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Everything posted by 4hartthreat

  1. 4hartthreat

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    It sounds to me like they are going to rip on Oprah for taking her support away from the book. Something like, if the book helped so many people face their demons, who cares if it isn't all 100% true.
  2. 4hartthreat

    Wrestlemania 22 article

    If you really think Vince will have no say in what happens with the wwe title at a ppv and leave that decision to Heyman, you are out of your mind.
  3. 4hartthreat

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    It really is a good looking schedule. Too bad the Pack don't have enough talent to do anything with it.
  4. 4hartthreat


    I think Lushus is right. I think this is the "wtf" elimination of the early rounds. Elliot and Mandisa look like the prime suspects to me.
  5. 4hartthreat

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    But will RNN give us constant updates throughtout to let us know what he is up to?
  6. 4hartthreat

    The Simpsons Movie In Production

    Hopefully a big one. Things involving Burns always make for the best episodes.
  7. 4hartthreat

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    Oh there is no doubt that Cartman is all for it and Kyle will be opposed to it.
  8. He didn't even win he ECW world title. Don't you think he should hunt down Rhyno and go after that one first?
  9. The best part of the interview has been overlooked: Asked about working with Ric Flair in a ladder match, Van Dam said he gained a lot of respect for Flair after watching his performance in the ladder match against Edge on Raw. He became even more of a fan of Flair that night. He talked about cracking heads with Flair in the three-way on Raw two weeks ago. Flair had a black eye and a bloody nose and didn't miss a beat. Rob considered Flair as tough as a 20 year old. Rob needed ten stitches to close the gash under his eye from that spot. Flair love should always be appreciated.
  10. 4hartthreat

    My All Time Wrestlemania Card

    The best you could come up with for Malenko was Greg Valentine? He would have been better off in the cruiser battle royal than doing that. I probably would have him one on one vs. Rey though.
  11. I've always thought Flair was winning MITB. That's the story they've been building, Flair winning the title again. He needs to win MITB in order for that story to continue.
  12. 4hartthreat


    Leena, I would add Paris to your definately safe list. I don't think there is any way she could leave at this point. I would consider Mandisa as well, because I thought she was bottom 3 for sure this week after she got all preachy with her song choice, but she wasn't. That would lead me to believe she has a strong fan base as well.
  13. 4hartthreat

    Bret Hart confirms he will not be at WrestleMania

    Wow, I have to apologize. I said it was because of idiots like UseTheSledgehammerUh that Montreal was still as big a deal as it is. I now seriously doubt that there are very many more people out there as stupid as him. With ever post you make, you just make yourself sound dumber and dumber. Now I can see how someone would not support Bret in this matter, I would disagree with them, but I could understand. But UseTheSledgehammerUh just keeps maknig posts that are completely wrong. We had the whole Bret betrayed Vince and the wwf and sold out to wcw, and now we have the Bret is doing all of this for the money. Bret doesn't need money. He made more than enough money over the years in wrestling that he doesn't have to do any of this. As someone said, Bret is not accepting any money for his HOF appearance. He doesn't need it. He's doing it for the fans, so he can have what he feels is a proper goodbye. Now UseTheSledgehammerUh, let's see what stupid thing you say next. I for one can't wait.
  14. 4hartthreat


    Leena and naiwf are absolutely right. Pickler doesn't have to worry about a thing at this point. She could come out and belch her song and still advance this week. She doesn't have to start worrying until at least the top 6. I think Katherine could be like Diana from season three. She starts out not all that popular, has a few scares in the bottom three, and slowly builds a fan base that propels her to the finals. At least that's what I hope happens at this point. For this week Katherine, Bucky, Ace, and Elliot had better beware, because any of them could go.
  15. 4hartthreat


