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Everything posted by 4hartthreat

  1. 4hartthreat

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Glad to hear there is an excited atmosphere in Houston. I will be arriving Saturday morning. Going to WM and the Hall of Fame, but not sure if I want to go to any Axxess sessions. I am excited about finally getting to attend a Mania though.
  2. 4hartthreat

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    The main reason this mania card is so depressing to me is that I am actually going and this is the worst card on-paper I can recall for a Mania. There has been so much talk on the board about WMX7 recently and it happened in Houston, so the fact that their return there is with this bad looking card sucks. But does anyone else think that this might be the year that the MITB winner cashes in the same night? I think Lawler has mentioned it every week now that the winner can use it that night, and I don't seem to recall them hyping that up at all in past years. I can see hhh winning and then Orton punting him out of frustration and the MITB winner coming down and cashing in his contract. The only problem with that is, I don't really see anyone in that match that Vince would be ok with ending Mania holding up the belt. But it certainly would add some excitement to what appears to be a very lackluster show.
  3. 4hartthreat

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    With the talk now of Bradshaw vs. Kozlov as a possible mania match, that once again frees Rey up for discussion. He is obviously going to be on the show, but where? I am now pushing for a Rey vs. Bourne match at mania. I am going to the show and at this point the only match that excites me is Taker-HBK. And I am not really a fan of either. A Bourne-Mysterio match would most definitely excite me though, and could easily steal the show.
  4. 4hartthreat

    WCW SuperBrawl III

    I have always loved the white castle of fear strap match. It may be my favorite Sting-Vader match and that says a lot.
  5. 4hartthreat

    2009 Oscar prediction contest

    Guys this is getting out of hand. This thread should be less about in-fighting and more about praising my apparent victory.
  6. 4hartthreat

    2009 Oscar prediction contest

    Best Picture Slumdog Millionaire Best Director Danny Boyle – Slumdog Millionaire Best Actor Sean Penn – Milk Best Actress Meryl Streep – Doubt Best Supporting Actor Heath Ledger – The Dark Knight Best Supporting Actress Viola Davis – Doubt Best Original Screenplay Milk - Dustin Lance Black Best Adapted Screenplay Slumdog Millionaire - Simon Beaufoy Best Animated Feature WALL-E – Andrew Stanton Best Foreign Language Film Departures (Japan) in Japanese Best Animated Short This Way Up - Alan Smith and Adam Foulkes Best Art Direction The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – Donald Graham Burt, Victor J. Zolfo Best Cinematography Slumdog Millionaire – Anthony Dod Mantle Best Costume Design The Duchess – Michael O'Connor Best Documentary Feature Trouble the Water Best Documentary Short The Witness - From the Balcony of Room 306 Best Film Editing Slumdog Millionaire – Chris Dickens Best Live Action Short Toyland (Spielzeugland) Best Makeup The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – Greg Cannom Best Original Score Slumdog Millionaire – A. R. Rahman Best Original Song "Jai Ho" from Slumdog Millionaire – A. R. Rahman (music), Gulzar (lyrics) Best Sound Editing The Dark Knight – Richard King Best Sound Mixing The Dark Knight – Lora Hirschberg, Gary Rizzo, Ed Novick Best Visual Effects The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – Eric Barba, Steve Preeg, Burt Dalton, Craig Barron
  7. 4hartthreat

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    I just thought about the card and I think they should do Punk vs. Rey for the IC title. Gives them each a semi-big match and brings some workrate to the show. It also would reward Rey for his stellar performance in the EC.
  8. I agree almost completely with Aero. My favorite season of 24 is season 5. I also agree that 6 is the only season that is bad but that it is still something you should watch because it has some good in it like the first 4 hours and Tom Lennox. I also think part of the reason 6 came off as so bad was because of how awesome season 5 was. To me 5 was like a culmination of everything that had been built up over the past 4 seasons. And then 6 came along trying to establish all these new characters and started super strong but then fell hard. And I don't think being able to watch all the episodes back to back without waiting would help. In fact it might even hurt. So far I have enjoyed season 7. Very glad to see the show back to form after the season 6 slump. But just to address one more thing. I am a fan of Audrey. I think she is a great character. She was perfect for Jack. The actress who played her is very good in the role. I thought she was the only good love interest Jack has ever had. And her being injected into season 6 was actually a plus for me. I really thought the finale for season 6 was strong.
  9. 4hartthreat

