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Everything posted by 4hartthreat

  1. 4hartthreat

    Undertaker threatening HBK at WM 14

    If I recall correctly, that was exactly the point. It was to prove to everyone that Shawn would job if he was told to do so. Too bad it didn't work out that way. As for rrsh's point that Shawn shouldn't be jobbing to Bulldog heading into HIAC and his world title win, as some have said that's just bullshit. First off, this was a UK only ppv, so it had bearing what so ever on HBK in the states. He could have jobbed to Bulldog and no one other than Europe had to know about it. And I would also argue that even if they did let the US know about it, it wouldn't have hurt Shawn one bit as at the time it was very conceiveable that Bulldog could beat Shawn in a one on one match. And most importantly and the ultimate proof of rrsh's blind Shawn love is his point about Shawn becoming champion in a few months. When One Night Only took place no one knew Bret was leaving the company yet, so there was no way anyone in the company thought Shawn would be winning the title soon as Mania was set to be, of course, Bret-Austin.
  2. 4hartthreat

    Simpsons Season 6 DVD Set Complaint

    I think it is actually season 9 and it is one of my favorite episodes too.
  3. 4hartthreat

    well, i finally decided to buy

    I'm going to have to agree with the Revenge as best wrestling game on N64 statement as well. The varied wrestlers and their different styles blows the wwf games out of the water. The only thing really missing, and this did always annoy me, was the lack of real entrance themes.
  4. 4hartthreat

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    My favorite wrestling game story involves WCW/NWO Revenge. I bought it and played it for a few days by myself and discovered that you could actually control the managers, which was a first for these games. So when my friend came over I told him that beating a computer controlled Savage was impossible because Elizabeth was too good a manager. He of course laughed and said I was just too crappy to do it and he'd bet $10 that he could do it on the first try. I took him up on the offer. He picked Luger as the person to play as. I took the controller that controlled Liz and got in a postion behind him that didn't allow him to see what I was doing. Match goes on for a while and they are going back and forth and I am interfering here and there but nothing to cause too much suspicion. Well at one point he gets Savage standing dazed near a corner and goes up top to hit him with a double axe handle. I run at Savage and push him just as Luger is about to hit the move. Savage rolls out of the push, Liz takes the axe from Lex and goes down, and Savage rolls Luger up from behind for the three. Friend starts cursing Liz's existence and I die laughing.
  5. 4hartthreat

    Great spots from Wrestling Video Games

    This is what gaming is all about. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Only one problem, he didn't finish the story! I NEED to know if Luger was able to win the title match he got as a result of his epic win in the tag match or did Glacier's dominance continue!?
  6. 4hartthreat

    Finally! Kurt Angle DVD announced...

    The thing with putting a match on too many DVDs is, if someone owns a match on DVD and then that same match appears on a DVD they were potentially going to buy, they may not buy that DVD because they already have that match and were hoping to get another match that they do not have already on DVD. So yes, the RR03 match would be welcome to those who don't have either the RR03 or Chris Benoit DVD, but it would not be welcomed by someone who already has either of those like myself. And if you are the WWE, you obviously want to cater to the audience that buys the most DVDs. So that means putting out as many different matches on DVDs as you can so the audience will hopefully keep buying them.
  7. 4hartthreat

    ECW One Night Stand matches announced

    Wait, I thought TNA gave all the wrestlers permission to appear on the show if they were asked by wwe?
  8. 4hartthreat

    ECW One Night Stand matches announced

    Well I agree with both of you. The match from Iraq was really bad. However, I thought their US title tourny finals match at Vengeance 2003 was really good.
  9. 4hartthreat

    ECW One Night Stand matches announced

    Back to the Malenko thing, I know there was talk of him wrestling on this show. Has that been scratched or is he just being put into a different match?
  10. 4hartthreat

    Should Flair

    Well, see, you're wrong. I can't remember the last time someone claimed Flair jobbing to anyone put them over. So nice of you to make that up. Also, I have NEVER seen anyone claim that Batista or Orton got over because of Flair, so we'll just add that to your list of made up claims. So what I will point out is that Ric Flair's dvd set released just last year was the wwe's # 1 selling dvd of all-time, though I believe ecw may have passed it now, but even if that's true # 2 ain't so bad. I will also poin out that the fans go crazy for Flair every time they see him on camera or walk out to the ring, and also react rabidly to EVERY little thing he does while out there managing someone. So if you want to say who is making the company more money, old man Flair has a hell of a lot more worth than Chris Benoit. So I guess we should throw him out with the trash too... Saying you don't like Flair and want him gone is one thing, but to call him worthless is just plain retarded and shows how ignorant you are.
  11. 4hartthreat

    Should Flair

    Anyone who is over can not be worthless. That's just a stupid thing to say. I couldn't stand the Ultimate Warrior or Goldberg or Nash and so on, but to call them worthless when they were clearly over and able to make their companies money would just be a retarded case to try and make.
  12. 4hartthreat

    Should Flair

    I think you meant one of the most over wrestlers on the roster. Honest mistake, just try harder in the future.
  13. 4hartthreat

    WWE "Greatest Stars of the 80's" DVD

    The other two. Clash 2 out of 3 falls and wrestle war 89. Chi-town rumble is also my favorite flair-steamboat match so they just sold me on this dvd.
  14. 4hartthreat

    Could Rey Mysterio...

