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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Just a recent WOL with Lance Storm talking about the Benoit tragedy, good show, uploaded by me, dont know who capped it. http://www.sendspace.com/file/f0v3qn
  2. Vanhalen

    Vanhalen sucks

    Man, some golden names from the past there
  3. Vanhalen

    Cheech's 300th Post Spectacular!!

    Fucking hell, that picture has been done to death
  4. Vanhalen

    Vanhalen sucks

    I said it wasnt as funny as it used to be, I never once used the word gay
  5. Vanhalen

    What do you completely and utterly suck at?

    Posting at this forum, I just cant translate whats in my mind to what goes into the forum as text, I absolutly suck as a poster
  6. Vanhalen

    Hatton v Mayweather is on

    LOL Hatton will own Mayweather
  7. Vanhalen

    Vanhalen sucks

    We need to update the classic threads, get some more recent ones moved over.
  8. Vanhalen

    Youtube for Audio

    Amazing find dude, is there anyway I can actually download the mp3s, instead of streaming them?
  9. Vanhalen

    OAO Raw Thread - July 30, 2007

    Holy shit, thats absolutly terrible, does that mean Smackdown will probably get more viewers this week?
  10. Vanhalen

    Orange Coke

    No, its got more of a softer taste to it, sweeter as well
  11. Vanhalen

    Vanhalen sucks

    Bring Back Banky OMFGlol2007
  12. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Southampton v Crystal Palace first game of the season, cant fuckin wait
  13. Vanhalen

    Hatton v Mayweather is on

    Woot, the fight of the year is definetly happening , can't fucking wait
  14. Vanhalen

    Orange Coke

    Oh man, I hope they never ever get rid of cherry coke, I love that shit
  15. Vanhalen

    The Beer Thread.

    I am having some very nice Kronenberg 1664 as I type this, cheers to all of you!
  16. Vanhalen

    Orange Coke

    I didnt mind that, I also liked that Vanilla Coke as well, but this hmmmm I dunno
  17. Vanhalen

    Vanhalen sucks

    True dat playa, but I miss Banky and Incandenza(Unless they are here under different names and I've been too stupid to notice)
  18. Vanhalen

    Vanhalen sucks

    There used to be some awesome posters in NHB/MCS that got banned/fell by the wayside/disappeared off the face of the earth. If you go back and read some of those threads from years ago, theres some seriously funny shit in there.
  19. Vanhalen

    What was your first ever post

    Thats awesome dude, its ok I was looking at some of my stuff way back then and it was utter shit, 100x worse than it is now
  20. The food forum is fucking fantastic at the minute, its awesome just to browse through.
  21. Vanhalen

    Vanhalen sucks

    OK, so this thread is starting to get funny now. I do miss Hotbutter Spoontoaster tho, if only for his fantastic username.
  22. Vanhalen


    Take some potato salad
  23. Vanhalen

    Want to watch the ROH PPV

    Enjoy! http://galaxiawrestling.blogspot.com/2007/...-is-earned.html
  24. Vanhalen

    Vanhalen sucks

    Ah fuck it ive been drinking im off to bed, night all
  25. Vanhalen

    Vanhalen sucks

    Its funny how you guys never say shit in the chatroom tho and only do it here