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Everything posted by 4hartthreat
I just remembered somehting. Didn't Orlando say if he lost to Benoit about a month ago he was leaving SD or something like that? So why is he fighting Lashley for a SS spot?
Wow, I sure hope this isn't real. First it would show what an ass HBK still is. And the worst part is, as many have pointed out, it reads like something out of a 13 year old's diary.
Ahem............Worst Idea EVERRRRR
I would love for Eddie to get the belt because of this, but it might not be the best move for business. The smartest thing they could probably do is set up a JBL vs. Mysterio World title match. Have everyone going "oh boy, here we go an easy win for JBL." Then, of course, have Mysterio pull off the big upset. You are then right back to having a face as your champ, who to be honest is probably more over right now than Batista is anyway. And this actually could make the SD vs. Raw angle a lot more interesting. Acknowledge that three Raw guys injured the SD champ to the point where he couldn't even defend the title anymore. Could make the feud between the shows seem a lot more violent and realistic than it does now.
Yes you are right, the Jags win here and extend the streak. And I agree with all of your picks except, NE will bounce back and beat Miami, Denver will not lose to sorry Oakland, and Dallas will beat Philly yet again.
Have you actually LOOKED at their schedule? Here it is: vs. Balt, @ Ten, @ Ariz, @ Clev, vs. Indy, vs. SF, @ Hou, and vs. Ten Then factor in that they've already beaten Sea, Cin, and Pitt, and almost beat Indy, is there anyone and I mean ANYONE that can really look at that schedule and say the Jags have no shot of winning out? The Jags have beaten better teams than Indy has, yet you give them no chance of winning out with a cupcake schedule except for a rematch with Indy in Jacksonville where the Jags have beaten them the last few years.
It's not retarded at all. Assuming that Jax wins out, which is very likely given their schedule, the Colts would only have to lose two more games and the jags have the division (likely). I see the Colts losing to Cinci, Pittsburgh, and Jax. So in my eyes it's just all up to the Jags to win the rest of the way and they should given their easy schedule.
I actually said this same thing to someone while watching the game tonight, and I think it is very possible. People are now saying that this wasn't a very big game for the Colts but I disagree. The funny thing about this win is that everyone was saying the Colts needed this to ensure that they don't go back to New England in the playoffs, but it doesn't do that at all. If New England wins the East, which most expect them to, and the Colts don't win the South they might end up having to go to New England anyway. And that is still a very real possibility. The Jags have an easy schedule the rest of the way with a game in Jacksonville against Indy left. And up to this point the Colts have had an easy schedule but now get to the meat of it with games against Cinci, Pittsburgh, San Diego, Seattle, and the one mentioned with the Jags all still to come. That's why I think this win was so big for the Colts, a loss could have easily led to a freefall. The win shows that they are at least very good.
I'll combine the two recent topics into one post. Matt Leinart to the NEW ORLEANS Saints to replace the way over-paid Aaron Brooks.
If the IC title is in fact on the line I see Flair winning this somehow, most likely escaping the cage, so that HHH's ego doesn't take too big a hit. HHH then would of course win the non-title rematch at SSeries. If it turns out to be non-title tonight, then i think HHH wins tonight and Flair then wins the rematch at Series. I think this second scenario is how it SHOULD go down.
1. Mario 64 2. Mario Kart 64 3. can't decide between SMB3 and SMW
Why are the Bret/Flair and Savage/Jake matches being shown here and NOT on the dvd's of these men when both are pretty important to their careers?
Well, if this had happened a month or so ago I wouldn't have cared, but I thought Torrie was getting into her role of bitchy, naughty, slutty diva since moving to Raw really well. Oh well...
I think you might be pretty spot on. They have enough defense and offense to do it. It's looking more and more likely that the entire NFC East should be in the playoffs. Course someone from the NFC North has to get in....why I'm not sure. Remember, should is not will. There is no way the entire division can get in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> THE NFC NORTH IS NOT THAT BAD Maybe just from sitting through months and months of the dumb-off that was the National League Western Division, I've been desensitized. Or maybe I just unapologetically and ignorantly like the Bears. But it's not the worst. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you honestly trying to say that the NFC North is NOT the worst division in the NFL this year???
