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Everything posted by 4hartthreat

  1. 4hartthreat

    Shelton Benjamin

    I'm going to go with DDP. The man was a legit star when he was in wcw, and worked harder in the ring than just about anyone. He was brought in with a big angle as the stakler of Taker's wife. He then was jobbed out match after match to Taker where he literally got NO offense, then finished it up with a pinfall loss to Mrs. Taker. If used properly I think he could have been a star in wwe as well. Just another example of Vince's disgusting need to destroy anything wcw.
  2. 4hartthreat

    NFL Week XV

    The sad thing is, if you look at the schedule, the Saints/Panthers game is by far the best early NFC game on tomorrow. So really, Fox is giving you the best game on as scary as that may be given what it is....
  3. 4hartthreat

    NFL Week XIV

    Sunday, December 11: 1:00 games: Oakland at NY Jets. I'm a believer in teams having to win sometime. With that in mind I pick the Jets. Houston at Tennessee. That is why I'm picking the Texans here as well. Chicago at Pittsburgh. Chicago WILL win this game. New England at Buffalo. NE will fend off the Bills again. Cleveland at Cincinnati. Cinci St. Louis at Minnesota. The Vikings have too much momentum to be stopped by the lowly Rams. Indianapolis at Jacksonville. I said weeks ago that the Jags would run the table and I'm going to stick with it. Tampa Bay at Carolina. Panthers should win this. 4:05 San Francisco at Seattle. Seahawks are playing too well now to repeat the sins of a few weeks ago. Washington at Arizona. Skins will win what should be a nice competitive game. NY Giants at Philadelphia. Giants should have no problems here. 4:15 Kansas City at Dallas. I agree that this is the game of the week going in. Two teams fighting it out for a wildcard spot in their respective conferences. A few weeks ago I would have said Dallas would win this with little hesitation, but since then, in my opinion, Dallas has fallen a little and KC has risen some, so I'm going to pick the Cheifs here to keep their hopes alive. Miami at San Diego. Chargers can not lose this. And I don't mean can't possibly, I mean can't afford to. They've worked too hard to get themselves back into the playoff hunt. Baltimore at Denver. Broncos take out last week's frustrations on the Ravens. 8:30 Detroit at Green Bay. My theme of the week continues. They've got to win again sometime, right? Pack Monday, 9:00 New Orleans at Atlanta. Saints don't have a prayer. Falcons win and get back into the hunt as well.
  4. 4hartthreat

    South Park Season 9 / Drawn Together

    I'm with you Repo, I thought this SP episode was bad. In fact, this whole batch of new episodes has been disappointnig for the most part.
  5. 4hartthreat

    NFL Week XIII

    Well cabbage I'm afraid we have to disagree again (not about Woody, I like him too). The Broncos are the other team that you keep slinging hate at for no reason. The Jaguars I can almost understand, but the Broncos are not just good this year, they are playing great. If anyone could knock off the Colts in the playoffs in the AFC it is definately the Broncos. They, usually, play great defense and they run the ball as well as anyone in the league. I certainly won't predict Denver over Indy yet, but if it happened I would not be surprised in the least.
  6. 4hartthreat

    NFL Week XIII

    Would you leave the Jags alone already! I'm not even a fan of theirs, but your constant dogging of them is ridiculous. They are 9-3 having beaten the Steelers, Bengals, and Seahawks. And they also lost 3-10 to Indy AT Indy making it the closest game the Colts have played all year. The Jags are a fine team. Not great, but certainly a billion times better than you give them credit for. Also, I went 10 of 15 with my picks so HA!
  7. 4hartthreat

