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Everything posted by Tawren

  1. Tawren

    Raven vs Punk THE CONCLUSION

    I'm thinking they should go submission. Load up the wheel/lottery box with hardcore matches, and then it ends up as submission and both men use their underrated mat skills for an excellent match, finally ending with one of them tapping for a decisive end.
  2. Tawren

    Raven vs Punk THE CONCLUSION

    Oh they would...they would.
  3. Tawren

    Raven vs Punk THE CONCLUSION

  4. Tawren

    Make it a Velocidential night

    Heh, burning fat for fuel.
  5. Tawren

    Make it a Velocidential night

    Fun 2 hours tonight. Better than Raw and SD combined, that is for sure.
  6. Tawren

    WWSMD- What would SmartMark do?- Volume 1

    This is assuming the match hasn't yet been announced. I'll do Lesnar/Eddy. And yes, I am keeping this realistic. Show #1 -Lesnar and Vince McMahon are backstage. Lesnar has his belt on his shoulder. Torrie opens the door and says that "Sable is hurt", so Vince and Brock run off, with Brock putting down his belt before they leave. Torrie goes with them. As the three run off, the camera pans around and we see Eddie Guerrero, puzzled, looking on. He pokes his head into the locker room and sees the belt lying there. He grabs it (along with a wad of cash from Brocks bag) and runs off. -Vince and Brock tend to Sable who is lying on the ground in pain. Vince asks somebody who did this, and the guy says "Hardcore Holly" (makes sense because Brock and Holly are feuding; Brock is aligned with Sable). Vince tells Brock that next week, it will be Brock vs Holly in a hardcore match. -Brock returns to his locker room and sees his belt missing at the end of the show. Show 2: -Eddie and Chavo are backstage. Eddie has the belt around his waist and says "What can I say, I lie, I cheat, I STEAL". Eddie leaves the room and walks right into Brock, who yells at Eddie and beats the shit out of him, screaming for his belt back. Brock takes back the belt and walks off, leaving Eddie hurt on the floor. -Brock beats Holly in the hardcore match. 15 minutes long, Brock wins by F5-ing Holly through a table. Holly gets dragged out by a series of refs. -After a commercial break, Brock grabs the mic and says that he can beat anyone-Taker, Angle, Holly, Cena, Big Show, anyone. He issues an open challenge to anyone, and Chavo Guerrero walks on the ramp. Brock laughs it off until out of nowhere, he gets blindsided by Eddie, who ran in through the crowd. Eddie pounds on him and hits the frog splash. Show ends with Eddie holding the mic and saying "I accept your challenge, holmes" and standing over Brock. Show 3 -Vince and Brock are backstage. Vince is angry at Brock for issuing an open challenge-Brock shouldn't do things without Vince's permission. Brock walks off angry. -In an interview segment, Vince says that Eddie can't just have a title shot, he has to earn it. There will be a four way match for the no.1 contendership tonight. -Brock is on commentary for the match. Eddie faces Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, and Undertaker. Angle and Taker are eliminated after being counted out. Eddie goes for the frog splash on Benoit but Brock leaves commentary. Before Brock can do anything, Eddie jumps off the top rope with a plancha onto Brock. Eddie gets on the apron and Benoit tries to backdrop suplex him in, but Eddie lands on his feet and hits the rolling verticals. Brock climbs into the ring but Eddie backdrops him and dropkicks him out of the ring. Eddie wins with the frog splash. Show 4 -Vince and Brock are arguing backstage; Vince is angry that Brock got embarassed last week. Brock blows up at Vince and pushes him down, saying that he doesn't need to be told what to do. -In an interview segment, Vince says that since Brock thinks he can do it on his own, he will get a warm up match tonight-Brock vs Undertaker. -Brock and Undertaker wrestle for 10 minutes until Vince runs out and hits Undertaker with a chair. Vince goes to shake Brock's hand but Brock gives him the F5. Brock then F5s Taker for the win. Brock celebrates and beats on Taker with the chair until Eddie runs out. Eddie and Brock brawl until Eddie gets the upper hand. Show closes with-you guessed it-frog splash on Brock.
  7. Tawren

    Make it a Velocidential night

    I agree.
  8. Tawren

    Make it a Velocidential night

    For the record, one clipped match where he is just supposed to be a jobber and not stand out so he goes out in generic tights is probably not the best way to judge whether or not a guy is talented.
  9. Tawren

    Newest Wrestlecrap

    Every fed does it at every show, you dumbass. Have you ever watched wrestling? Sheesh.
  10. Tawren

    XPW Exit the Sandman

    Usually worse.
  11. Tawren

    Stampede Wrestling!

