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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Vanhalen


  2. Vanhalen

    God I just hate everything right now

    u wwere the dude who gave the thread 5 starts that was veryu nice of you
  3. Vanhalen

    God I just hate everything right now

    yoyu are nice people uo have been very nice to me so i hate everything except tsm
  4. Vanhalen

    God I just hate everything right now

    on thie nice side of things that was very nice the person who rated this thread five stars that was very nice of you ive nver had A THread five stars before thank you very much you are a nice man
  5. Vanhalen

    God I just hate everything right now

    if the fucking derby cheating cunts hadnt cheated i wouldnt be upset but they did and so i am im a nice guy really just those cheating derby motherfuckers have upset me
  6. Vanhalen

    God I just hate everything right now

    to be fair, i have had a bit to drink and you know
  7. Wow you were most repped poster of 2005? Fucking hell, this forum is truly graced with your presence
  8. Vanhalen

    God I just hate everything right now

    Slayer is a decent man and this forum is all the better for his presence.
  9. Vanhalen

    You are a motherfucker

    Because I'm a rebel
  10. Vanhalen

    You are a motherfucker

  11. Vanhalen

    God I just hate everything right now

    ^^^^^^ I dont know what that dude meant, but I agree with all of it
  12. Vanhalen

    TSM Chat room

    Is there a tsm chat room at all?
  13. Vanhalen

    God I just hate everything right now

    well apart from him of course, fucking cheating derby bastards they are
  14. Vanhalen

    English Football

  15. Vanhalen

    Your current cell phone wallpaper

    Sony Erriccson W880i smokes all of your fucking phones easy
  16. Vanhalen

    Why was I suspended.

    One 48 hour suspension for me
  17. Vanhalen

    I Love This Forum

    God I've been coming here for fucking years, at least two years as a guest before signing up in 2003, this is a great fucking forum, even to keep going strong after 6-7 plus years, how many forums/websites et al can lay claim to that, I love the forums and I love all of you
  18. Vanhalen

    Your top 10 posters?

  19. Vanhalen

    Listen carefully...

    i miss the old days
  20. Vanhalen

    I Love This Forum

    So who has been here the longest?
  21. Vanhalen

    PSP Hacked up to 3.03 firmware now

    If you've downgraded your psp and then added dark alexs custom firmware, 3.10b, you can get media players for the psp that will accept wmv, divx avi files everything, failing that, download imtoo psp converter which will convert the files for you, but also transfer video files to the psp.
  22. Good news for any psp owner, any firmware up to 3.03 can now be downgraded fine, you still need a unpatched copy of GTA:LCS http://noobz.eu/
  23. Vanhalen

    PlayStation 3

    Hey guess what, you know that lovely backwards compatability you guys have with your american and japanese ps3's, not gonna happen here in europe, to "save costs", they have stripped out all of the ps2 components of the ps3, leaving it with "very limited" ps2 backwards compatability, what a fucking piece of shit. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3157441 http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/ne...icle1428386.ece Sony cuts PlayStation 3's backward compatibility for European launch Japanese and American models play nearly all PS2 software, but Europeans will have to buy new games Holden Frith The European version of the PlayStation 3, which goes on sale next month after a long delay, will be compatible with fewer PlayStation 2 games than versions launched at the end of last year in Japan and the US. In those markets, the consoles played 98 per cent of the older games. Sony has not said what proportion will work with the European model, but it acknowledged that it would be lower. “Rather than concentrate on PS2 backwards compatibility, in the future company resources will be increasingly focused on developing new games and entertainment features exclusively for PS3,” David Reeves, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, said in a statement. “Games designed for PS3 offer incredible graphics quality, stunning gameplay and massively improved audio and video fidelity that is simply not achievable with PS and PS2 games,” he said. Game on: the battle of the superconsoles The video gaming giants are fighting for supremacy with three new-generation machines touting advanced technology. Which is best? The games that push the right buttons Background Sony PlayStation 3 Microsoft Xbox 360 Nintendo Wii A spokesman for the company said that more PlayStation 2 games would become compatible with the new console after launch, as downloadable updates to the system were released. The first release is scheduled for March 23, the day of the console’s release. Prospective buyers will be able to check whether the games they own are compatible with the PlayStation 3 by visiting a website which will also be available from March 23. Today's announcement follows a troubled and protracted gestation for the new console, which has won praise for its speed and graphics but alienated many potential buyers with long delays and high prices. When it launches in the UK, the top-end models will cost £420, compared with £280 for the full-spec version of Microsoft's Xbox 360. Sony cut the price of the console in Japan just before launch and has announced that it will bundle Blu-ray disc versions of Casino Royale with the Australian edition, also released next month. Analysts suggested that this betrays a lack of confidence within the company that they are giving customers enough of an incentive to buy. “They have to sweeten the deal a little bit,” Hiroshi Kamide, a games industry researcher expert at KBC Securities Japan. “The problem with the product so far is that no one has fully understood why it’s so expensive.” The PlayStation 3 was initially supposed to go on sale in early 2006, but the launch was put back when Sony encountered technical problems with the built-in Blu-ray disc player, a high-definition successor to the DVD. The delay meant that the company missed out on the Christmas sales peak in Europe. Meanwhile, Nintendo launched its Wii console to an enthusiastic response. The Wii is much cheaper (£180) and less technologically advanced than either the PS3 or the Xbox 360, but it's wireless controller gave it novelty value and brought a new audience to video games.
  24. Im looking to buy some more shoot interviews soon, what are the best ones to get? I'm not looking really for the ones with the most dirt, just with people who are engaging and arent mumbly boring sloooooow.