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Everything posted by 4hartthreat

  1. 4hartthreat


    Absolutely agree with you repo.
  2. 4hartthreat


    I have a question for the Scrubs fans here. I just started watching the show in the middle of last season and I really like it. I was just curious as to how much better (if at all) people think earlier seasons of the show are to these last few?
  3. 4hartthreat

    Big Brother After Dark

    I wish I had showtime. Why is everyone going nuts?
  4. 4hartthreat

    American Idol (season 7)

    I don't have a problem with a Kristy-Sanjaya comparison. I have a problem with Hawk comparing Archuleta to Sanjaya.
  5. 4hartthreat

    American Idol (season 7)

    He's not bad and he botched A song. Simon likes him and Simon is hard on anyone who isn't just about flawless. I don't like having to defend this kid, because I'm not sure that I think he's the best of the bunch. But the amount of front-runner hate he is getting is absurd. If you don't like him the best that's fine, but comparing him to Sanjaya or Kevin is just stupid.
  6. 4hartthreat

    American Idol (season 7)

    You don't have to like "Archie," but comparing him in ANY way to Sanjaya is utterly ridiculous.
  7. 4hartthreat


    No. Are you sure? It seems very, very similar. It also even has the "based on actual events" tag.
  8. 4hartthreat


    Is the movie coming out in May "The Strangers" a remake of this?
  9. Funny, that's how I tend to remember the hhh-rock ironman match...
  10. I guess I'll be the first, and possibly only, one to take the Bret-Shawn match. I'll just copy my post from the thread chp referenced: Ah, I love when this topic comes up, and it always does right about now, Mania time. The Ironman match is a classic. My favorite match. The rest hold thing is what gets me the most, well that and the no falls thing. They were going an hour! Going into the match they knew they were going an hour. So of course they were going to use rest holds to not only conserve their own energy, but also to wear down the other guy. And the no falls thing was one of the BEST things about the match. It was the main event of WM, the biggest show of the year. The title meant everything to Bret, it was his life. It was Shawn's dream to win it and to do so he had to go through Bret. So that belt meant so much to both guys, and they both didn't want to lose the first fall because it meant they'd be playing catch up from there. So both guys fought their asses off to not lose that first, and as even the announcers constantly pointed out, crucial fall. Also, unlike just about any other match in WWF/E history, they went out of their way to show how hard Bret and Shawn were training for this match. With all of this in mind, it should be more than believeable that they could go that long without a fall. The one thing I do agree with most on is the overtime. I don't think it made any sense and still don't like that it happened. But that being said it didn't take away from the match, in fact it kind of added to it. Going back to the how much the title meant to both guys thing, it took two superkicks to keep Bret down, because he did not want to lose his title on the biggest show of the year. How so many people can shit on this match then turn around and praise that crapfest that was the Rock-HHH ironman match is beyond me....
  11. 4hartthreat

    American Idol (season 7)

    Then you'd better get ready to stop watching, because I think he is pretty unstoppable at this point.
  12. 4hartthreat

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    I think Arn will induct Flair, and to even consider anyone else would be insane. The only thing that would be more emotional is when Flair inducts Arn.
  13. 4hartthreat

    American Idol (season 7)

    We lost audio here during the entire performance of "Hello." I was wondering while it was going on if it was a national issue, but I guess not. That would probably have led to a redo like they had a few years back when they gave out the wrong numbers.
  14. 4hartthreat

    Ric Flair and the Figure Four

    Very true. IIRC Flair won his world titles from Garvin and Jarrett using the top rope crossbody splash! Actually, I'm pretty sure he beat Jarrett with a small package. I remember it because I thought it was the best executed small package I had ever seen, because it was REALLY fast.
  15. 4hartthreat

    Ric Flair and the Figure Four

    He won the wcw title from Hogan in '99 with the figure four. It was supposed to be a first blood match, but after they both started bleeding like 5 minutes into the match, they changed the rules on-the-fly. I'm fairly sure he also beat Barry Windham with it in '93 to win one of his titles.
  16. 4hartthreat

    The Oscars

    I saw La Vie En Rose in the theater. I guess now everyone sees why it took home the best make-up oscar. And I thouht the final Bourne was the best of the bunch. In fact, I didn't even like Identity.
  17. 4hartthreat

    The Oscars

    I am looking at Michael Clayton possibly popping up in two categories. I think it has a shot at Best Picture and I think Tilda Swinton WILL win Best Supporting Actress.
  18. 4hartthreat

    House: Season 4

    I loved, "Don't pin this on Jesus. He has enough nails in him already."
  19. 4hartthreat

    The Oscars

    While I think Atonement is a very good movie, I admit that it is not for everyone. What I take issue with though is your assertion that the ending is predictable. It most definitely is not that.
  20. 4hartthreat

    The Oscars

    Best Picture: 1) No Country for Old Men 2) There Will Be Blood 3) Michael Clayton 4) Juno 5) Atonement The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and Into the Wild are also possible Best Director: 1) Julian Schnabel- The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 2) Ethan and Joel Coen- No Country for Old Men 3) Paul Thomas Anderson- There Will Be Blood 4) Sean Penn- Into the Wild 5) Sidney Lumet, Before the Devil Knows Your Dead Best Actor: 1) Daniel Day-Lewis- There Will Be Blood 2) George Clooney- Michael Clayton 3) Johnny Depp- Sweeney Todd 4) Viggo Mortenson- Eastern Promises 5) Ryan Gosling, Lars and the Real Girl Emile Hirsch and James McAvoy are also possibilities. Best Actress: 1) Julie Christie- Away from Her 2) Marion Cotillard- La Vie en Rose 3) Ellen Page- Juno 4) Keira Knightley- Atonement 5) Cate Blanchett- Elizabeth: TGA Angelina Jolie and Laura Linney are possiblities. Best Supporting Actor: 1) Javier Bardem- No Country for Old Men 2) Tom Wilkinson- Michael Clayton 3) Hal Holbrook- Into the Wild 4) Casey Affleck- The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford 5) Phillip Seymour Hoffman- Charlie Wilson's War If blood is REALLY strong Paul Dano could get in. Best Supporting Actress: 1) Amy Ryan- Gone Baby Gone 2) Tilda Swinton- Michael Clayton 3) Cate Blanchett- I'm Not There 4) Vanessa Redgrave- Atonement 5) Catherine Keener, Into the Wild This one is really hard and Jennifer Garner and especially Saoirse Ronan are very real possibilities.
  21. 4hartthreat


    I bought the dvd yesterday.
  22. 4hartthreat


    Just got back from it. I disagree with cowboy, I think one of the pictures in the thread is pretty much accurate minus a few minor things. It's this one: http://www.411mania.com/movies/news/66946/...Cloverfield.htm And yes, I enjoyed the movie.
  23. 4hartthreat


    No, I've always loved Mario Party. Me and three friends still play it just about every weekend for several hours at a time.
  24. 4hartthreat

    Severe ass kickings in the NFL this week.

    So who does everyone think will be the two wildcard teams from the NFC? It's pretty much down to New York, Minnesota, New Orleans, and Washington. Being from New Orleans I am obviously hoping the Saints make it in. Since they have the tie-breaker over every team, they have a decent shot. I say the Giants lose out and that Minnesota and New Orleans are the teams.
  25. 4hartthreat

    Winter Movie Season...

    I'm looking forward to: Juno Atonement No Country For Old Men Grace is Gone The Savages The Orphanage and if January counts, the JJ Abrams project