Well I guess that was a wasted vote for Taboo Tuesday.....
You're right, it IS just you....
Man do you ever have him pegged. This is so true it's not even funny. Very sad, but very true. I love No Mercy and agree that it is a classic, but I still contend that WCW/NWO: Revenge was the peak. But whatever, close enough. Well also don't delude yourself into thinking that somehow No Mercy was some kind of genre-altering game either. I would say neither of these were revolutionary games, but if you had to argue for one it would have to be eternal darkness and its insanity effects, because No Mercy was nothing more than the last entry in a long line of great n64 wrestling titles. Of course, in the end I agree with you that the 64 was the superior system. I just couldn't stand by and watch my favorite game for the gc get spat on for a wrestling game that was just like the other 3 before it. And I realize you acknowledged ED was a great game, but I still don't think you were giving it the credit it deserves.
1. Has already been addressed. 2. I like the ps2 controller, but to say that it is some kind of advantage that the system has over other systems is ridiculous. It is just a basic controller that incorporates an idea stolen from nintendo's rumble pak. Again, I like the ps2 controller, I really do. It just is not something to go shouting from rooftops about. 3. I think this is a very valid point. I never really understood why it was such a big deal, but people do regard it as one so I'll give it to you. However, when I discuss game systems I don't care if I can watch movies on them. If I want to watch movies I'll buy a dvd player. If I want to play games I'll buy an N64. 4. I kind of agree with you on this as well. Unlike the ps1, I think the ps2 has a very nice library of games. That being said, I'm not even sure it beats out the GC as best console of this generation. While Sony still has the quantity, and its quality has improved, I'm not sure the quality has quite caught up to Nintendo's yet. With RE4's porting to the ps2 I really could accept arguments going either way. But I fully expect things to swing back to the gc when Zelda: TP is released.
But you sure did a good job of it though. And I could see putting the SNES at # 1. I really don't have a problem with that, but to me the 4 player ability of the 64 pushes it past the SNES.
Well thank you. It's always nice to make a point despite speaking incoherently. You typed out a long-winded version of exactly what I said, so obviously I agree with you. However, you then went on to list the ps2 as the greatest system ever, thus losing all the credibility you had just built up..... So now I don't know what to think. I'll go contemplate this while playing Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3 on my ps1.
I really wasn't counting roms. I just don't think games played on your computer count as "system" games.
Your. PS1 also had the fighting games Nintendo didn't. And the third-party support. Give it up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh my god, I said you're instead of your in a sentence, a dark day for me to be sure. Thank you so much for correcting my spelling error. I am in your debt good sir. I would argue that Super Smash Brothers was the best fighter on either system, so that was good enough on that front for the 64. And while Sony had more third party support, Nintendo itself and the second parties like Rare MORE than made up for it. And to go further with what gwil said, no old system is played more than the N64. If people are getting together to play games and they aren't playing on the PS2, the X-Box, or the GC, then they are playing an N64. People go back and play No Mercy or Revenge or Goldeneye or Mario Kart or Conker, they don't however put in Virtua Fighter 2 or Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3 or aything else from the ps1. I know lots of people who to this day still plug in the 64 from time to time and play something. I know not a soul who puts on old ps1 games anymore.
Why did I ever link you to this board? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don't be mad because you're precious ps1 and all it's crappy rpgs(and that's ALL it had over the n64) lost yet again to the mighty N64.
I like the list just because the N64 is first on it. Because it was and still is the greatest game system ever created. Someone said the N64 was overrated, well I think it is underrated and the reaction here to the list proves that. Oh and chaos the playstation SUCKED. Get over it. It's lucky it even made the list....
They taped interviews back in August. I think with Piper, they had Steve Lombardi giving him leading questions like, "Bret Hart says he's the best of all time. Is that true?" I believe Flair and perhaps Lawler were on that list too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, I've heard that too. But I'd like to know exactly what was said by the others. We've heard this about Piper, but there is no info on what was said by Shawn, Hogan, and the rest. well there was the thing about hogan saying bret was "no longer one of the boys" after montreal.