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    It took me 35 minutes earlier to beat the WM13 rematch challenge. I had Stone Cold all red and he had me all red, but I just could not get him to give up. Finally he got me in a Millon $ Dream that I would have surely given up in had I not been fortunate enough to land the bar in the reverse zone and turn it into a sleeper, which finally made the bastard tap.
  8. Well I'd like to throw out another suspect for who wrote that to Dave: Edge I didn't know this before Eddie's death, but if you listened to Edge's interview on wwe.com it is obvious he and Eddie were very, very good friends. I thought Jericho was very likely until DA reported that Steph is flipping out, which points to a member of the active roster. So Benoit appeared to be the only other suspect, but as others have said, it just doesn't sound like Benoit to me. Also, Benoit just doesn't seem like the type to e-mail people and complain to me, he has always struck me as a straight-up guy who if he felt strongly about a matter would just sit down with you face-to-face and talk it out. So I got to thinking about someone who was close to Eddie, is still active on the roster, AND has a demeanor/style that could be seen as similar to Jericho. Edge is who I came up with. The only thing you might be able to say against him is the "one of the company's biggest stars of the last decade" doesn't fit. But I think if you consider time in the company as a star, then Edge could be seen as fitting that discription. He's been with the company for almost a decade, and he has always been a star to some degree, from his tag team days with Christian and others becoming the man with the most tag team title reigns in the wwe, to his his constant push as a singles star and now being known as "money in the bank." So that's my pick for the man behind the mail.
  9. 4hartthreat

    NFL Week XIII

    Tennessee at Indianapolis 1:00 PM - I can't see Indy losing this Green Bay at Chicago 1:00 PM - I'm going to predict a Packers upset here Jacksonville at Cleveland 1:00 PM - Jags (glad to see you finally pick against them though cabbage) Minnesota at Detroit 1:00 PM - Lions rally around new coach and win? Dallas at NY Giants 1:00 PM - Giants in the Game O The Week Tampa Bay at New Orleans 1:00 PM - Bucs crush my hapless Saints Buffalo at Miami 1:00 PM - since it is in Miami I'm taking them Cincinnati at Pittsburgh 1:00 PM - Steelers are fading and the Bengals really need this to build some sort of confidence that they are for real and can actually beat someone that matters. So I'm going to take the Bengals Atlanta at Carolina 1:00 PM - Atlanta has owned Carolina so I think the Panthers will play hard to exercise that demon. Panthers with the win Houston at Baltimore 1:00 PM - Houston has to win another game sometime right, so why not here? Arizona at San Francisco 4:05 PM - 9ers just cuz Washington at St. Louis 4:05 PM - Skins will win this NY Jets at New England 4:15 PM - Pats should take this Denver at Kansas City 4:15 PM - I think this game is equally important for both teams. Chiefs are goodish, but Denver is too much for them. Denver wins Oakland at San Diego 8:30 PM - Chargers MON, DEC 5 Seattle at Philadelphia 9:00 PM - I think this is the toughest pick of the week for me. I'm going to say Seattle wins I guess
  10. 4hartthreat

    Shelton Benjamin v. Trevor Murdoch

    Two things: 1. I like Murdoch. I don't like him more than Shelton, but I have no problem with Shelton losing to him especially given the rest of the garbage that Shelton has put over lately. 2. I will also cite Shelton-Carlito from Raw a few weeks ago for a spot on the Raw team as a positive for Shelton. It was the only passable match Carlito has had on television. And if the Raw thread from that week is still around you can go to it and I believe many in it pointed out that finally someone had a decent match with Carlito.
  11. 4hartthreat

    I'm Not Feeling Survivor Series

    Why would Vince be so opposed to Nash powerbombing Shawn through a table at that show when Nash had already done it to Bret at SSeries the previous year?
  12. I think the match you are talking about was from starcade 96. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 95. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I just saw Starrcade 95 last week, and that triangle match is incredibly overrated. I'd call it about ** 1/2. It was very boring, and heatless most of the way, until Flair cheated to win the title. The only good match from that show was Eddie vs. Ohtani, which was very good for its time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That sir is blasphemy. Even if you don't like the 3 way (I did), Eddie-Ohtani is far from being the only good match on that show. Man if you didn't like Starrcade 95, I'd hate to see how a show you WOULD like would go....
  13. 4hartthreat

    Smackdown Title situation updated

    Since when is Orton on the SD team at SS? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A combination of needing a new man, and it being too soon for the Buried Alive match. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Okay so what is the SD team officially? Orton, Lashley, Rey, JBL, and Hardy?
  14. 4hartthreat