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    At this point he is dead even with Penn. He might even be slightly ahead. Rourke won the Globe and just picked up the BAFTA. All Penn has won lately is the SAG. And the main factor there is likely the fact that he had never won at SAG before. Rourke is still very much in the race with Penn and maybe Langella.
  10. 4hartthreat

    24 -- Season 7

    It wasn't really a silent clock. The reason there was no ticking was so you could hear her gasping for air. It was just a cool little effect used to add to the moment.
  11. 4hartthreat

    Royal Rumble 2009

    Meltzer has JTG, Shad, and Dolph Ziggler officially in now.
  12. 4hartthreat

    24 -- Season 7

    My favorite part of the premiere was Janis. I loved that someone finally challenged Chloe. She always just hacks into these systems and no one ever notices or attempts to stop her. So when Janis started locking Chloe out I was very surprised and happy. And Chloe's "someone is trying to stop me from doing this and its starting to piss me off" just made the whole thing for me. I was really enjoying Tony as the bad guy too. And as others said, I am very happy with the development that he was actually with the group as a terrorist. I am hoping we haven't seen the last of this, as in they resolve this issue and so Tony feels he can go back to his mercenary ways and we get more Jack vs. Tony action.
  13. 4hartthreat

    Oscar Nominations Thread

    I would say you did, as it will def be in my top 10 for the year. Everyone just came across as so real to me. So you really felt for all of these characters and what they went through. The dad was great as was the mom, but to me Anne and Rosemarie were a step above. Their scenes together where they fought over what they had gone through growing up and how it effected them now were some very powerful scenes.
  14. 4hartthreat

    Oscar Nominations Thread

    I can be added to the list of people who liked Blindness. I expected so much more out of it, but I thought it was too well made and fascinating not to like at least a little. And bob if you wanted someone else to put in supporting actress, how's about Rosemarie Dewitt? I don't think she will end up with a nomination but she deserves one as she is fantastic as Rachael in Rachael Getting Married.
  15. 4hartthreat

    Oscar Nominations Thread

    The five pics that will be nominated are locked at this point. It is Button, Frost, Slumdog, Milk, and Dark Knight. The best way to tell what will be nominated is to look at the various guild nominations. Usually there is some differences in there that leave some question for one or two spots, but this year that is not the case. Every guild has nominated those five films. So there is no doubt that those five will be your nominees.
  16. 4hartthreat

    24 -- Season 7

    I can not wait for this. I have been having some serious Bauer-withdrawl since season 7 was announced as being delayed. Welcome back Jack.
  17. 4hartthreat

    2008 TSM Survivor Pool

    What would have happened had someone picked the Eagles/Bengals game?
  18. 4hartthreat


    I saw this. I really liked it. I also got the feeling that I was in a haunted house watching it. I'm surprised someone else got that same feeling, as no one else I saw it with felt that way. I thought it was just me.
  19. 4hartthreat

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Of all the movies on that list, THAT is the one you decide to take issue with??
  20. 4hartthreat

    American Idol (season 7)

    I am very pleased that David C. is our Idol.
  21. 4hartthreat

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    I continue to be amazed by wwe's hatred for all things Vader. I'm starting to think that the reason there is no Sting dvd is because you couldn't make one without including Vader matches...
  22. 4hartthreat


    So, THAT was supposed to be the series finale? I know it isn't now because of the abc pick-up, but they didn't know that until recently.
  23. 4hartthreat

    American Idol (season 7)

    I missed Idol tonight because my vcr crapped out on me. Is there anyplace good that you can watch complete episodes at?
  24. 4hartthreat

    Box Office Report...

    Hmm, I really thought it came in at like 7 its first week out. edit: Upon checking it out, you are right. It was no where near the top 10.
  25. 4hartthreat

    Box Office Report...

    Well, let me just chime in to say that I like seeing the top 21 or however many it is in a given week. Just because YOU don't care what "The Visitor's" weekend take was, doesn't mean I don't. (I actually don't care, I just used it as an example). Having a more expanded list might allow you to keep up with a movie that your interested in that didn't make the top 10. For example, a few months ago I was very interested to see how "Funny Games" was doing at the box office. After, I believe, 1 week in the top 10, it fell out and slowly crashed and burned. Having the top 21 posted allowed me to watch its weekly demise. So, if you only want to know what the top 10 was, read that and then move on.