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Everything posted by 4hartthreat

  1. 4hartthreat

    Jericho's Ladder Match

    For the SD thing, I would assume the person would be screwed. It is a shot at the World Title only. I was curious about the Rumble issue as well, but then I thought about it and I think we already got our answer this year. Even if Batista had gone to SD he was going to be in a triple threat with JBL and the tournament winner Cena. I would assume this contract would be just like the tournament thing and if the Rumble winner is from Raw it would just be a triple threat match. The thing that I'm worried about is will the contract be valid WM night? I would imagine it would be. I would say it goes into affect the second the match ends. And that made me have this horrible imagine flash into my head of like Jericho winning and then later in the show HHH retains and is celebrating in the ring when the camera cuts to the back to see Jericho knocked out on the floor and then Real American hits, Hogan makes his way to the ring and says he just signed the contract and wants his shot RIGHT NOW. He pins HHH and we end the show with Hogan posing in the ring as Real American blares through the stadium just like WM9. OH THE HORROR!!!
  2. 4hartthreat

    Million Dollar Baby

    Maggie definately did not win the fight, her mom was not mistaken. At one point in the hospital, Swank asks Clint what her nickname meant and he tells her that he doesn't have to tell her because she didn't win the fight. Then she says he's the meanest man she's ever known. I just assumed that because the cheap shot occured behind the ref's back that he couldn't call it and that's why there was no dq, but I don't know. But I also found myself wanting to know what happened to the Blue Bear, but I accepted not knowing because the movie wasn't about her and it's not like knowing the fate of the Bear would have made Maggie any less crippled.
  3. 4hartthreat

    Million Dollar Baby

    sorry, didn't tag it
  4. I actually thought "Diary" would come in first and would have been shocked if it hadn't. As someone said, it is based on one of several plays about some old black woman named Madea. I had never heard of them until this past summer when a girl I worked with mentioned them. Apparently they are VERY popular in the black community and as such I figured it would debut at #1. Saw part of one of them, wasn't my cup of tea at all.
  5. 4hartthreat

    Top NFL games of this past season

    My pick would be the Jets-Rams game in Week 17. Not only did it go to overtime, but it meant so much to so many teams. The Rams needed the win to make the playoffs, the Jets thought they needed it to make the playoffs, and the Saints needed a Jets win to get them into the playoffs. I guess it definately helps if you are a fan of one of these teams, but after the Saints finished off the Panthers, I switched over to this game and was hanging on every single play.
  6. 4hartthreat

    Is Anybody Watching 24/7

    Deal. ::slaps dollar down on counter::
  7. 4hartthreat

    Wrestlemania Revenge Tour

    Has everyone missed that this show takes place in Australia? HHH probably just wants to wrestle Flair again and he figures what the hell we'll be in Australia, no one in the states will know, so why not. So even if this match does take place I don't think it means anything.
  8. 4hartthreat

    SuperBowl XXXIX Eagles vs. Pats

    Do I sense another Saints fan? If so, doesn't it annoy you to see all these people bitching about "oh my beloved OU hasn't won a title in a few years and keeps getting back to the championship game but can't win" and "oh my eagles keep getting to the big games and can't win" or "oh my god the packers lost again, that's like four years in a row they've lost IN THE PLAYOFFS"??? I just want the Saints to MAKE the playoffs! As far as I'm concerned once they get there they are just playing with house money, they can lose that's fine, as long as I can get ONE post season game out of them. I mean really, if the Saints made it to the Super Bowl and lost by 30 points (very likely unfortunately) I'd throw another party the next weekend just to celebrate the fact that they were in the Super Bowl to begin with (no doubt due to some type of plague killing off every other NFC team except for the Rams, the only team we can consistently beat for some reason).
  9. 4hartthreat

