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Posts posted by pochorenella

  1. Holy shit, you're right. I miss the days when the cover actually had something to do with the story. I blame Todd McFarlane for this, he started it with Spawn IIRC. His covers never had a thing to do with the inside story.

    I can't believe that you'd insinuate that the early Spawns HAD a story. Frankly, if he hadn't had those issues with Sim, Gaiman, Miller and Moore(?) I don't think he'd have a clue as to how to carry the "story" any further than he had already. [/sarcasm]

    Wait, what I MEANT to say is that the Spawn covers had nothing to do with, with... with what was going on inside the comics, or something. Yeah, that's the ticket.


    Speaking of covers, Kaare Andrews does some swank work everytime.

  2. I haven't read Excalibur yet, but how in the blue hell can anyone come back to life after being beheaded?? Can someone please explain, use spoiler tags if necessary, thanks.

    A few theories:


    - If Sean Connery can do it in Highlander 2, why not Magneto?

    - Doombot

    - Duct tape. Lots of duct tape...

    - Morrison's run never existed. Except for Jean dying (again), White Queen and Cyclops hooking up, secondary mutations...



    Now, really... was there a somewhat plausible explanation for Magneto's miraculous recovery? I'm pretty sure Baron Blood would love to hear it (he was beheaded by Captain America years ago, for those too young to remember.)


    The only time I've ever seen that a beheaded character came back to life in a comic book was when Balder cut Loki's head off in the "Surtur Saga" over 20 years ago in the pages of Walt Simonson's Thor. You see, he cast several spells over himself so he could be "as difficult to kill as possible". Maybe Magneto paid off Loki to give him a similar spell?

  3. I don't know if Kraven ever came back, but his spot in Spidey history went up considerably due to the Kraven's Last Hunt storyline in which he went totally nuts and ended up killing himself. If they brought back someone that was obviously dead like him, it shits on the character's legacy


    I'm pretty sure KLH was the original Kraven's last appearance (he shot himself in the mouth). Then came his son who took the father's mantle to mess with Spidey.


    I haven't read Excalibur yet, but how in the blue hell can anyone come back to life after being beheaded?? Can someone please explain, use spoiler tags if necessary, thanks.

  4. I still have my "To Hell with the Devil" tape from way back when. I still like "Free" (what a great guitar solo) and "Honestly", but I can't listen to the whole thing anymore. I haven't listened to anything they released before or after that, except maybe one of their later pop-rock ballads that charted on the Top 40.


    Funny thing, I remember a quote from a review Circus magazine did for one of their later albums, the guy said: "Stryper used to be prophets out to rock. Now thy're just rockers out to profit".

  5. Didn't Benoit do some WWF work before he even arrived in WCW (i mean for the first trip) as one of the few CW's they used for the short lived Juniorweight title?


    I really wouldn't know about that, but I know for sure that he did some dark matches with the WWE with Ted DiBiase as his manager in the mid 90s. But what you're asking I think is way before that.

  6. My two favorite X-Men stories since the 90's have been "X-tinction Agenda" and "E is for Extinction" by Claremont and Morrison, respectively. But whereas I found Morrison's run to be quite enjoyable and quality consistent, I found Claremont's work rather spotty after "Agenda", including that horrible run when Cyclops was dead/missing and Cable was pat of the team. So I'll have to give the edge to Morrison.


    Lobdell and Kelly had some decent runs, IMO (barring that stupid mutant with the living intestines, I forgot his name). Still, if there's a SINGLE X-Men issue that always comes to mind as being extremely well-written, is the issue where Colossus sacrifices himself to stop the Legacy Virus. I'm not sure who wrote that but a terrific issue for sure.

  7. I think they should go higher than $500 a seat (even if they come with free chair.) SummerSlam prices have already been announced and they're going for $400 a pop for the first rows so you know Mania should go higher. WMXX had over $250 prices for first level seats, so figure it out.


    MSG holds somewhere between 22,000-24,000 people so Staples Center is a bit smaller. I was there for the RAW after WM2000, so I might try to make it next year, too.

  8. It'll certaintly outsell the Mysterio, Cena, Brock, Shawn dvds but it won't be able to approach Flair's #'s.


    I understand HBK's DVD sold really, really well, so I wouldn't be too sure about that. Ditto for Foley's (the latest one), it even placed in the top 75 overall for Amazon.com, which only Flair's had done before. Can't really say for Mysterio, Brock, or Cena. Of course, Cena's being the worst of the bunch.

  9. Wait is this DVD actually hitting the U.S. also or is that only a U.K. release?

    When I picked up hall of Fame today, they had "Chris Benoit July 2004" listed in the coming soon section.


    So either it's coming out in the US or they're teasing us.

    Don't forget-


    Eddie Guerrero

    September 2004


    Rise and Fall of ECW

    November 2004

    Hey! You forgot about this one:


    Shawn Michaels: A Boyhood Dream DVD

    September 2004


    **runs away from HBK-haters**

  10. I just hope they have an option of the original Japanese track


    Highly unlikely, I believe. Two audio tracks on three different matches should be the final result. The only WWF/E release with three different audio tracks was WM2000, only for the Euro-Continental match, and maybe the SummerSlam 1999 DVD, on the main event, although I'm not 100% sure about that one since I don't own it. Several other PPV releases had the english and spanish commentary but lately they only put the original track, with the exception of the WMXX DVD. Bottom line, I think a third audio track would occupy much-needed disc space. But it would be a neat surprise, though not likely since it would only be wanted by the smart audience, not the general fan.


    Regarding the Pillman show match, I've never seen it, but I'm sure there are bootleg copies around, or is there a video available, and does it have commentary?

