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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Basically, every 10 years they have to campaign for the right to exist, and the review is coming up soon, and most think it will be abolished
  2. Vanhalen

    Coke to try and relaunch failed "Desani"

    Hmm, thats why it has UK and England written in the article, not USA or America
  3. For those who dont know, Coke spent an obscene amount of money on this bottled water called Desani, which was tap water from Sidcup, it also had cancer causing chemicals in it, just a total fuck up from start to finish, it lasted 4 weeks on the shelves. I stuck this in here cos its a current event, and also the food folder has gone
  4. Vanhalen

    Give me money

    I certainly will, thanks!
  5. Vanhalen

    Movies worth owning for just one part

    A Few Good Men for this bit of dialogue
  6. Vanhalen

    Coke to try and relaunch failed "Desani"

    Oh, and its funny, because there was a very good documentary on it recently, and it was hilarious, just everything that went wrong.
  7. Vanhalen

    Random thoughts after seeing the Mass Transit

    You wrote more, but it was fucking worth it, great little review
  8. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Northern Ireland are fucking dire, come on man, they were celebratign cos they beat Trinidad and Tobago for fucks sake
  9. The Shield season 3 finally starts here in the UK on tuesday night after CSI, so just a quick question, is it as good as the first 2, or better, or worse?
  10. It will be interesting to see what happens now
  11. Vanhalen

    Urst Maier the twat

    yep, send the biased twat a nice lovely message here http://www.ursmeier.ch/htdocs/um70_kontakt.html
  12. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    We needed this guy playing for england, hes have been a hell of a lot more creative than Phil Neville, and take a better penalty than Beckham! http://www.saintsforever.com/Images/aniletissfkick.gif
  13. Vanhalen

    Urst Maier the twat

    You are talking shite there mate, utter shite
  14. Vanhalen

    Jack Ryan drops out of Senate race

    I apologise /me hides in corner
  15. Vanhalen

    Jack Ryan drops out of Senate race

    But didnt Ryan become president when someone flew a plane into the senate?
  16. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Yeah, his agent was on five live talking about the deal, its looking pretty well done now, he was also talking about how friendly southampton was as a club, and how killer and anders really enjoy playing there, and had said nothing but good things about him, apparantly hes playing tonight on the left, but out of position.
  17. Vanhalen

    Urst Maier the twat

    What I find funny, is that people are sending him the worst abuse possible, and up comes a little thing thanking you for your message
  18. Yes, that bitch Linda McMahon announced that all PPV's would stop being free in the UK from 2005, ending an era when we have had free PPV's for nigh on 17 years now, well fuck em, at least I've got the wrestling channel to watch instead of that.
  19. Vanhalen

    Movies worth owning for just one part

    The Untouchables, final scenes Costner - "You got him" Garcia - "Yeah I got him" Costner - "Then take him" *BANK* right between the fucking eyes.
  20. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

  21. Vanhalen

    They Stuck To Their Guns

    Oh, you've disappointed me now
  22. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Russia 1 - Wales 0 CHOKERS!
  23. One thing that has puzzled me is the title of Summerslam 92, "The summerslam you thought you'd never see", was there a good chance of it not being shown in the US, or was there a bigger story behind it?