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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Vanhalen

    Alien vs. Predator

    To me, the thing that made the first thing great about Predator 1, when I first saw it(God, I feel old now), was the fact that you didnt have one fucking clue what he looked like, only glimpses until the very end of the film when Arnie had to resort to primitive methods, AVP will fail because the mystique of the Predator has gone, and all you have for a movie is lots of nice CGI which is cool to look at, but ultimatly soulless, this will be a throwaway movie, and not what it could be which is a total shame.
  2. Vanhalen

    Alien vs. Predator

    Good god, theyve gone for Freddy vs Jason syndrome, 1 hour of annoying human beings that no one gives a fuck about, and 20 minutes of what we paid our fucking ticket money for, Aliens beating the shit out of Predators, WHEN WILL THEY FUCKING LEARN!
  3. Vanhalen

    American TV censorship reaches new Highs/Lows

    Sorry, its http://dictionary.oed.com/ not www.oed.co.uk, theve changed over.
  4. Vanhalen

    American TV censorship reaches new Highs/Lows

    They did a little bit on this on the radio this morning, mostly laughing at the people in charge for being so prudish, but they had a Scrabble champion on, and apparantly any word in the Oxford English Dictionary is allowed(www.oed.co.uk), it doesn't matter how offensive.
  5. According to Dave Meltzer in this week's Wrestling Observer newsletter, Williams (a huge wrestling fan) has already (since the win over Tyson) approached WWE about participating in an angle with Randy Orton at the Manchester, U.K. Raw tv taping in October. Stemming from his defeat of Tyson, Williams has proposed some kind of 'legend killer' vs 'legend killer' angle. Apparently this isn't the first time Williams has approached WWE; he contacted them about involvement in 2002, but was turned down. No word yet on if any deal has been made, but it's quite possible there will be some sort of celebrity involvement in the UK tv tapings, if only to make the shows seem special and set them apart from the lame U.K.-only ppvs.
  6. Hello Wrestling Fans, and welcome to the 4th edition of The Wrestling Channel Newsletter for August 2004. As a member of our mailing list, you will be the first to receive all the Official Wrestling Channel news and information. HEADLINES: After much preparation, The Bagpipe Report debuted on July 9th @ 8pm. We had a great interview with Diamond Dallas Page, as well as Bryan Alverez on the phone talking about the most recent WWE PPV. The production and format of the show has improved in leaps and bounds since the debut episode, and the latest episode of TBR is always available for download FOR FREE on the TBR website (high-quality WMV file for cable/broadband users & a low-res WMV file for 56k users). Tune in tonight (Friday) for the 5th episode (TBR005), when we will have Ross Hart on the phone talking about the sale of the Hart family home and the dungeon, and also on the phone we have 2-time TNA Heavyweight Champion: Ron "The Truth" Killings. TBR is repeated every Saturday @ 8pm & Sunday @ 7pm. Here are some sample screen shots of previous guests: Here are some of the upcoming guests we have planned for TBR: 13th August: Blue Meanie on the phone 20th August: Mo Chatra in the Studio End of August/ Start of September: Jasmine St. Claire in the Studio Date TBC: Alex Shane in the Studio Date TBC: Road Warrior Animal on the phone Date TBC: Jimmy Hart on the phone Date TBC: Spanky in the Studio Date TBC: Jerry Lawler on the phone ONLINE STORE: We have just added 2 new TNA items to our online store - the new TNA IMPACT logo t-shirt and the new Ultimate X DVD. Check out our online store here (be sure to read the "pop-up" FAQ). The Ultimate X DVD is highly recommended. TWC MATCH LISTINGS: Remember, our listings page now gets updated weekly. It gives a list & date of every match ever shown on TWC. The page can be found here. TWC TELESHOPPING SPOT Keep an eye out for the 30 minute TWC Teleshopping Spot for our online store. We are running it every morning on the Wrestling Channel, and also accross SKY Sports. This will show you a lot of the great items we stock in our online store. SCHEDULE CHANGES & NEW PROGRAMMING The new Memphis Show (Memphis Wrestling) is starting on Monday 9th August @ 8pm. This is a very well put together studio show, and is great entertainment. I would recommend checking out the debut episode and draw your own conclusions. It has stars such as King Mable, Grandmaster Sexay, and Jerry Lawler. We have been in talks with Zero-One and Toryumon, and there is a SLIGHT, UNCONFIRMED, CHANCE that you might see one of these promotions on TWC in the very near future. In other news, we are still re-negotiating with CMLL . We hope an arrangement can be met very soon. We are also considering re-running the Classic Memphis Series in a few months. We are still in talks with TNA about bringing new episodes to TWC. Fingers crossed. SUPERCARD SHOWS This upcoming Sunday, we are bringing you CZW Déjà vu II. Following that show, we have the following lined up: August 15 - FWA Supercard Show (Various from 2003) August 22 - NJPW Super J Cup 1994 (confirmed) Still TBC: August 29 - Best of Christopher Daniels September 5 - CZW Cage of Death III September 12 - ROH Unscripted September 19 - IWA Mid South A Shot of Southern Comfort September 26 - Best of American Dragon October 3 - Best of Chris Benoit in Japan October 10 - CZW Night of Infamy I October 17- ROH All Star Extravaganza Keep checking back to this page for upcoming Supercard Shows. SHOOT INTERVIEWS Upcoming: 9th August 2004: Ted Dibiase - Part 1 16th August 2004: Ted Dibiase - Part 2 In no particular order: Brutus Beefcake Jerry Lawler Rob Van Dam Sid Vicious TWC HARDCORE CLUB Sometimes you stumble accross people who are so stupid that they think their crappy Photoshop skills are enough to fool the general public. I guess this clown must have read our last newsletter, and discovered that members of the TWC Hardcore club were given complimentary items from our online store. Being the genius that he is, and putting the A-Team's Hannibal Smith to shame with his cunning plan, he decided to send us in this photo, and ask: "I spent £3.50 getting this film developed, and it took me ages to set up the photo. I better make it into the club. Where's my t-shirt?" Obviously, we dropped what we were doing and loaded numerous DVD's and T-Shirts into a giant jiffy bag and rushed to the Post Office with his priority package.... Again, anyone who genuinely wants to join the TWC Hardcore club can do so by hanging up our mini-poster in as many places as possible (available here), and sending us in some photos of it. Keep ‘em comin’! Remember to check out our wrestling columns here, which are updated regularly. We have some of the best writers around. Thanks for reading, and keep watching! Sean Herbert. Director of Programming, The Wrestling Channel (sky channel 427).
  7. Vanhalen

