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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Vanhalen

    John Madden Football

    Any tips for the sort of plays I should implement in John Madden series on the PS2, Im a pretty good player, but just cant get into the scoring opportunities, I can get good yardage, just those final few yards
  2. Vanhalen

    New WWE Ticket information

    Lucky bastard, I only managed to get 1
  3. Vanhalen

    Butler Report - Live Updates

    Well, he still wont resign, which is amazing really, but lets all wait for round 3 on Thursday, when the two elections take place
  4. Vanhalen

    Possible Child Abuse at Abu Ghraib

    Wait a tic, I know your american, and I feel sorry for you and that, but do you honestly think that just because one side does something, its ok for the other side to do it, because they did it first? So, it would have been great for us to have concentration camps in world war 2, just because the germans did, jesus fucking christ, give me some adult debate at least
  5. Less than 24 hours to go before it all comes out Mr. Blair.....
  6. Well, I think we can see why George Tenet resigned now
  7. Vanhalen

    Blair dodges all Iraq Questions

    Mike, you didnt see the press conference today, so how in the hell can you comment on it?
  8. Vanhalen

    The Tony Blair dead pool

    Well, basically, it seems the clock is ticking on Blair, especially with the Butler report, the spending review and the two elections on thursday, so when do you think he will resign, the date only, £5 via Paypal for anyone who gets it right, im going for the 19th July, as I think he will get through this week, then jump on the monday.
  9. Vanhalen

    Possible Child Abuse at Abu Ghraib

    We are the bad guys, whether we like it or not, Abu Ghraib lost us the moral high ground.
  10. Vanhalen

    Windows Media Player 10

    Just wondering whether anyone was using WMP10 Beta version, and what it was like?
  11. Vanhalen

    Interview that went wrong...

    I blame king slim myself
  12. Vanhalen

    The Tony Blair dead pool

    BTW, for anyone not following UK politics that closely, this might help out a bit
  13. Once again, due to TSM slowing down, Ive clicked post twice, and up's come two topics, anychance of us being given control over our own topics/posts, so that if we fuck up, we can delete it, it also saves embarassement seeing your own fuck up there for ages until a mod gets round to deleting it.
  14. Im surprised Vince hasnt done this before, as hes had sell outs every time he comes to the country, 20,000+ for house shows and so on, but it seems they dont think the market in America will pick up anytime soon, and because of the strength of the pound, and popularity of live events, seems like we will get a decent deal on the live shows front
  15. Vanhalen

    CZW Tournament of Death 3

    Fuck me, is Thierry Henry wrestling? Arsene Wenger would be fucking amazing as a ref, "no, i did not see it"
  16. Vanhalen

    American TV

    Haha, Id actually made a thread about being able to delete multiple posts yourself, but I was overruled, you have so many adverts guys, doesnt it drive you mad?
  17. Vanhalen

    American TV

    Im just watching some American tv on the internet, thanks to some live feeds we've managed to get ahold of, Im currently watching some weather report for Northern Ohio, man your TV is loud, I dont mean volume wise, its just very in your face most of the time, especially with the adverts. Oh, its going to be warm in Northern Ohio today, wherever the fuck that is, man local news at 5am sucks
  18. Vanhalen

    CIA Slammed for Iraq intelligence

    Its a classic case of misdirection by Mike, if theres something he disagrees with he will shout on and on about something else, in the hope that people will shift their attention to that. Hence the point about Faherneit 9/11 which is completly irrelevant.
  19. Vanhalen

    WWE to move some operations to the UK

    Yeah, but why not take advantage while its hot and the pound is strong, then when it cools off a bit, move back most operations to the states, he could switch backwards and forwards every so often, remember, a recent smackdown show drew just 640 people.
  20. Vanhalen

    Blair - Weapons of mass distruction not found.

    And whats wrong with a circle jerk may I ask?
  21. Before people jump on my back, I know that you guys in the states were a little more open about the reasons for going to war, and the regime change, but here it was only about WMD and nothing else, thats why a lot of people in the UK are upset because we feel we have been lied to, and also in the vote in parlimant which was won by a very narrow margin, many people voted only because of WMD, nothing else
  22. I should have rephrased that, I meant obscure, because I dont watch it and it isnt carried in this country, so its obscure to me.
  23. Vanhalen

    Best N.L. Manager Of All Time

    Paul Sturrock > Anyone in that list
  24. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Lets do the yahoo one, cos that goes more on skill of the players and more chances for points for different things, rather than just goals scored and conceded