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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Vanhalen

    TV shows which made the greatest impact

    Im going to pop for ER, just simply for the camerawork, and the fast paced direction, that you can now see in shows like the West Wing and 24
  2. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Division one becomes something like Championship League one or something stupid like that.
  3. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    But on a plus note, Denmark/Italy is a pretty cracking game so far.
  4. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    And how many chances has Heskey had, about 1,000,000,000,000,000, hes shite, no other way about it, and the reason I said Beattie, was that he started out as a defender, and as such, would have helped a lot more in defence, rather than having a finger up his arse when Makele strolled past him, and then run up and kick him in the chest, fuck Heskey, hes shite.
  5. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    I cant see why people are upset, it was a freak turnaround, and wouldnt have happened 99 times out of 100, it happened in the group stages, where its not too bad, and also, we went toe to toe with the best team in the world, who hadnt conceded a goal in 11 games and hadnt lost in whenever, and we matched them. Although why the fuck Sven continues to ignore Beattie for Heskey is beyond me, Beattie is a pretty good defender as well as an attacker.
  6. I think I can pretty confidentally say, this is the end for Tony Blair Labour is suffering heavy losses in local elections in England and Wales, with several councils changing hands. So far Labour has lost about 210 seats. David Blunkett said he was "mortified" by the results and blamed the Iraq war for "damaging" the Labour vote. The Tories have gained 101 seats and won Trafford and Tamworth. Charles Kennedy said Lib Dem gains showed the UK now had true three party politics. The London mayor result is due later on Friday with Euro results on Sunday. The turnout across England and Wales is running at 40%, up an average of 9% on last year - an increase not confined to the four regions piloting all-postal ballots. Even with nearly half of the local elections still waiting to be declared key Labour figures acknowledged the party's results have been affected by the Iraq war. Tony Blair said Britain's role in the invasion had cast a "shadow" over the poll. And Home Secretary David Blunkett told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the war had "split" the party. "I'm mortified that we're not doing better than we have done," he said. "We know it's been a bad night ... but not meltdown - no take off for the Conservatives." Projections The elections are the biggest test of voter opinion before the next general election but the final picture will not be clear until the European results appear on Sunday night. So far around 80 out of the 166 councils holding elections have declared the results. On the basis of voting in 300 key wards the BBC is projecting an equivalent national vote for the parties of Tories 38%, Lib Dems 30% and Labour 26%. This would give the Tories a result on a par with its local election results achieved under WIlliam Hague's leadership in 2000. Birmingham, Sheffield and Newcastle are among the big cities not announcing their results until later on Friday. Labour has lost control of the former mining area of Bassetlaw for the first time since 1979, as well as suffering defeats in Burnley, Hastings, Oxford and its traditional stronghold of St Helens. It also lost control of Swansea, as the first Welsh results came in. But the party won Stoke-on-Trent, tightened its grip on Barrow-in-Furness and, despite seat losses, held Manchester. BBC political editor Andrew Marr predicted Mr Blair's critics on Labour's back benches would use the results to reopen discussion about his leadership of the party. The results offer the first electoral verdict on Michael Howard's leadership of the Conservatives. Tory co-chairman Liam Fox said they had won some "spectacular results" and predicted Labour was on course for the worst local council results for a ruling party "in electoral history". He said the Tories were heading for their best poll performance since 1992, although the party lost Shrewsbury and Atcham to no overall control and missed their target seat of Carlisle. "I don't for a minute say that the result today would guarantee the Conservatives winning a general election, that would be absurd ... but it's good solid progress for us," he told Today. He said: "We are back in metropolitan areas in a way that we haven't been since the mid-1980s." The Lib Dems held Liverpool and won 10 seats in Manchester but dropped control of Eastbourne to the Tories, as well as losing Norwich and Cheltenham. Leader Charles Kennedy said: "This is a great result for the Liberal Democrats... "We're continuing to not just hold, but to substantially advance our position, this is really three party politics in Britain and the media here really need to wake up to that fact." The UK Independence Party won a council seat in Hull and another in Derby. UKIP leader Roger Knapman said his party had taken votes from all three major parties and hoped good results in the European elections would mean it was "riding a wave". Green shoots? The Green Party will also be buoyed by taking its first ever seat in Manchester, as well as picking up four seats in Oxford. The British National Party failed to gain ground on Burnley Council, where it slipped into fourth place, losing one seat to the Conservatives but gaining one from Labour. The final days of campaigning were marred in some areas piloting all-postal votes by allegations of fraud and voter intimidation, which are being investigated by the police and the Electoral Commission. An independent councillor in Hull has said he intends to mount a legal challenge against his election result.
  7. What time will Reagans state funeral start tomorrow, and what is likely to happen, just I'd like to catch it tomorrow on Sky News, but cant be arsed to watch the news all day tomorrow.
  8. I think all Americans can be proud of the send off they have given Reagan today, whatever your political views, your country looks proud and well today
  9. Vanhalen

    Old Gail Kim training video up for download

    That girl sure does love an armdrag
  10. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Portugal 4 - Greece 0 I think the Portugese will start on fire Russia 1 - Spain 1 First shock of the tournament for me, this leaves spain playing catchup.
  11. Vanhalen

    Micheal Moore to target

    Oh but stuff the world, I would love to see a film on Blair, just simply because there has been so much that has happened in the 7 years of his reign so far, it would be fascinating, hell, he could probably make a whole film out of the Hutton report, if nothing else, he will have to be quick tho, General election is next year.
  12. Vanhalen

