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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Vanhalen

    More from an ally

    This is due to the two most recent waves of teriosm, the massacre at the compound when Al-Qaeda assasinated 22 Britains and other people, and also yesterday, when a group attacked a BBC news crew, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3783799.stm and left the camera man dead and the reporter still unconcious in hospital, and also there has been another american killed today http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/3787439.stm it seems the royal family are starting to lose their grip on power, and that does spell bad news for us, as they control the oil, and also that is where the main bases in the middle east are now, apart from Iraq
  2. Vanhalen

    One thing I admire about America....

    Is that true? Because that is the honest impression you get, that the flag is hoisted around proudly, oh and re: that email KKK is god, and I apologise for sending shit to his email account.
  3. Am I missing something here, the wrestling channel is already running, www.thewrestlingchannel.tv and the horror channel is running now as well
  4. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    We have a fantasy league going for Euro 2004, at http://sportinglife.fantasyeurofootball.com/ select join mini league when you have selected your team do your team them click on mini leagues league name: ukff p/w: beastie
  5. Vanhalen

    **Breaking News**

    A statement purportedly from al-Qaeda militants in Saudi Arabia has warned of new attacks on US and Western airlines and other transport facilities. "All compounds, bases and means of transport, especially Western and American airlines, will be a direct target...," it said. Posted on an pro-al-Qaeda website, it asks Muslims to keep away from Westerners and such locations. The statement's authenticity could not be immediately verified. But it was signed "al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula". It comes as Saudi security forces hunt gunmen who attacked a BBC news team in a drive-by shooting in Riyadh on Sunday. Cameraman Simon Cumbers was killed and security correspondent Frank Gardner is critically ill in hospital. The two journalists travelled to Saudi Arabia last week following terror attacks in the city of Khobar.
  6. I dont think any comment is needed here, just it scores a 10 on the stupidity meter President Bush has strongly defended the US-led war on terror, casting it as a struggle between freedom and tyranny exactly like World War II. In a speech to new air force officers, he said they were fighting the same war as those who battled the Nazis. The war on terror, he said, resembles "the great clashes of the last century" between democracy and totalitarianism. Mr Bush was speaking at the Air Force Academy, ahead of ceremonies marking the 60th anniversary of D-Day. He told graduating officers in Colorado Springs: "Each of you receiving a commission today in the United States military will also carry the hopes of free people everywhere." Like the US involvement in World War II, he said the war on terror began with a surprise attack on the US. "Like the murderous ideologies of the last century, the ideology of murderers reaches across borders," President Bush added. The "enemies of freedom", he went on, mistakenly assumed that the US was "decadent" and would collapse. "In those calls we hear echoes of other enemies in other times, the same swagger," he said. "We will accept nothing less than victory over the enemy," he said. He told the new officers that the US would continue to strike countries around the world. "The best way to protect America is to stay on the offensive and attack more countries." Mr Bush highlighted the importance of the Middle East, and re-affirmed his policy of fostering democracy there. "If that region is abandoned to terrorists and dictators, it will be a constant source of violence and alarm," he said. "If that region grows in democracy and prosperity and hope, the terrorist movement will lose its sponsors, lose its recruits and lose the festering grievances that keep terrorists in business." In the long term, the president added, "we expect a higher standard of reform and democracy from our friends in the region, we expect them to shape up to our standards." Mr Bush also defended his administration's controversial record on Iraq. He said that country was "more secure with Saddam Hussein in a prison cell, it didn't matter about a couple of isolated abuse cases".
  7. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    And also for anyone interested, this is the bbc news section for Euro 2004, its v fast, and lots of good info on all teams and games, its worth a check out http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/e...004/default.stm
  8. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Ive created an account for everyone at www.soccerstreams.com Username: thesmartmarks Password: thedames
  9. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Hey man, www.soccerstreams.com is covering most of the Euro 2004 games live, and all on some sort of a delay, not as much as 72 hours tho.
  10. Vanhalen

