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Everything posted by Vanhalen

  1. Vanhalen

    Best movie from 1994?

    I'm going to vote for two movies that I personally enjoyed, Clear And Present Danger(tho the book is better), I think Harrison Ford is Jack Ryan in the same way Kiefer is Bauer, Killing Zoe is also a great Tarantino film
  2. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Like I've said beforee, Im so glad that I have never gone through the agony of a play off
  3. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Well I think you are a little misguided there mate, but its your opinion and you are entitled to it, but I'd like to know where the rapist charge came from, given that all charges were dropped against the three players in question, of which none of them turn out for the national team, and also you discount hardworking players like Beckham, Gerrard, Scholes, BUTT, John Terry, Wayne Bridge and so on, but I do have a little soft spot for Latvia just for Marian Pahars, but I bet when you wrote that little uninformed post, you didn't have a clue who he was did you?
  4. Vanhalen

    English Football

    I would love to have Bridge back, hes a fucking great player
  5. Vanhalen

    Euro 2004

    Well I've done a bit of hunting around for our American friends, and what I have found is this, DirecTV will have all games live on PPV(which seems a little weird considering its free in the countrys where it will be most popular lol), Fox Sports Worl will have most games on a 72 hour delayed time, and TSN will cover all games live.
  6. Yep, straight after the final episode of Friends finishes tonight, whizz over to FTN on Sky/Freeview/Cable for a repeat of a Jay Leno special when he reunited the friends cast and looks at Outtakes, clips and so on, its supposed to be a good show.
  7. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Yeah but you guys are tolerable(sort of), plus you gave us Higginbotham
  8. Vanhalen

    English Football

    Argh, its an invasion of Bristol City fans, quick, bring out the Matt Le Tissier doll as protection.
  9. Vanhalen

    American Idol 3

    Hell, Im not eligible to vote, does that mean I can piss and moan?
  10. Vanhalen

    English Football

    ah but thats just because its the end of the season, wait a couple of weeks
  11. Vanhalen

    Thank you America

    You should see him on TV when hes ranting and raving and waving that hook about, its hilarious
  12. Vanhalen

    Thank you America

    I am sometimes quick to criticise, but I am always just as quick to praise, so thank you america for extraditing this fucker Abu Hamza who preaches on the streets of London, the government have been trying to get rid of this fella to Yemen for a year now, but hes wealthy and keeps on blocking it with legal action, so in comes the united states to whisk him off to america for trial, so thanks, examples of what he has said have been praising 9/11, and saying that the recent challenger space shuttle deserved to crash due to having an israeli on board, amongst other things, he was banned from finsbury mosque, so decided to hold open air sessions in hyde park and also in the streets, so thanks America for getting rid of the fucker! Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza is facing 11 terror-related charges including hostage taking and supporting al-Qaeda, says the US government. US Attorney General John Ashcroft announced the charges in New York as Abu Hamza appeared in a British court to face extradition proceedings. One charge accuses of him of being involved in an attack in Yemen in 1998 that resulted in four hostages' deaths. He was remanded in custody until the next stage of the extradition process. Abu Hamza is also accused of providing support and resources for terrorists, particularly al-Qaeda and of attempting to set up a terror training camp in Bly, Oregon. Mr Ashcroft said the cleric could face the death penalty or life imprisonment if found guilty. However under current national and European laws, Britain must ask the US to pledge they will not apply the death penalty before any possible extradition is approved. Home Secretary David Blunkett said: "We have an agreement with the Americans which I renewed a year ago with John Ashcroft which means that on his extradition they are entitled to find him guilty, they are entitled to kill in the sentence but they will not carry out an execution." As Mr Blunkett has already certified the US extradition request, it is now up to a district judge to assess whether the evidence is strong enough to warrant extradition. According to the indictment, Abu Hamza provided "material support" for al-Qaeda and the Taleban to bring about "violent jihad" in Afghanistan. He is accused of acting as an intermediary with a terrorist group that took 16 tourists hostage in the Yemen, six years ago, He is said to have spoken to the terrorists before and after the incident. Three British tourists and one Australian were killed when they were used as human shields during a shoot-out with Yemen rescuers, it is claimed. Abu Hamza was arrested at his Shepherd's Bush home early on Thursday after US officials said they wanted to extradite him to face the charges. His house was searched and several items were seized, including videos, documents and a briefcase. The cleric was taken to a central London police station by anti-terrorist branch officers and later appeared before senior district judge Timothy Workman at the magistrates court at Belmarsh. Setting out the charges, Mr Ashcroft said the war against terrorism was being fought on many fronts. "It is a war where innocent lives are endangered not only by the terrorist who carries the bomb but those that recruit and equip the terrorists. "...the Department of Justice is bringing the full weight of the criminal law against those who support the activities of terrorists," he added. "The United States will use every diplomatic, legal and administrative tool to pursue and to prosecute those who facilitate terrorist activity. "And we will not stop until the war on terrorism is won." The Egyptian-born preacher is already at the centre of a deportation battle with the Home Office, which wants to remove his citizenship, gained through marriage in 1981. Sermons The government claims that he has provided support and advice to terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda. He was a regular preacher at the Finsbury Park mosque until February 2003 when he was banned by the Charity Commission for using his position for "personal and political, rather than charitable purposes". But he has continued to preach to worshippers outside the mosque, which was closed for repairs after a police raid in January 2003. BBC social affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford said the FBI is thought to have built a case against Abu Hamza using information from James Ujaama, a former friend of Hamza's jailed for two years in Seattle earlier this year after pleading guilty to helping the Taleban.
  13. Vanhalen

    English Football

    its amazing that for an american board, the football thread has got more hits and replies than anything else
  14. Vanhalen