    To be honest, I don't think I took it too far, at least in the context that he had sufficient provocation to hit me. I may have said some unnecessary things, but really, he overreacted. Especially with chasing after me outside the building (twice).
  12. Tawren

    Stampede Wrestling!

    Our entire corner was chanting "Teddy Sucks", "Anus", and "Teddy Anus". He came over and he said something about riding in lots of limos while I rode a bus. I responded with "Go back to Ring of Hono...oh wait, you can't". Insulting kept going until he said something like "You fag, I could beat you so easy", so I said "Why don't you". He moved like he was going to punch me and I flinched, so he laughed. So I moved like I was going to punch him and he flinched. He said something about me being a fag and then I said "Learn to fucking sell" and he just punched me right in the face. I stumbled back and my glasses fell off. A bunch of people got in between us, and that was pretty good, because if they weren't in the way I would have charged at him and it would have escalated a lot more Me and my friends then went outside where the rest of stuff happened.
  13. Tawren

    Stampede Wrestling!

    All those drunk guys were hilarious. Pheh, he punched me OK. I've had worse.
  14. Tawren

    Stampede Wrestling!

    Anyways, only match I didn't like was Neidhart/Myers'. Everything else was solid -> good.
  15. Tawren

    Stampede Wrestling!

    Yeah, it was a fun show. My favorite match was the main event, it was good. I got punched by Teddy Hart, too Me and a bunch of my friends were hardcore booing him throughout his return, chanting "Teddy Sucks" and "You Suck Anus". He came over and argued with me, and of course I kept insulting him and booing him until he finally just punched me. This pissed me off to no end, but my friends convinced me to just leave, and we went outside. Teddy Hart then comes out the dressing room door and, like a man, yells things to me from 50 feet away. Of course, when I challenged him to be a man and not suckerpunch me, he went back inside. Then we went to the front doors and he came out and we argued some more. Hart eventually apologized to my friend's dad (who drove us there), so I guess he isn't a total jackass. I also liked the rest of the show. It rocked.
  16. Tawren

    Big Show as US Champ

    He has had the belt since No Mercy. Has he even defended the belt ONCE?
  17. Tawren

    The new WWE.com

    Not really. With all the mistakes WWE.com makes, they could be losing millions a day.
  18. Tawren

    HHH vs. Foley for WMXX?

    Yes, let's all praise HHH. He ALWAYS puts over the younger talent. DAMN THOSE WRITERS! Triple H had RVD MADE at Unforgiven 2002. What with his GREAT selling and the fact that he totally squashed RVD. In conclusion: TIRPLE HHH IS G0D BECUZ MOST SMARKS DON'T LIKE HIM AND I AM GOING AGAINST THEM THEREBY MAKING ME C00L~!
  19. If by "too funny" you mean "not funny" and by "not funny" you mean "not funny AT ALL", then yes, that was "too funny".
  20. Tawren

    The new WWE.com

    It sucks. They actually have text on top of a graphic, so you have to highlight said text to read it. Fucking morons. Plus it looks like it was designed by a 4 year old.
  21. Tawren

    Sasuke vs Black Tiger

    I just downloaded this match off Kazaa, it's OK. I'd like to see more from these two vs each other. Did they have any other matches against each other and were they any good?
  22. Tawren

    Big Show as US Champ

    All the belts are worthless. Especially RAW TAG TITLE. Are there any tag teams on Raw besides La Res and The Dudleyz? Well, there's....uh...there's...uh...um...there....um...uh...there's... No.
  23. Maybe if they had done a good job with said ending, we wouldn't be complaining.
  24. Tawren

    Sasuke vs Black Tiger

    Don't remember how many users, I just typed in "wrestling" I also got Tiger Mask vs Dynamite Kid from MSG in 82. TM does the 619~!