    Smackdown Title situation updated

    Since when is Orton on the SD team at SS?
  15. 4hartthreat

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Yeah I tried it too. I'm pretty sure it was a lie. You can only take someone off the opposing show and the only way Jake could get onto the other show would be to unlock him. If anyone finds an actual way to unlock Jake without the psp please post it for everybody. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thing is, I can't even draft the legends I've unlocked. Unless they only show up if you start a new GM Mode game (since I unlocked them during the process of one that was already going). One guy also told me, now, that you have to win GM Mode twice - once with SD and once with RAW. It all seems way too convoluted to me... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Once you unlock a legend you go to the free agents page, press start I believe, then it will take you to a page where you can turn them "on" for the mode. Then you can get them as free agents. Thank god too, before I got Hogan and Bret Hart the other GM was kicking my ass.
  16. 4hartthreat

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    Yeah I tried it too. I'm pretty sure it was a lie. You can only take someone off the opposing show and the only way Jake could get onto the other show would be to unlock him. If anyone finds an actual way to unlock Jake without the psp please post it for everybody.
  17. 4hartthreat

    NFL Week Eleven

    Well you did say they would finish 10-6 and since, as I have pointed out already, the rest of their schedule(- Indy) is against crap like Tennessee and Frisco you are going to have to pick them to lose against somebody.
  18. 4hartthreat

    South Park Season 9 / Drawn Together

    I loved the R. Kelly stuff, I HATE those fucking closet "songs" of his and thought it was awesome to see someone finally call him out on it.
  19. 4hartthreat

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    wwe.com has another nice Eddie tribute video up set to 3 Doors Down's "Here Without You"
  20. 4hartthreat

    Smackdown VS Raw 2006

    I have a question about the unlocking of Jake thing. If you can unlock Jake by drafting him at the end of a year in GM mode, can you unlock the other legends this way too?
  21. 4hartthreat

    NFL Week Eleven

    So I keep waiting for you to pick against the Jags since you claim they are choking dogs but it just doesn't come. Why is that? picks: Arizona at St. Louis - St. Louis Carolina at Chicago - Carolina Detroit at Dallas - Dallas Jacksonville at Tennessee - Jags, of course Miami at Cleveland - Miami New Orleans at New England - New England Oakland at Washington - Washington Philadelphia at N.Y. Giants - Giants Pittsburgh at Baltimore - Pitts Tampa Bay at Atlanta - Atlanta Seattle at San Francisco - Seattle Buffalo at San Diego - San D Indianapolis at Cincinnati - Cinci, let the colt's collapse begin! N.Y. Jets at Denver - Denver Kansas City at Houston - I'm picking Houston to pull off the upset Monday, Nov. 21 Minnesota at Green Bay - Green Bay
  22. 4hartthreat

    Just Watched the Bret Hart DVD

    Just got the Bret dvd in from FYE and there was no bonus disc. Just wanted to let everyone know.
  23. 4hartthreat

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    This is very saddening news. I have been a fan of Eddie since I first saw him in ECW in 1995. I follwed him in WCW where he quickly became one of my all-time favorites. I can't believe this. I've been talking about him so much lately because of Batista's injury and the idea of seeing him be a World Champion again. Seems like it makes it sting all the more. I've managed to fight back any tears that may want to surface thus far, but tomorrow night I'd be shocked if they don't break loose. Hopefully though, this tribute show will do for Eddie what the one in '99 did for Owen, allow everyone to grieve and celebrate his life and make you feel just a little bit better about life going on without him. I've always loved my "Cheat 2 Win" shirt, now I'll cherish it a little more. Thanks for the memories. R.I.P. Eddie
  24. I really like that the wwe is doing this match. It puts the champ in the ring with the two people that most of us felt were the possiblities to dethrone Batista given his accident. So it is gives us one of those rare matches where nobody really knows what will happen. With that being said, I think this match also gives Eddie the perfect oppurtunity to turn. The fans expect Eddie and Batista to work together because they are friends, but Eddie just cracks Batista in the knee with a chair or something like that and just covers him, then just looks at the camera and gives that Eddie face of "oh well, what can you do?" Also, I think it would make the SS team match more interesting. Eddie is now the champ teaming with Rey who he tricked yet again into thinking he had changed, Bradshaw who you know wants the title and has beaten Eddie for it before, and a still unnamed partner that could potentially add more tension. And finally, the best thing about this 3 way match next week........JBL is NOT in it
  25. 4hartthreat

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    He said if he tapped to the CROSSFACE he'd leave. He tapped to the SHARPSHOOTER. Hence, he gets to stay. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, lucky us......