    I think Katherine was definately in the bottom three. People are just not all that crazy about her. I think she is the best girl on the show, but the majority out there apparently don't agree. I saw a poll yesterday at tvguide.com that asked who should be voted off that night and Katherine actually "won" it with 25% of the vote and the closest to her was Lisa with 20%. Also, I was listening to the radio and they always do a "who should go tonight on idol" poll every wednesday and Katherine was the choice on there too. At this rate she is going to have to fight hard to stay on the show for anything more than 2 or 3 more weeks.
  16. 4hartthreat

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    The Clooney cloud was stupid. The funniest thing in the episode was Cartman throwing a farewell party for Kyle and not inviting him and everyone's reaction to that.
  17. 4hartthreat

    Bret Hart confirms he will not be at WrestleMania

    Wow, this is a major reason why after all these years Montreal is still such a big deal. Idiots like you who have no idea what they are talking about but rant and rave about greedy, selfish Bret Hart. Vince wanted Bret to go to wcw. It was his idea. He got the ball rolling on the whole thing. Bret wanted to honor his contract with Vince and the wwf, but Vince told him he couldn't and that he would personally contact wcw and do all he could to get Bret the best deal possible. How the hell can anyone that follows wrestling on the net NOT know this stuff? It's only the most controversial and talked about thing ever in wrestling. And as for your retarded comment about Bret disrespecting Eddie by leaving the show, Vince and company have pissed on Eddie's memory much worse than Bret walking off a stage would do to it.
  18. 4hartthreat

    Bret Hart confirms he will not be at WrestleMania

    He jobbed to Hogan, he jobbed to Austin, he refused to job to Bret who was barely a draw at all and responsible for some of the lowest buyrates in history. What are you talking about? He is obviously talking about the fact that if Shawn had his way, he wouldn't have jobbed to any of them.
  19. 4hartthreat

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    If Vince told Bret that Shawn wouldn't be there, then I would leave too if I were Bret and I spotted Shawn. I would be so afraid that those two were up to something again. I can just see it now, Bret is standing there giving his speech when all of a sudden a bucket of shit falls from the rafters are covers Bret in it. Out walks Vince and Shawn holding the rope that triggered the bucket and Vince starts yelling to play the tape. A tape is then shown of Vince shitting in a bucket while ranting about how first he screwed Bret and now he's gonna shit on Bret and how the shit is coming from his magnificent ass. And the worse part is, that's the idea they will likely have turned down. Vince will have come up with something else like Steph's birthing fluids.....
  20. 4hartthreat

    The Simpsons Movie In Production

    I don't think there was an obvious decline in season 8, because it is my favorite season. Season 9 started to show a little wear. Season 10 is when I believe the show started its true descent.
  21. 4hartthreat

    The Simpsons Movie In Production

    I agree that this is long overdue, but not on it being too late. If any tv series deserved to get the film treatment it is this one, so I'm just glad it looks like it is finally happening.
  22. 4hartthreat

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    It is being reported by espn that the Cowboys have signed Mike Vanderjagt to be their new kicker.
  23. 4hartthreat


    I agree with naiwf, Elliot better not get booted before the likes of Bucky, Kevin, and Lisa.
  24. 4hartthreat

    24: Season 5

    I could buy Audrey being a bad guy(girl). At the end of last season she lost her husband who she wanted to get back together with and her boyfriend who indirectly killed her husband. Not to mention she was kidnapped and going to be killed live on the internet and her brother was tortured as well as her husband all by Jack. I could easily buy her just snapping and starting to look out for herself. Just because she sold building schematics to that woman doesn't mean she is a terrorist, it just makes her dirty. Of course it is most likely that this is all a misunderstanding and she will be absolved, but I really like the idea of bad girl Audrey.
  25. 4hartthreat

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    My top 5 are: 1. Steve Smith 2. Marvin Harrison 3. Chad Johnson 4. T.O. 5. Randy Moss Owens and Moss would both be higher if they weren't constant distractions to their respective teams, but even with that they are still unquestionably two of the best wideouts in the league.