    The 2005 Oscar Nominees

    The 2001 Best Actress race that was won by Halle is SERIOUSLY being misrepresented here. Everyone is going on about how it was a bad year for actresses, but nothing could be further from the truth. The 2001 best actress race was one of the most competitve in years. And sorry bob, but Rene wasn't even in the hunt, that's how good it was. You had three performances all worthy of an Oscar that were fighting it out in a race too lose to call. Sissy Spacek started out as the favorite for her performance in In the Bedroom with a bunch of critc's awards and a golden globe win. Berry really showed what a contender she was after taking the SAG award. And finally you had my pick Kidman with her performance in Moulin Rouge who had also won some critic's awards and the golden globe and who many thought would win as the acadamys way of rewarding Rouge since most knew Mind was taking the best picture award. Throw in two other good performances from Rene and oscar darling Dench and you have an incredibly strong field. So to just dismiss Berry's win as simply a result of a bad year for actresses is wrong and foolish.
  10. 4hartthreat

    Conference Championship Prediction Thread

    Two really interesting Conference championship games this year. I pick Atlanta and New England to advance to the Bowl.
  11. 4hartthreat

    Divisional Playoffs Prediction Thread

    Jets at Steelers- I think the Steelers are just too much for the Jets, but I wouldn't be shocked by a Jet win. Rams at Falcons- I was leaning towards Rams earlier in the week but now I go Falcons in a close one. Vikings at Eagles- Moss has somehow rallied the troops with all of his bullshit antics and the Eagles haven't played a meaningful snap since they lost T.O. so I say Vikings pull of the upset here. Colts at Patriots- The Colts just can't win in NE and while I think they've done enough this year to give hope to their fans about finally getting it done I just don't see it happening so I am going with a Pats win.
  12. 4hartthreat

    Top 5 skill position players in NFL

    Any list, which was all of them oddly enough, that doesn't have Brady at least 2 is insane. Manning is the only person you could possibly put above him, all he does is win. So here is my list: 1. Brady 2. Manning 3. Culpepper 4. McNabb 5. In a surprise pick, Bulger Vick could easily go at # 5 but his lack of actually being able to throw scares me a little.
  13. 4hartthreat

    Prince William the Nazi!?

    Well it was Prince Harry that did it as it clearly states in your article. And he's a notorious fuck-up anyway, so no I don't feel sorry for him.
  14. 4hartthreat

    Divisional Playoffs Prediction Thread

    Wow, after that wacky weekend who knows what will happen.... I think the playoffs have shown just what a joke the NFC truly is this season and if the Saints had made it in like they should have, I'd be picking them to represent it in the SB. But as it stands, I think the what a joke this conference is trend will continue and Vikings over Eagles and Rams over Falcons. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I think the AFC will show just how good it is so Steelers over Jets and Pats over Colts.
  15. 4hartthreat

    Jets vs Chargers AFC WildCard Game 1

    You are nuts. A 40 yard FG is not a gimme FG, so to go into ultra-conservative mode and just resign yourself to having your rookie kicker kick from there is a dumb idea. And as for your assertion that I'm crazy and every other coach would have just ran the ball three times and attempted a 40 yard FG in that same situation is bullshit. I've never seen a coach looking at a potential 40+ yard FG to win or tie a game run three staright plays unless the first two had actually gotten some yards and the third down was like 3rd and 2. Every other coach would have at least on 3rd and 10 thrown a quick maybe 5 yard pass knowing that the DBs would be playing off since it is a 3rd and long situation, and let the receiver either pick up 7 or 8 yards to make it an easier FG or possibly make a play and get a first down. It was dumb play calling and Marty just resorted to his old self and played Marty ball after a season where breaking from his old conservative ways got him coach of the year honors.
  16. 4hartthreat

    Jets vs Chargers AFC WildCard Game 1

    I hate to say it because he was just named Coach of the Year earlier today, but I blame that loss entirely on Marty. And I don't care about any of the earlier stuff like the penalty, but his play calling on his teams last drive was retarded. You have a rookie kicker and the field is wet and sloppy and you run three straight times forcing your rookie kicker to try and make a 40 yard FG? How's about we try a few short passes just to attempt to make it a little shorter, or who knows maybe even pick up a first down and make it a lot shorter, or hell maybe even get a TD? Marty had better not get too comfy either, because after that fiasco his job may be back in jeopardy. I doubt it, but I wouldn't sleep easy tonight if I were him.
  17. 4hartthreat

