't wait. This is going to rock.
  14. Tawren

    Wild Pegasus vs. Lionheart

    Benoit/Jericho was good. I liked how they made the match look like a struggle the whole way through. There was something seriously off, though. Jericho couldn't lock on a freaking octopus, Benoit couldn't get on the crossface and it looked like a terrible choke, and there was a really weird feeling here. I loved the asai moonsault -> knees up to block -> lands on his feet -> Walls of Jericho. Overall, not as good as their submission match in 2000, nowhere near as good as any of their other matches against each other, but still fun.
  15. Tawren

    Weekend Boxoffice Report Feb 4-6, 2005

    Are We There Yet was surprisingly funny and has been out for a while so won't be superbusy.
  16. Tawren

    Wrestlemania 21 Commercial

    Then why does it end with "WrestleMania 21" and the date of the show? Why not just do the spoof. IT'S A COMMERCIAL FOR WRESTLEMANIA. Of course it is being made to make you want to buy the show. That's what a commercial is. Yeah! If they can't come up with something better and one that relates to pro wrestling, they have to do lame movie spoofs! They have to make wrestling look unfunny and even more fake! That's the best they can do! And YOU HAVE TO LIKE IT! If it isn't focused on buyrates, why are they even doing commercials? Why not just not do it? If they are going for memorability, why not do HHH flying through space with a laser show behind him as big dragons jump up and down and hot chicks get naked and masturbate each other on top of giant seizure robots? That's memorable, dammit, so it has to be great! Yes, because that is what I said. All wrestling needs to be two guys doing mat stuff for an hour. And nothing else. Thanks for getting what I am saying.
  17. Tawren

    Wrestlemania 21 Commercial

    What? Have you read this board? Most people hate Smackdown. Few watch it. Read that thread again - there are one or two comments of "this match sucks", a lot of stuff on the HOF, and me writing about the matches. How liking that stuff doesn't count is beyond me, you are going to have to expand on that. I think the No Way Out ad is plenty creative. It gets over the brutality of the match, JBL's reluctancy to get in, Show's happiness over finally getting JBL and JBL having nowhere to go. Creative doesn't mean random and off topic. I will be complaining. They are stupid. They have nothing to do with wrestling. They have nothing to do with the show. Regardless of who is in it, that remains the case. And for the record, I think Eddy and Booker are doing a Pulp Fiction one or something. Not Scarface. What are you talking about? You said I hate everything. I point out with examples that I don't. Your answer makes no sense.
  18. PWTorrents.net has the whole show. Not sure about just the match.
  19. Tawren

    Wrestlemania 21 Commercial

    http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=66587 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=66651 http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=66324 Read all my posts in those, fucktard. I like things that don't suck. GASP. I'm one negative fuck.
  20. Tawren

    Wrestlemania 21 Commercial

    I hate these commercials. How they would entice anybody to buy the show is beyond me. LOL HHH IS BRAVEHEART LOL OMG.
  21. Tawren

    Joe Dirt's indy wrestling video thread

    ROH 3/30/02 - Christopher Daniels vs Low Ki
  22. Tawren

    SmackDown! Spoilers from Japan

    13:32 for London/Akio III? AWESOME. I cannot wait to see that. I loved their other matches and that was with less than half of this time. This is great. Plus Smackdown sounds pretty decent aside from 17 minutes for Angle/Rey, which should be great. This sounds repetitive, but I've also loved their other matches. Cannot wait to see that.
  23. Booker/Eddie was a pretty good match. The "we're equals" stuff they did throughout was good. Booker busting out the kicks early was much better than his usual random kicks at the end stuff. I liked Eddie dancing to show he was alive before breaking out of the sleeper. The ref bump actually played a unique part in the ending, unlike the usual chair shot crap. Ending was, as usual for tonight, well done and creative. Eddie tried to get too cute, Booker knew it, and Booker outsmarted him. The "damn, I messed up" look Eddie gave afterwards coupled with Booker's big smile was great. Hopefully they get a chance for a rematch that they can use to play off of stuff from this.