    Blair loses really heavily in elections

    Yeah but Jobber, more results have come in, even Labour have lost Newcastle, they held that for over 30 years, Newcastle is about as Labour as you can get, this is a bad night.
  13. 10. NAIL DOWN THE VENUE So what that he's faster than light and can score from anywhere? First things first. Get it clear in your own mind exactly where you want to be as the whistle goes. Do you like being surrounded by sweaty drunken strangers who may spontaneously bear-hug you in the event of a goal, and accidentally brand you with a lit cigarette if nudged mid-match? Then the boozer is the place for you, my friend. Should a glacial silence and easy access to the bathroom be more important, then stay home. Fail to make up your mind, and you'll find yourself paying £10 to get into a shocking Antipodean theme bar where the screens are all showing old Aussie Rules games and the commentary is drowned out by endless Powderfinger tunes blaring out of the PA. 9. PERFECT THE PREPARATIONS In the words of the great Sally Gunnell, "Fail to prepare, and prepare to fail." If you're hosting at your gaff, get creative. Don't just buy a load of ordinary beers - get a mini England v France battle going by purchasing one case of old-school bitter and one of fancy-dan continental lager. At the end of the day, tot up the empties and hey presto! you've got the scoreline that really tells us which country is best. 8. BONE UP ON BONAPARTE Napoleon Bonaparte - a real midfield general Historical context is all. This fixture is just the latest in a series of Anglo-French dust-ups stretching back through the mists of time. While your pals will try to impress with some chat on the merits of Patrick Vieira, blow them out of the water by reeling off the career stats of the original French midfield general, Napoleon Bonaparte. Did they know, for example, that the real name of the stroppy general's mistress was not Josephine but Marie-Rose de Tascher de la Pagerie? Or that, far from being the stumpy dwarf of legend, he was actually 5ft 5ins tall - slightly above average height for a Frenchman in 1800? Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Lynam. 7. POLISH THE ARGUMENTS Choose one of the following pub cliches and learn it off by heart: A. "Forget this diamond business - you've got to pick the best four midfielders in the country, ain'tcha." B. "Yeah, so Henry has the speed of a puma and can score from anywhere - but can he head the ball? Eh? Eh?" C. "He's a liability, that Rooney - he'll be sent off in the first 10 minutes, just you watch." D. "Them Italians - say what you like about the hair, but their shirts are the business." 6. ESTABLISH THE GROUND RULES Who is in charge of the remote control? Whose round is it next? Do you lose your seat if you go to the toilet? If your player from the sweepstake goes off, do you get the substitute? 5. DON'T PEAK TOO EARLY The temptation will be to go out on Saturday night and, pumped with adrenaline and jangling of nerve, get battered before the main event even begins. Stop. Take a deep breath. And another. Don't throw it all away now. Pop yourself down on the sofa, crack open a lemonade and enjoy the gentle delights of Spain v Russia, free of expletives and anxiety. This way, you can wake up on Sunday with the clear head of the truly innocent. 4. PROTECT YOUR OWN INTERESTS Do you own a Renault? Is there a model of the Eiffel Tower in your front garden? Cover them up. Hide them. Stick them in the shed. Should England lose, some ape-like thug will almost certainly attempt to express his pain via the medium of violent destruction of the first French-related thing he sees. Ask yourself this: are your soft cheeses safe? 3. COLLAPSE INTO PANIC Oh my giddy aunts. We've got David James in goal! And either Ledley King or Jamie Carragher in central defence! They've got Thierry Henry! And they've won the World Cup! We couldn't beat Japan! 2. GO GUNG-HO We've got the hottest young striker in the world! And dead-eye Michael Owen! Up against the 94-year-old Marcel Desailly and Bixente Lizarazu! They couldn't score a goal in the last World Cup! And the coach is so convinced they're going to lose that he'd rather manage Spurs! 1. APOLOGISE TO ALL, AND BEGIN Man to girlfriend: "I am sorry, for I am about to shout and swear like a tramp coming off meths." Woman to boyfriend: "I too am sorry, for I am about to scream like a witch in a washing-machine." The talk is over. Let us begin!
  14. Vanhalen

    10 Things to do before England v France

    Dumb english answer: yep he sure is
  15. Vanhalen

    TV shows which made the greatest impact

    Actually, funny you should mention that, I was watching the second series boxset of the simpsons today, and thats what inspired the thread, I'm going to vote for Cheers, as you can make referneces from that to Seinfeld, Friends, Frasier, and even Star Trek:Deep Space Nine(Morn)
  16. Vanhalen

    Ronald Reagans state funeral tomorrow

    Here is Margaret Thatchers amazing tribute to President Reagan for anyone who missed it
  17. Vanhalen

    One thing I admire about America....

    Sorry, yep you are totally right, just bad wording there, but the sentiment is the same.
  18. Vanhalen

    Blair loses really heavily in elections

    Meh, we vote who we vote for, you guys vote for whoever you want, I look forward to us suddenly being against the war on terror, Im sure that will be fun ;P
  19. Vanhalen

    Ronald Reagans state funeral tomorrow

    Thatchers tribute was very powerful, along with George Bush's senior, i think George.W.Bushs tribute was a bit washy and meanlingless, but the first two were very powerful indeed, I think America can be proud of what they have done today so far for Ronald Reagan, regardless of political affiliation.
  20. Vanhalen

    I saw Tyson Tomko at a bar.

    Just this time, go out and win one for the slipper
  21. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Have a look at Belgiums left back, Van Damme, hes 19 years old, played reguarly for Ajax in the champions league, but was second behind their brazilian left back, hes supposed to be really fucking good.
  22. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Do you realise that if you are relegated from the Premiership, you are relegated to the "championship", what the fuck?
  23. Vanhalen

    Blair loses really heavily in elections

    A good analysis here:
  24. Vanhalen

    Ronald Reagans state funeral tomorrow

    BTW did anyone find the pictures of Thatcher and Gorbachev touching Reagans coffin really touching? It was weird, its like the whole of the 80's capsulated in one little space.