    Shaun Alexander

    Kotzenjunge, please become an informed member of NFL society before making comments. The winner of the Packers-Vikings game does not play the Falcons. If GB wins, then yes they play the Falcons, but if Min wins they play Philly. So if the Vikings and Seahawks win this week, you'll get your wish.
  18. 4hartthreat

    The Wildcard Weekend Thread

    Oh and for the people that keep saying it's hard to beat a time three times in one year, NFL Prime Time had the stat: Teams are 10-5 when facing an opponent they have beaten twice already that season going into the third game. Looks good for the Rams, Pack, and my NFC wild card weekend predictions.
  19. 4hartthreat

    The Wildcard Weekend Thread

    For the question of which quarterback is least expendable to his team, the answer is Vick and Brady. The Falcons are basically nothing without Vick and the Pats need Brady's calm and leadership to lead the team down the field to kick a game winning field goal. As for playoff predictions, there are two locks as far as I'm concerned, one almost lock, and a toss up game. Lock # 1 is Indy over Denver. Denver has NO shot and anyone who thinks otherwise is a Denver fan or just wacky. I don't even think this needs to be gone into. Lock # 2 is San D over NYJ. Weeks ago I would have said this would be the best match-up of the weekend and anyone's game. But after the Chargers play over the last two weeks, holding Indy down for 3 quarters and really holding down a great Cheifs offense that has been scoring close to 40 points a game lately, and especially after seeing Chad's media meltdown and the way he's played since especially against the Rams with playoffs on the line, the Chargers should take this in a walk. The almost lock is GB over Min. The Vikings didn't back into the playoffs, they slipped and rolled down a hill into them and the fact that they are in and the Saints (arguably the hottest team in the NFC) aren't is a real shame. Packers have been playing well and have beat the Vikings twice already. The only reason this isn't a sure lock is both games have been close, and of course the Vikes have an awful lot of offensive talent, they'll be damned if they know how to use it though. So the toss up game is obviously St. Lou at Sea. Rams have beaten Seahawks twice already, but Hawks win the division anyway. I'm going with the Rams in this one because I think their offense is just too potent for the Hawks horribly struggling defense and mostly because Martz obviously hit his head and has decided to run Steven Jackson a lot. Just quick picks for the rest of the way if these do come to pass: AFC Pats over Colts Steelers over Chargers NFC double upsets Pack over Falcons Rams over Eagles then Pats over Steelers Packers over Rams SB Pats over Pack
  20. I was wondering something about Taboo Tuesday. JR and more importantly Meltzer have said that HHH will not know who is opponent is going to be until match time. But the two wrestlers not fighting HHH are getting tag title shots. So will HHH vs. ? open the ppv or at the latest just be a mid-card match? Because according to everything being said, the tag title match HAS to be after the world title match. And if that is the case, what is the main event of the show? My guess is Flair vs. Orton.
  21. 4hartthreat

    WWE News & Notes from the 10/11 Observer

    Um, so there wasn't really anything in there going into more detail on the Flair-Vince argument?
  22. 4hartthreat

    Best Match of the Decade So Far?

    I was torn between Austin-Rock and Angle-Benoit. I went with Angle-Benoit based solely on the fact that it had a clean finish and Austin-Rock did not.
  23. Please tell me this is some kind of joke....
  24. 4hartthreat

    Best NA Tag Match

    Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko (Horseman) vs Perry Saturn and Raven
  25. 4hartthreat

    Best NA Tag Match

    8. Raven/Saturn vs Malenko/Benoit (Horseman) - Spring Stampede 99 2. Edge/Rey vs Benoit/ Angle- No Mercy