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Everything posted by 4hartthreat

  1. 4hartthreat

    Bret Hart DVD Trailer

    Wow, so there was going to be NO Bret-Austin match on the original dvd? That's just insane. The one thing I do agree with the original on is that Bret-Piper should have been on there. And I would still love to know what all these people (Michaels, Hogan, Piper, etc.) said in the original production.
  2. 4hartthreat

    Bret Hart DVD!

    I must know too, has anyone here pre-ordered from fye and gotten confirmation on a bonus disc? Also, that trailer was so damn awesome. Vince: I think there is regret on both sides. Bret: I stand by what I did.
  3. 4hartthreat

    OAO Taboo Tuesday Voting Thread

    I was thinking I would vote for submission for the Flair-HHH match, but now that I've thought about it I've decided to do what the wwe wants me to do and vote for cage. The reason being that I am hoping that a win for cage would mean that the "tradition" of Flair main eventing Taboo Tuesday in a cage match would be kept intact. And besides, that match should be the main event anyway.
  4. 4hartthreat

    South Park Season 9 / Drawn Together

    I thought it was an absolutely terrible episode with only a few laughs. Hopefully this was the worst episode of the new batch.
  5. 4hartthreat

    New projections on ECW ONS

    I agree that the Awesome-Tanaka match, the Heyman promo, and the main event had an ecw kind of feel to it, but that doesn't erase the other two hours of the ppv that were all just ecw wrestlers wrestling a wwe style or the constant shots of JBL and company drinking in the balcony.
  6. 4hartthreat

    New projections on ECW ONS

    How the hell did a ppv built around JBL and Kurt Angle bashing ecw honor the legacy of ecw in any way? The whole show was about them. Their arrival, their reaction to the show, and then their getting involved in the show by brawling with the ecw guys. If ecw was all about JBL and Kurt Angle then I must have watched a different ecw than you did.
  7. 4hartthreat

    New projections on ECW ONS

    I don't see why anyone would care either way. ONS was nothing but a bunch of old ecw guys carrying out a wwe-style ppv. If the ecw guys can't go out there and be their old selves then what is the point? Heyman talked about a lucha style match, and a japan style match, and a hart dungeon style match, bullshit, it was all wwe "everyone wrestle the same exact way" style matches and that was not what ecw was about. Just let it die before hhh feels anymore threatened by it and does something even worse to the ecw legacy than this ppv already has. Any ppv that produces a Benoit-Guerrero match THAT bad really isn't worth revisiting anyway....
  8. 4hartthreat

    WWE news on the Ultimate Warrior DVD

    Well in case anyone was still wondering, I ordered the dvd from the fye website on the chance it would include the bonus disk and it does. So if you are like me and want the bonus disk but don't have any fye stores in your area you can get it this way.
  9. Maybe because he was heel in the ONO match against Taker?
  10. 4hartthreat

    WWE news on the Ultimate Warrior DVD

    If you order the dvd from the FYE website do you get the extra disk?
  11. 4hartthreat

    OAO SmackDown! Thread

    Well according to Meltz, you can add LOD vs. MNM and Eddie vs. Rey to the line-up for the first Friday Night Smackdown.
  12. 4hartthreat

    The Aristocrats (ta-da)

    It starts at Canal Place in New Orleans tomorrow. I think that is the closest you'll get.
  13. 4hartthreat

    Hogan/Michaels Backstage gossip

    I agree with you about that and I think a majority would here as well. The problem I have with all the stuff you keep saying is that you keep acting like we should just ignore Shawn's politics in A THREAD ABOUT SHAWN'S POLITICS. I think you are the one who needs to accept that you can respect a man's in-ring work and enjoy his matches, but hate him for his outside of the ring antics and thus just not like the guy. You don't have to seperate two things in order to "appreciate" both.
  14. 4hartthreat

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Where the hell is big Vis!?!?!?
  15. 4hartthreat

    Funny WWE Interactive Game

    Well there are two things wrong with your post. One, it is already posted in the Raw thread. And more importantly, you didn't even bother to give a link to the game.
  16. 4hartthreat

    Is Shawn Michaels really turning heel?