  11. Fricking AWESOME. Well done, WWE. Well done. Should be one of their best overall DVD releases ever.


    Still, I can't help thinking there's gonna be A LOT of pissed-off Benoit fans with complaints: "They didn't include [insert match from Japan]!!! Those idiots!! They're holding Benoit back!!"

    WTF No TLC 3 or Smackdown matches? Maybe they are holding that back for the Jericholic dvd?

    There's a Jericho DVD in the works? I haven't heard a thing about that. Don't tease me, man!


    Back on topic, it would've been great to have the TLC3 match, the tag match versus Austin/HHH, or the Austin match from Smackdown, but really, they had to include a couple for historical value, even if they included previously released matches (RR03, WMXX) or inferior matches (vs Sid). But with those Japan matches, the Double Tables match, the Pillman tribute, and the Owen Tribute, I'm really hard-pressed to find any reasons to complain at all on this DVD.


    BTW, it's $20.49 on pre-order at amazon.com

  12. The real issue with Cena is that he plays a better heel character but is more effective in ring as a face where he can get by on some goofy spots like the throwback and five-knuckle shuffle that simply don't work for a heel


    He didn't even do that at WMXX, which disappointed a lot of people in attendance.

  13. It's a very good movie but my favorite Disney/Pixar one is Toy Story 2. Anyway, you wouldn't waste your money if you got it.


    BTW, one of THE greatest Disney films, Aladdin, is coming out on DVD on November/December. Now that's a sure fire buy.

  14. www.instantliveconcerts.com


    "We’ve been promising big announcements, and it doesn’t get much bigger than “The Greatest Rock ‘N’ Roll Show on Earth”!


    Instant Live is teaming up with KISS to offer high quality CDs of every show on their ROCK THE NATION tour. KISS is heading out on the road with a new show, new stage, and set lists featuring rarely heard gems from the entire KISS catalog!


    Be there for the spectacle that over 78 million fans have already experienced, but this time you get to take a piece of history home! It all kicks off June 10 in San Antonio!


    Keep posted as this is only one of many big announcements to come!"




    Oh. My. God.


    I'm there, man.


    I've got to get Exposed on DVD so that I've got the Asylum videos. Funny note...having only been 5 when Asylum came out, I listened to the music (my cousins and half-brother were all KISS fans) but had never seen any videos or footage, save for makeup era stuff. In the mid-90's, there was a guy who had a public access show here in RI called "Rock N' Roll All Nite" and all it was was this chubby oaf sitting in front of a blue screen and showing KISS videos all night. That was the first time I saw any of the videos from Asylum or Crazy Nights


    "Tears Are Falling" is one of my all-time favorite Kiss videos, even if it was born out of that 80's hair-rock video mentality. The later two videos they released were really just recycling "Tears". I wore out my original Kiss Exposed tape just watching that video, so now I'm grateful I have a DVD copy of it. Also of note: MTV did a special countdown years ago (87-88 IIRC), hosted by Twisted Sister's Dee Snider, that listed the Top 20 Heavy Metal videos of all-time as voted by the fans. "Tears Are Falling" came in at #2 behind Motley Crue's "Smoking in the Boys Room". Anybody seen it?

  15. They certainly have the ECW video library at their disposal so it could be possible. Regarding AAA, Rey's DVD had a AAA match from the "When Worlds Collide" PPV that also featured Eddie with Love Machine Barr, better known as the "Gringos Locos" IIRC. It's supposed to be a great match so maybe it could be included.


    I remember it was originally reported to be a 2-disc set, later changed to single disc, but I could be wrong.

  16. "HBK" Shawn Michaels



    1. vs Bret Hart, WrestleMania XII. His very first WWF Title win. Two of the very best wrestlers in the world at that time, on a 60 minute Iron Man match that required overtime to declare a definite winner. Maybe not his best match, but his finest moment for sure.


    2. vs Diesel, Good Friends Better Enemies. After WMXII, HBK needed to prove he could beat the bigger guys, too. Diesel's WWF swan song gave him the opportunity to do that and more. Diesel's best match ever, and a terrific brawl that still looks awesome to this day.


    3. vs Undertaker, Badd Blodd. The first Hell in the Cell match in history, it lived up to all expectations and more. Also Taker's best match ever, HBK bumped like crazy for him and bled buckets, too. So the win was not clean, but Michaels proved again that he was the star of the show. Also, my favorite HBK match, ever.



    1. vs Razor Ramon, WrestleMania X. Probably the one he'll be most remembered for. Technically not the very first ladder match, but the first in the grandest stage of them all. Opened the door for all insane ladder matches to come. In defeat it made him a star.


    2. vs Stone Cold Steve Austin, WrestleMania XIV. Michaels was battling a carrer-ending back injury, but he gave a tremendous effort. Austin was the star, but Michaels held his own, too. One of the very few clean Title loses HBK had (or he himself allowed to have, if you know what I mean)


    3. vs Sid, Survivor Series 96. Was supposed to start a heel-turn for his character, but the WWF realized they were better with him as champ that that idiot Sid, so that didn't happen after HBK regained at the 97 Rumble. Sid's best singles match ever (gee, is there a pattern here?). HBK finally agreed on giving up the Title he loved so much after refusing to lose with Vader.


    Defining Moment: The WrestleMania X Ladder match. Nobody would forget Shawn Michaels after that.

  17. And I better get none other than Mark Hamill for Joker


    I'm pretty sure it's someone other than Hammill. That new Joker design looks really weird. Could take a while to get used to.


    With that thinking, wouldn't it make sense for Adam West ( who plays the mayor) to play Batman?


    I believe he's voicing another character on the show or something. Commish Gordon, maybe?
