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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Vanhalen

    Olympics Coming Soon

    Might as well start one of these, given that the olympics is only 9 days away, any sports you are looking forward too? Medal hopes etc? Think we will see another Kurt Angle?
  2. Vanhalen

    Journalist faces wrath after Kerry incident

    No, its not partisan material, it was from www.mediaguardian.co.uk, but my point is, say you post something from bbc.co.uk/news, which is an excellent website, people say, oh its left wing crap, and if i were to post something from say fox news, then it would be right wing scare stories, theres no happy medium at the minute, its all black and white
  3. Vanhalen

    Journalist faces wrath after Kerry incident

    No, because people will prejudge them based on where they came from
  4. Vanhalen

    English Football

    The Best:Worst thing in the past five years will be hard, as there hasnt been a lot of bad things to happen Bad: Letting Wayne Bridge go so cheaply, it hurt our left side a lot, particularly getting rid of Chrissy Marsden football genius at the same time. Best: Probably, building up St.Marys and Rupert Lowe turning us into a financially viable club, unlike a lot of football clubs, we are not in debt, and make a profit each year, after looking at teams like Everton and Leeds, all I can say is thank fuck for that.
  5. Vanhalen

    Olympics Coming Soon

    WTF, are you retarded or something? When the hell has the Olympics ever been 2 days?
  6. Vanhalen


    Now, cos I'm waaay behind, Nip/Tuck is about to start on channel 4 this month in the UK(yeah Im a cheap bastard without Sky, sue me), ive heard its very good, but what do you guys think who have seen it, does it live up to the hype? The trailer seems very good.
  7. Vanhalen

    The Regal-HHH segments

    As an englishman, I was very proud of Regals performance, he does my town of Blackpool very proud
  8. Vanhalen

    Shaun of the Dead.......

    I am amazed this has found an audience in America, but I'm fucking chuffed about it
  9. Yeah, but you guys have to remember this is Germany, and speed limits arent really observed at all, and they have no speed limits on the Autobahns, so you can see why the dude got a little pissed, I mean, havent we all been stuck behind a caravan for instance at one point in our lives
  10. Vanhalen

    Scott Keith quits

    omg omg omg http://www.livejournal.com/~rspwfaq/
  11. Vanhalen

    The week in football

    Man, that will be difficult
  12. Vanhalen

    English Football

    You've joined at the right time my friend, now Sky show every single game from the premiership either live or on a delayed coverage
  13. Vanhalen

    Is anyone watching the Tyson fight

    Does anyone care about Tyson any more, theyve been showing the PPV adverts a lot, but ever since Lewis destroyed him(which I'd always hoped for), I have no interest in watching him again
  14. Vanhalen

    The Mod Freedom Day

    One day a month, we should have "Mod Freedom Day", the title speaks for itself
  15. Vanhalen

    English Football

    *bump* only 11 days to go people
  16. Vanhalen

    Most Underrated Match Ever

    I always loved the Hardys/Lita v Trish/T+A opener from Fully Loaded 2000, it gets the crowd jacked, great moves and an exciting match, check it out again, and you will see what I mean
  17. Vanhalen

    The Mod Freedom Day

    Actually, I like that idea too!
  18. Vanhalen

    The Convention

    I think Mike is spot on about the Republicans electing a black president before the democrats, and theres only one man for the job, Colin Powell.
  19. Vanhalen

    ROH 8/7 Philly

    I have a funny feeling Acids going over for the title
  20. Vanhalen

    TSM Official Fantasy Football League

    Man you guys have great names for your teams, mines utter shite
  21. Vanhalen

    The Convention

    Well, heres my totally unbiased distanced view on my very first convention, what a load of treacly cloy sentimential empty rethoric crap, I have not heard a single word on policies, or what Kerry might do if he wins, all I hear is how great america is and kerry will make it better, now granted thats a good sentiment, no problems with that, but we need substance people, if I was an american voter, I would be saying, yep thats all well and good but what the fuck are you going to do in power? Anyway, heres 6 things I would change based on what I've seen. 1. For gods sakes, get rid of the cutesy kiddies, its embarrasing and treacly and just urgh 2. The satellitle link ups around the country were just urgh, especially those two fat people that sang the national anthem in some funny language was just hilarious, theres a comic over here that sings popular songs "in the club style" and that was just a perfect parody. 3. Dont play James Brown in between speeches, it was embarrasing to watch some white old men attempt to dance to the Godfather. 4. WTF is with that entrance music, its not the WWE, get rid of it. 5. If you are going to stage manage something, thats great, but dont let the camera linger on the 5 people literally forcing "We love Theresa" signs into peoples hands. 6. Get some substance into the speeches(although I know thats a false hope )
  22. Vanhalen

    Lessons Not Learned

    Ha, they showed that in the UK, that was really funny when he got booed, almost as bad as Neil Kinnock falling into the sea at a press conference
  23. Vanhalen

    TSM Official Fantasy Football League

    I think I've got a good team, even tho I was told off for too many Saints players 1:Niemi © 2: Bridge 3: Lundekvam 4: Woodgate 5: Terry 6: King 7: Okocha 8: Vieira 9: Savage 10: Beattie 11: Bergkamp Subs 12: Berthelin Goalkeep- er 13: Nolan Midfield- er 14: Lazaridis Midfield- er 15: Di Canio Forward