    The week in football

    Hey, as you may know the football(soccer) thread on the sports section is very popular, theres an interest in soccer generally, I would like to write a This Week In Soccer when the board is quiet, normally a Sunday or a Wednesday, I think I'm a good writer, and It would fly well
  8. Vanhalen

    Best SNES Two-Player Games

    And of course, ISS Soccer 1 or 2
  9. Vanhalen

    ROH 8/7 Philly

    Have we got a name for this show yet?
  10. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Les Ferdinand was awesome then for Newcastle, cos he had the best supply, he had Gillespie and Ginola pinging in crosses all day long, good luck for the new season, still seven days to wait for me grrrr.
  11. Vanhalen

    Quick question about the NFL

    just a quickie question, when does the season start?
  12. Vanhalen

    Quick question about the NFL

    And of course, with MNF live in the UK now, I will be able to see it
  13. Vanhalen

    The week in football

    Actually, this was going to start next week, in time for the new season, but with all the shit going down this week, I figured this weeks a good time to start
  14. Vanhalen

    TSM Game Chatter Thread

    WTF, you don't want a thread for the biggest sports event in the world, and yet you pin this?
  15. Vanhalen

    Quick question about the NFL

    Cheers mate, appreciated
  16. Vanhalen

    English Football

    I think this sums up Crystal Palaces 1 season stay in the premiership to a tee
  17. Vanhalen

    Announcers making shoot comments...

    Yeah, I have this on tape, it was an episode of Raw, about 3 weeks before Unforgiven 2000, and it was a no 1 contenders match between Hardyz/Dudleyz for tme match at Unforgiven 2000 vs E and C(Yes I have too much worthless information in my head)
  18. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Good god, how in the fuck did I spell Beatties name wrong, and not only that, have it in my sig for fucking ages, cheers adam for spotting that
  19. From different newspapers all around the world obviously for all the whiney bitches on here who piss and moan
  20. Vanhalen

    English Football

    I guess I'm just a contented fan then