    Yeah, I'd just love to see his heel character after Hogan beats him. "I don't lay down for anyone! well.... except for Hulk Hogan" "I am the best in ring performer of all time, oh except for that Hulk Hogan guy." "I am the most real thing on TV today, but I just lost last month a 52 year old, please take pity on me" <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well if after he loses to Hogan he cracks him over the head with a chair as Jim Ross screams in agony about "why Shawn why!?!?!" then on Raw comes out and says that since he lost last night everyone he runs into is taunting him about how he couldn't get the job done against Hogan and how he must have lost it and is no longer the showstopper etc. Then takes that and says he will prove he still has it by becoming wwe champion again, and goes on a rampage against all the faces on raw, taking cheaps shots in the back, interfering in matches and beating them down with chairs and such, until he gets a shot at Cena.
  17. 4hartthreat

    Is Shawn Michaels really turning heel?

    I think that is a very good question you bring up despite the fact that you don't seem to think that it is one. Who IS going to be the face in that match? I'm sure both will go in as faces technically, but I mean who will the majority of fans support? You say Austin, but as of right now I'd think it would be Hogan. It will be interesting to see how that aspect of the match plays out.
  18. 4hartthreat

    Is Shawn Michaels really turning heel?

    Hogan is winning at SummerSlam. I do agree with chaosrage in that I don't really think a loss to Shawn would hurt Hogan, but I also don't think a loss to Hogan would hurt Shawn either. The only thing that can hurt Shawn is attempting to go back to face so quickly after just turning heel. He could have a very good run with this heel character. But again it doesn't matter because Hogan is winning tomorrow.
  19. 4hartthreat

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    Well I was playing an elimination tag match the other day in SDvRaw. I was HHH and Undertaker taking on Kurt Angle and Kane. Angle started the match and never tagged out to Kane. I gave him the pedigree and went for the pin and then switched over to control Taker to stop Kane from breaking up the pin. Kane got in the ring but didn't make the save, instead he focused on me as Taker. Well when the ref got finished counting to 3 on Angle he got up and started forcing me out of the ring. Well while that was happening HHH walked up behind Kane and did that move where he kicks the person's leg out from under them. He then went for the pin and got it. I got a really good laugh out of that one. Even in video games HHH is burying people....
  20. 4hartthreat

    Did anyone else...

    Oh I definately marked out several times last night. All during HBK segments. First Shawn talked about Bret SO much that it was like he had to come out to confront him. It's like when Edge started teasing Matt Hardy coming out, you knew he had to have made a deal to come back. So when Bret's music hit for a second, and just a second, I bought it and started smiling. Then later when Shawn ran out to attack Hogan and stopped mid-superkick to put Hogan in the Sharpshooter I thought it was just such a brilliant way to end his interaction with the crowd that night that I started marking out again. All around an excellent night from Shawn from a performance aspect.
  21. 4hartthreat

    Favorite Gimmick Match?

    I always look forward to a good old fashioned Survivor Series match. When those are booked properly like the WWF/E vs. ECWCW those are the absolute best.
  22. I agree that in the end screwing Bret certainly wound up working for Vince. The problem with the way you are putting it is that you make it sound like it was all a plan by Vince from the get go. Vince did not plan on using this to springboard himself into the role of #1 heel in the company. That just happened to be an unforseen benefit arising from the situation. Vince probably even thought that people would see him as a hero. As someone who fought back against an ungrateful bastard running off to the competition. Instead he became a hated man and he and the company just ran with it.
  23. Oh good God, just shut up. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. How many damn times do the "facts surrounding Montreal" have to be discussed before everyone actually knows them?! I mean seriously, how can ANYONE on the net that is a wrestling fan NOT know this stuff? Bret trying to get out of jobbing on his way out of the company? Wtf, seriously? The man bent over backwards to do everything he could to make sure he DID leave the company properly and lose the title in the ring, but Vince would have none of that and screwed over one of the most loyal and hardest workers he ever had.
  24. 4hartthreat

    * OAO Greatest Horror Movie Tourney *

    The Exorcist Halloween
  25. 4hartthreat

    Undertaker threatening HBK at WM 14

    Oh well, god forbid, nevermind then. Shawn over Bulldog was clearly the right decision.....