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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    I know its all useless now but if Beattie had have been in the squad Vassel wouldnt have been and Beattie wouldnt have missed. Oh well cant blame anyone.
  2. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    For all the people who want to be negative about England, heres some positives, under Sven England have lost just two competitve games in nearly four years, we are extremely hard to beat, now if Rooney is this good at 18, imagine what he will be like in Germany in 2006! Yeah Beckham had a mare, but at least he wont be taking penalties again, Heskey has finally gone, Rio Ferdinand will be back! We have one of the best midfields in the world, other teams have aging players whereas our core of the side will be around in 2006, and in peak age and performance, so yeah believe me, Im fucking gutted, but I think we have the makings of a great team, I think if Rio Ferdinand was playing it would have been a different story, but fuck it, roll on 2006!
  3. Vanhalen

    English Football

    We've got a pretty crappy start to the season, playing decent but average sides such as villa, Charloton and so on, so I dont think we will make up a lot of points, december is the big month for us, we play lots of shit teams like Norwich.
  4. Vanhalen

    PPVs to be PPV in UK from 2005

    Nah, they made the stupid mistake of putting it on head to head with Raw and got absolutly destroyed, viewing vigures were about 40,000/show.
  5. Vanhalen

    Jacqueline released?

    apart from her laying in some funny stiff stuff against Trish at Vengeance 01(which in hindsight probably pissed off the office no end, considering how Trish was going to be used), has she ever accomplished anything of note in the past couple of years(apart from the cruiserweight title )
  6. Vanhalen

    Worst. Chatshow. Ever.

    Hahaha, I had a whole load of them to pick from, but as soon as I went to write the options, my mind went blank, so I've left loads out, so apologies for that.
  7. Vanhalen

    Premiership fixtures announced

    Nice easy start to the season for Norwich
  8. Vanhalen

    Worst. Chatshow. Ever.

    Why not Sally Jessy Raphael, the most condescending patronising woman I've ever seen in my life, and those fucking red glasses!
  9. Vanhalen

    PPVs to be PPV in UK from 2005

    As I heard it, WWE a: wanted a huge increase in the price of the contract and b: would not allow sky sports to show PPV's on national tv and if they did, then WWE would simply refuse to sell it to them, which is another way WWE is shooting themselves in the foot, as they simply arent popular over here as goes viewing figures, no other tv company would even look at them.
  10. Vanhalen

    PPVs to be PPV in UK from 2005

    In no way shilling, but I know a guy who will sell them to you for £4 in the UK, add this msn name to your list [email protected], ive bought a fair few events off him and he's totally sound.
  11. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    God im so fucking nervous about tonight
  12. I know Clinton and Blairs "third way" got some knocking, and was eventually dropped, but surely you can be tough in some areas, but also left on some issues, can a party survive like this, or would they be accused of being inconsistent with their views? I suppose its the same with a Politician changing his mind, its always portrayed in the media as a "U-Turn" or hes indecisive, rather than him/her realising the mistake hes made and changing his mind, I guess we have the media to blame for that, I dunno, what do you guys think?
  13. Vanhalen

    The Untouchables

    Man, I was watching the Untouchables last night for the first time in a couple of years, and what a fucking great film it still is, it has Andy Garcias coolest moment ever, Kevin Costners best film, De Niro just being off the fucking charts, lots of blood and violence, a good perfomance by Shawn Connery, one of the greatest shootouts ever in the train station, the guy who played Nitty was an evil fuck, just a great film. What do other people think?
  14. Vanhalen

    PPVs to be PPV in UK from 2005

    Well, Raw gets about 300,000 viewers on average in the UK, the live shows(summerslam et al) do slightly better at about 450,000 viewers, now if you take the US model, about 4-5 million people watch raw, and a good ppv buyrate(i think) is about 600,000. That is about 15% of the audience roughly, 15% of 300,000 is roundabout 45,000 buys, now taking into account the late starting times, round about 1am - 4am, I reckon you can knock about 5,000 buys off that, which comes in at about 40,000buys, now Sky would charge £14.99 for each PPV so that would make about £596.000 in revenue, times that by 16 would be £9,593,600 in revenue, now the new sky contract is rumoured to be at about £65 million pounds, this would mean that Sky would face a significant drop in revenue from advertising, and the PPV's. Im surprised Sky went in for this deal to be honest, Im surprised they didnt think about dropping it altoghter.
  15. Vanhalen

    PPVs to be PPV in UK from 2005

    Well its more than 12 now isnt it, cos they've got those midweek ones coming up as well, see, I dont get this, surely they cant expect people who are also staying up to 4am, to pay for it, they will just get them from traders the next day. I also wonder whether doing the Raw and Smackdown from the UK in October has anything to do with this as a way of buttering us up?
  16. Vanhalen

    Worst. Chatshow. Ever.

    Fuck, I just realised I forgot Jerry Springer, D'oh
  17. Vanhalen

    Demons made Clinton have an affair

    Good god, I see sarcasm doesnt really fly well in the states
  18. Vanhalen

    I fancy having a bet on John Kerry

    Maybe I will stick to betting on Euro 2004 then!
  19. You guys over there are following the November election closer than me obviously, so are these good odds for Kerry to win the election? http://bestbetting.com/Default.aspx?bettin...son&eventtype=0 Cos I quite fancy having a tenner on him.
  20. Vanhalen

    I fancy having a bet on John Kerry

    What about Bushes odds, you reckon its worth a tenner on that?
  21. I think taping Raw and Smackdown in the UK as a one off every so often is a great idea, you would get a packed building and a super super hot crowd, it would make things more special, hell Vince could probably do a Raw taping at Old Trafford(Capacity 77,000) and have it sell out in a day
  22. As those of you that attended the FWA show are aware, Steve Corino was unable to make Carpe Diem due to flight problems. To fill in for Corino at the last minute, the FWA brought Jake Roberts in for the show. For obvious reasons, that wasn't a popular move, but under the circumstances, and one of the show's top draws not being able to make it, the FWA obviously felt they needed to provide another big name to replace Corino. Anyway, it turns out Jake's demons reared their ugly head at Brent Town Hall in the hours leading up to the show. These demons resulted in Jake Roberts being in no fit state to wrestle on the show, and his behaviour was so bad that he was throwing furniture around and threatening to stab an FWA employee. With Jake in no state to continue, and posing a threat to others on the show, the decision was made to send him home. Trying to sort this terrible situation out is the reason why the show started later than scheduled. It's crazy shit, but unfortunately, it's not even surprising or shocking any more.