    I think this is exactly why you CAN put Rey in the ring with the big guys. You can have him wrestle the Big Show and have the announcers play up the fact that Rey is too fast for him. Have that play into the finish somehow and the fans will buy it because the announcers will have prepared them for it.
  15. 4hartthreat

    Question about Simpsons

    I say go with 5. Season 3 is an improvement over season 2, but I am of the opinion that the show didn't really hit its stride until season 4. As said above, season 5 is a little more Homer based and I believe that is what you are looking for. With all that being said, you should really get all of them, because even season 1, while not up to simpsons standards, is still better than most tv shows.
  16. 4hartthreat

    Backlash Discussion

    Does anyone know what was up with Flair at Backlash. He came out to his own music before the HHH-Batista match and looked sad. Then JR and Lawler spent like 3 minutes commenting on how Flair looked concerned. Flair then announced HHH's entrance and then went about his normal managing duties and it was never mentioned again. I thought they were setting up some kind of angle where Flair would fake being ill leading to HHH winning but nothing came of it at all. I was just wondering if anyone had any idea what was up with that?
  17. 4hartthreat

    Favorite Old Man Flair Moment . . .

    I loved when on a Raw in 2003 I believe, HHH was wrestling Hurricane and Hurricane came down and put his mask on a little kid as he always does. Well when HHH made his way down, Flair found the fan and proclaimed "that's mine!" ripped the mask off the kid, then tried to wear it himself. When it didn't fit, he threw it on the ground and began stomping on it right in front of the kid.
  18. 4hartthreat

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    It doesn't matter what you think. Both Bret and Shawn love the match, and about the only good things the two have to say about each other is how great a match they had with each other at WM12. So trying to use the match as an example of Bret not being a professional because he "dogged" it doesn't hold water. If Shawn has nothing bad to say about Bret's performance in the match, and believe me if he thought there was something that could be said he would, who are you to say Bret didn't perform to the best of his ability? Let me make clear that I'm not saying that you can't say it's a bad match. I'd disagree, but you are entitled to your opinion. I'm saying if both Bret and his opponent in the match think that it is one of their best matches, and not just with each other, then you can't really accuse Bret of not giving his all because Shawn wouldn't talk so highly of the match, or at least would let it be known that he thinks Bret was trying to hurt him by underperforming and the match was great despite Bret trying to undermine it.
  19. 4hartthreat

    Some interesting Survivor Series 1997 stuff

    I'm pretty sure Bret was never asked to drop the title before Survivor Series. And why would he have been? The ppv was in Canada, Vince would have been nuts to go into that show without Bret as champion. As for the guy that said "look at how bitter Bret has become" as an example to show that Bret would have been unprofessional with Shawn, that's just bs. Bret didn't become the "bitter old man" that he is now until AFTER Series and Owen's death. Look up any info on Bret before Series and it will say that he was one of the better guys in the locker room and was well liked by almost everyone and was known for standing up for the young guys when it was necessary(like refusing to beat Rock clean when he felt that would hurt him). Bret would have jobbed when the time came, and he would even have done it for Shawn. Bret, for ONCE, just wanted something done his way. And it made sense from a booking standpoint. Going into Series, DX and Shawn had gotten the better of Bret and the Hart Foundation and insulted and disrespected Canada, going as far as wiping his ass and picking his nose with the Canadian flag. Bret wanted Shawn to finally do a job he had avoided for over a year, and was only getting a DQ at that. As for Shawn, he was and probably still is a dick.
  20. 4hartthreat

    Backlash main event

    Ugh, you're a dumbass. I will be sure to call you out after Batista beats HHH tonight. Well I would expect you to, or someone anyway. When you go around for weeks predicting something that everyone else disagrees with, if you are wrong, someone usually tends to point it out. But what if HHH does win, does that make you a dumbass?
  21. 4hartthreat

    Backlash main event

    I understand where you are trying to go with that, but it still isn't a rematch no matter how you slice it. And while the Big Show was an afterthought, half the people who posted in the thread about predicting past main events said they thought Foley would win, so I'd say he was a fairly significant part of the match.
  22. 4hartthreat

    Backlash main event

    Um, look at that 2000 one again. I'm pretty sure that isn't the same match....
  23. 4hartthreat

    Backlash main event

    Well actually, about a week ago someone made the same claim you just did about Backlash being historically a place for WM main event rematches and it was shot down pretty quickly.
  24. 4hartthreat

    Backlash main event

    Wow, so Batista is going to lose tonight. Gee I wonder who on the board has been saying that for weeks now....
  25. 4hartthreat

    How have you done w/ WM Main Event Picks?

    - Batista Vs HHH- Um, yeah, I think I've made myself pretty clear on this one, HHH. - JBL Vs Cena- Cena - Benoit Vs HHH Vs HBK- It's hard to say, I changed my mind over and over and at one point thought each one of them would win. I think on the day of Mania though I had settled on HBK. I think I went with the idea that HHH would lose, but only to his buddy Shawn who would then go on to lose to Benoit at Backlash. - Eddie Vs Angle- Eddie - Brock Vs Angle- Brock - Booker Vs HHH- Booker. I am still shocked to this day that one of "those" people really couldn't win the title. - HHH Vs Jericho- HHH - Rock Vs Austin- Austin - Foley Vs Show Vs Rock Vs HHH- HHH. Once Vince McMahon put himself into Rock's corner I knew exactly what was going down. The funny thing about this one is, at the time I was living in a dorm and there was this guy who lived there too who was a total mark. His favorite wrestlers were Rock and Goldberg because "they used to play football man." I argued with him for weeks that HHH was going to win because Vince was going to screw Rock over and he said no way Rock could lose, and why would Vince do that anyway it didn't make sense. I told him because that's just what Vince does. Needless to say, he was very pissed when he learned of the results the next day...