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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Vanhalen

    Oh the memories of WWE in 2000

    I really liked Armageddon 2000, it was sold only on the main event, and that delivered
  2. Vanhalen

    Blair - Weapons of mass distruction not found.

    Fucking post of the year
  3. Vanhalen

    Best N.L. Manager Of All Time

    Paul Sturrock
  4. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Surprise, surprise, the papers were wrong about Beattie going to Newcastle(again), man its the worst kind of lazy journalism, they grab Beatties name, put in a random top club, then a random figure, then flog the story for about a month, this has happened 4 seasons in a row now.
  5. Can I just say, the prime minister of the UK Blair says we have found no weapons of mass distruction at all, I would rather take that word than the word of some obscure news site(which most people take as the gospel truth)
  6. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Greece winning Euro 2004 was one of the fucking greatest sporting moments of all time
  7. Vanhalen

    GMail Invites

    Ok, it seems everyone and their dog have these fucking GMail invites, where the hell can I get one(without paying for it)
  8. I was watching some old WCW worldwide from 1990 on Sky Sports last week, and its amazing how many moves just arent used anymore, for instance atomic drop, how many moves and finishers can you think off, that just arent used anymore?
  9. Vanhalen

    Regarding Name Changes

    Could I please have my name changed from barondeath2 to Vanhalen, thanks in advance
  10. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Before the tournament ends and this thread drifts away, can anyone give me a report on Mikael Nillson, what sort of player he is etc seeing as we have definetly signed him now.
  11. Vanhalen

    Uh, any chance for some rugby discussion?

    Yeah, but the international season is pretty much over now for us, with that [sarcasm]fantastic tour of new zealand and australia[/sarcasm], at least I have my World Cup final 2003 DVD if things get really bad, although I am looking forward to the Lions tour.
  12. What, like that truck which was according to Fox News, "definetly used to transport biological nerve agents", and was found to be delivering milk?
  13. This thread is inspired by the Bad Boys 2 DVD I had the misfortune to buy, I really enjoyed Bad Boys, although it gets worse with each viewing, so I was really looking forward to the sequel, imagine my disappointment when its very boring, very very long, shootouts were poor, and Martin Lawrence was just shit, so any films you waited ages to see, and when you went to see them, actually turned out shit?
  14. Vanhalen

    Scripts from Heat...

    I think we all need to get down on our hands and knees and salute this awesomeness
  15. Vanhalen

    On November 3, 2004...

    Actually, now that we move into election time over here, the exact same has happened, because Conservative supported the Iraq war, all Blairs been doing is just turning round and saying "Well, you supported us then", and they really havent got an answer to that, thats why the main battlegorunds over here have been Health and the European Union so far.
  16. Louise Woodwards was broadcast live, at least in the UK
  17. Vanhalen

    On November 3, 2004...

    Sorry that came out wrong, what I meant was, if someone like Kerry who lacked charisma, would he be hurt badly in the polls, or is it not really a big issue like it is over here?
  18. Vanhalen

    Somebody has pictures of Marney....

    My post count is 950. I am sexier than you all. Fools. 951
  19. Vanhalen

    On November 3, 2004...

    Does personality politics matter with the American elecorate? Or is it purely on ideas?
  20. If I was a woman, I'd fuck him, if only to persuade him not to go to Newcastle, that is actually Anders Svennson in my sig tho, in honour of Wayzing.
  21. Vanhalen

    On November 3, 2004...

    You bastard, you nicked my poll idea lol, personally, I dont think either of them should win, Bush is a poor public speaker, he always looks nervous, and Kerry, goddamn, is he the greyest man the democrats could have come up with, everytime I see him on the news he always sends me to sleep, he needs some charisma sharpish.
  22. Off topic I know, but fuck it theres nothing else going to be happening in this trial for a while, so just for KKK.