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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Vanhalen

    New TNA TV deal signed

    From www.thewrestlingchannel.tv
  2. Vanhalen

    Who reads the TSM content site?

    I voted for reading the columns then the forum, but I only read JHawk, and I used to love Brandon Truitts shoot interviews, but since he sadly died thats no longer possible
  3. Vanhalen

    I just walked two miles, smoking the whole time.

    Damn, even the box looks sexy
  4. Vanhalen

    I just walked two miles, smoking the whole time.

    John Player Specials will see you right my friend
  5. Vanhalen

    TV Shows on DVD

    The only ones I have really bought have been the first three series of 24 and Seasons 1-4 of the West Wing
  6. Vanhalen

    24: Day 4 - The Thread

    - IMDB.com ...Man, how did they get a preview copy? LOL this is almost word for word what they said about Season 2
  7. Vanhalen

    English Football

    I think your under 16's could have put 5 past us on that day, utter shite, but to be honest the 4-0 was better as it did fuck hoddle right up, which worked well for both clubs when you think about it
  8. Vanhalen

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    I cant believe there are nearly 100,000 dead and a quarter of the globe affected by this, and you are all pissing and moaning about how much money each country has given, fucking unbelievable Oh, and after seeing Fox News "coverage" of this, how anyone can see that channel as a credible news channel is beyond me
  9. Man, its like a set of a movie heist or something, this must have been in the planning for ages. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/4118673.stm
  10. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Harry Redknapps red and white army!
  11. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Ding dong the witch is dead!
  12. Thats cos hes pompey fucking scum
  13. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Take Gordon Strachan before the cunt pisses off to Pompey Scum shite
  14. Was just reading this website http://www.anysoldier.com/index.cfm and what a great idea, maybe we can do something constructive instead of pissing and moainging, whatever side or beliefs we have
  15. Does anyone have a matchlist/event list for these tapes, as I cant find one and its driving me fucking mad
  16. Vanhalen

    for the last couple hours or so I've been seeing

    You should use a real browser like Internet Explorer
  17. Vanhalen

    Blade Trinity

    I was so glad the blind girl got wasted tho
  18. Vanhalen

    Concept shots of PS3/Xbox 2 Madden and NFS

    Gran Turismo 4 looks better than that Need for Speed pic, although Madden does look awesome
  19. Vanhalen

    Comments we weren't supposed to hear

    Angle/Benoit from Unforgiven 2002 has a few, mostly Angle shouting Go for a belly to belly on Benoit Incidentally, the Internet Collection set of videos has some great stuff like this, for instance the Ken Shamrock/Ryan Shamrock spot
  20. Vanhalen

    TNA Loses an important market

    Given that international tours, sales and merchandise accounted for over a quarter of the WWE's revenue this quarter, and a one week tour took in $7.6 MILLION(Hell even CZW ran a succesful tour of Italy), it seems stupid that they are trying to dick around with the UK market, especially that other promotions will just fill their gap. Anyway, here is a statement from The Wrestling Channel(UK)
  21. Vanhalen

    TNA Loses an important market

  22. Vanhalen

    Want to fuck over the spammers?

  23. Vanhalen

    Albums With Only One Good Song

    Name all the albums you can think of, with only one good song, and the name of the song. I'll start off even though my suggestion will probably get me laughed out of the building : Dire Straits - Brothers In arms - Brothers In Arms Laugh if you want, but I'm biased cos Mark Knopfler comes from my home town, and I think the way he can get the guitar to sound so haunting on this song is just awesome, the rest of the album is pretty wank, especially the very overrated Money For Nothing.