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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Vanhalen

    The Convention

    Well, there was nothing really on TV, so I switched over to Sky News, and they were carrying the convention, so I figured what the hell and watched it, thats my excuse anyway....
  2. Vanhalen

    Saddam's life in prison

    Fucking 'A'
  3. Vanhalen

    The Convention

    I missed a lot of this, because obviously it was in the early hours of the morning over here, and I'm not that dedicated to politics yet, but what I did see was incredibly weird, it was more like the opening ceremony to the bloody olympics or the World Cup or something, lots of cute little kiddies singing(urgh), people introduced WWE style to their own entrance music, just horribly tacky urgh, now granted I only watched for about an hour and a half, from about 10pm last night, which would have been about half five in the afternoon over there, so I probably missed the real bit, but what I did see urgh, I'm glad we dont have that over here.
  4. Forgive my ignorance, but what happens at a convention, is it just a load of rah-rah speeches, or does anything meaningful happen?
  5. Vanhalen

    Changes to coverage of the NFL

    Received this email today from Channel Five, at last, we will be able to watch Monday Night Football, live in the UK, is it a good show?
  6. Vanhalen

    Free Benoit match on WWE.com

    WWE Seem to be really outdoing themselves on WWE.COM recently http://spotlight.wwe.com/benoit/matches/roadwil_99.html
  7. LOL word travels fast on t'internet http://www.ukff.com/index.php?showtopic=50427
  8. Im quite upset my email address isnt on there
  9. Vanhalen

    Free Benoit match on WWE.com

    Just watched it, and unfortunatly its a 2 minute clip, apologies for that
  10. Vanhalen

    What happens at a convention then?

    Believe me, if you'd saw the kiss, you'd know why it was horrific, poor lass didn't know what hit her
  11. Nice email I received in my in-box
  12. God this woman is such a cunt, please people, just fuck up that site anyway you know how
  13. Nice little argument devoloping here lol http://plondon.proboards3.com/index.cgi?bo...0833809&start=0
  14. I wrote Cos yes, I am that shallow, I'm still waiting for a reply
  15. Well, I posted under the username, "Istealbandwidth" and unfortunatly I've been banned , funny that
  16. Vanhalen

    Chris Benoit

    WWE = New RF video
  17. Vanhalen

    What happens at a convention then?

    Did the last time a convention happen, was that when Al Gore had the second worst kiss in recorded history(only behind Michael Jackon and Lisa Marie)
  18. Vanhalen

    Movie Characters

    Im sure its already been mentioned, but by god that fucking kid Newt in Aliens, Aliens is a fucking awesome film, but it could have been better without the cute kid syndrome
  19. Vanhalen

    Shaun of the Dead: Zombies, gore, jokes...

    Its great tho, that so much of our decent output(not the shite crappy sitcoms), but things like Shaun of the Dead, Spaced, Ali G, The Office and so on, is getting noticed across the pond, albeit not on a massive scale, if you liked Shaun of the Dead and Spaced, I recommend you look for the first series these guys wrote, Father Ted, about some priests in Ireland, sounds crap, but its the most insanly surreal thing you will ever see, and absolutly hilarious, if you want to download a particular episode of Father Ted to sample it, download "Speed 3", I wont spoil it, but its fucking awesome.
  20. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Just to let people know, we now have the TSM league, have a look at this thread. http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=58458
  21. Although I'm sure Moist Party Gurl has the potential to come up with something
  22. Im not feeling particulary wacky on a monday morning, but what about grassing her up to the WWE for using copyrighted images, low blow I know, but she will come after us if we dont stop her dammit~
  23. And there was me stupidily wondering just why in the hell this thread was so goddamn slow
  24. Vanhalen

    WWE's Poll of the day(07/23)

    Take a look at WWE's poll of the day, how long do you think before they rig it?