    Bush compares War in Iraq to WW2

    And how in the fuck the Second World war is a "good" war is beyond me?
  11. Vanhalen

    Bush compares War in Iraq to WW2

    So, you think that the breadth and scope of the second world war can be compared to invading Iraq, that Omaha beach, the desert rats, D-Day, the blitz, the battle of britain, the invasion of russian, the invasion of germany, pearl harbour, can all be compared to the war in Iraq?
  12. Vanhalen

    Jake the Snake's opinion

    I went to see Jake the snake wrestle for wZw in Carlisle, England two months ago, and he is looking really good at the minute, he actually had a pretty good match with Phil Powers.
  13. Hey, theres a passage in Foleys book when he was bitching about someone who was getting a push and the Funker said, "mick sometimes vince does it to be nice", so what has Vince done, that in your view, was not done for business purposes, but just to be "nice", a push maybe, or a belt on some crappy wrestler(Hardcore Holly at RR04 springs to mind)
  14. Vanhalen

    "Sometimes Vince Does Things to be nice"

    When you read them over and over again, do they end differently? ... Sorry, had to. It was just after Wrestlemania 14 IIRC
  15. Vanhalen

    D12 World

    He was the other member of the group, the one Eminem replaced. I mean, Em grew up with them and all but he wasn't really in the group, just a friend, so after Bugz died he took his place. Bugz got in a fight with some kid and the guys friend went to his car and shot him 3 times with a shot gun and ran over his body with his SUV. It was a big thing because someone caught it on video tape and it played on the news quite a bit in Detroit. Em didnt replace bugz, kuniva replaced bugz
  16. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Adam, its a p*mpey supporter, you cant expect me to be nice, anyway, heres my list. 1st. Arsenal 2nd. Man Utd 3rd. Chelsea 4th. Newcastle 5th. Liverpool 6th. Charlton(If the spend the Parker money wisely and hold onto Curbs) 7th. Southampton(If we get the players that are rumoured to be coming) 8th. Middlesborough(If they get Kleivurt) 9th. Villa(Last season was a fluke) 10th. Bolton 11th. Blackburn 12th. Fulham 13th. Birmingham 14th. Man City 15th. Everton 16th. Spurs 17th. P*mpey 18th. Norwich 19th. West Brom 20th. Crystal Palace
  17. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Well, we did win Le Tournai before France '98. Thats a great point, and we looked very impressive against France and Italy, to the guy who said we always do shite in big tournaments, hmmm, how about 1990, semi finals(losing to the team that won the competition on penalties), 1996(semi finals) again, losing to the team that won on penalties, 98 2nd round, amazing game, both teams should have gone thorugh, but lost on penalties, 2002, quarter finals, losing to the winners of the competition, I would hardly call that doing nothing in a tournament situation.
  18. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Piss off pompey, we are in a much better situation then you could ever dream to be in
  19. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Man, whats with all the negativity, its traditional for us to fuck up before a big tournament, the cathay pacific flight in 96, the crappy training sessions in 98, drawing with tunisia in 1990 and losing to the usa in 1991, it wouldnt be england if we werent utter shit before the start of a tournament
  20. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Actually, youd think it was a lot, but it only happened twice, but fuck me, it was nerve wracking every time, if we had gone down with the small capacity of the dell, fuck knows what could have happened
  21. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Ive got a good bet at 24/1 that Russia are the first team eliminated
  22. When Mae Young gave birth to a hand, was this feat of medical science ever explained rationally, my minds gone today.
  23. Vanhalen

    American Idol 3

    Just a quickie, American Idol starts this friday in the uk, so are we behind this year, or the same week?
  24. Vanhalen

    Honky Tonk Man Shoot Interview Review

    http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=17414 Brandon Truitt >>>>>> Anyone even attempting to review a shoot
  25. Vanhalen

    MikeSC's Website?

    It is hard to imagine someone having views like that in the 21st Century, but there you go, thats religion for you, and thats why its dying in the UK