    Thank you America

    We dont support the death penalty over here, and it is actually illegal to extradite to a country that supports executions, its just the way of the law, no personal feeling one way or the other, personally i'd rather he rotted in jail for a long time
  15. Vanhalen

    English Football

    I'm ok, just depressed still at the dismal cup final, and looking forward to Euro 2004, i fucking hate the bbc adverts tho, and sorry Adam but Im busy running my own forum at the minute, I dont have any time for anymore
  16. Vanhalen

    Thank you America

    Heres a much better write up of the case http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2004242763,00.html
  17. Vanhalen

    Thank you America

    To be fair tho, we have been tring to get rid of this fucker for ages now, there has been a sustained pressure in national newspapers, but he kept on blocking court orders with obscure legal jargon.
  18. THE New York Times - considered America's most influential paper - said sorry yesterday for misleading readers about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. It confessed the US Government urged it to carry unfounded claims - often on its front page - about Saddam's arms to justify the war. When some reporters discovered they were false, their stories were buried elsewhere in the paper. Yesterday's editorial admitted coverage "was not as rigorous as it should have been". Under the headline "The Times and Iraq", it added: "We wish we had been more aggressive in re-examining the claims as new evidence emerged - or failed to emerge." Many of the bogus WMD stories came from discredited Iraqi dissident Ahmad Chalabi and fellow exiles he introduced to reporters. The paper said: "The accounts of these exiles were often eagerly confirmed by United States officials convinced of the need to intervene in Iraq. "Officials now acknowledge they sometimes fell for misinformation from these exile sources. So did many news organisations, in particular this one." America paid Chalabi for intelligence information that has often proved false. Last week Iraqi and US officers raided Chalabi's Baghdad offices. The Times' apology mentioned five stories written between 2001 and 2003 - many by reporter Judith Miller. But writers were often not quizzed enough about their stories as editors wanted scoops. The paper, nicknamed The Gray Lady, has a colourful recent past with inventive reporting. Last year writer Jayson Blair was sacked amid a huge scandal for making up other stories. Now bosses vow that correcting their mistakes over Iraq is "unfinished business... we fully intend to continue aggressive reporting aimed at setting the record straight". The paper's more sceptical approach could be a problem for Bush as America heads for elections.
  19. Vanhalen

    NY Times apologises for printing false stories

    Hey I dont know, I dont read the NY Times lol, but it does seem kinda weird shit going on between the media and Bush administration in your country.
  20. Vanhalen

    Bush Speech Tonight

    Found a story on it on a website President Bush has said the US remains committed to defeating its enemies and creating a democratic Iraq. In a keynote speech aimed at reassuring the US public, he said he was taking five "specific steps" to help Iraq achieve democracy and freedom. Mr Bush also said the US would demolish Abu Ghraib prison after the handover of power, if Iraq's new government agreed. The speech came after the US and UK tabled a draft resolution at the UN on plans for the handover on 30 June. The president stressed that the United Nations would have an important role to play in the process of making Iraq a democracy. The BBC's Rob Watson, in Washington, says Mr Bush spoke with rare passion in an attempt to seize back the initiative on Iraq - a massive challenge. The latest US opinion poll meanwhile suggests Mr Bush is now more unpopular than he has been at any time during his period in office. A CBS poll suggested that 61% of Americans disapprove of the way he is handling the situation in Iraq. Speaking at an army college in Pennsylvania, Mr Bush said Iraq was now the "central front in the war on terror". "There are difficult days ahead and the way forward may sometimes appear chaotic," he said. "Yet our coalition is strong. Our efforts are focused and unrelenting, and no power of the enemy will stop Iraq's progress." The president also gave details of the interim Iraqi government, which will consist of a president, two vice-presidents, a prime minister and 26 ministers. However, Mr Bush said the United States would keep its troops in Iraq at the current level as long as necessary, because of the continuing unrest. In a clear attempt to win hearts and minds of Iraqis, our correspondent says, Mr Bush said he had sent American troops to liberate Iraq, not to make them Americans. Mr Bush, who is seeking re-election in November, has been damaged by the scandal over US abuses at Abu Ghraib, and ongoing violence in Iraq. The prison had become "a symbol of disgraceful conduct by a few American troops who dishonoured our country and disregarded our values," he said. The president announced five steps in his plan to achieve freedom and democracy in Iraq: Hand over authority to a sovereign Iraqi government; Help establish the stability and security in Iraq that democracy requires; Continue rebuilding Iraq's infrastructure; Encourage more international support; Move toward free, national elections that will bring forward new leaders empowered by the Iraqi people. Many of the details in Mr Bush's plan for Iraq were earlier presented to the United Nations Security Council in the form of a new draft resolution on the country's future. American and British officials are hoping the resolution will be passed in early June, but correspondents say the first discussions on Monday already brought up possible sticking points. Several ambassadors are said to have wanted a better definition of the sovereignty that's being handed over to the Iraqis, as the draft is not clear on whether the interim government will have any control over security. Correspondents say another issue that may prove problematic is the lack of a deadline for the US-led forces to leave the country. Talks on the draft are due to resume on Wednesday.
  21. Vanhalen

    Bush Speech Tonight

    Saw it over here on Sky News, very fluffy, didnt really say a lot about anything really, just seemed to ramble on, I think its got past the stage where a few words from the President is going to make everything better in Iraq.
  22. Vanhalen

    Why only two terms for the President?

    Ah well I understand now, cheers for that, just wasnt sure why
  23. Just a quick question, how come a sitting President can't serve more than two terms in office? Seems a bit daft to boot someone out if they are doing a good job, just cos they've been there a while
  24. Vanhalen

    English Football

    That final was embarrasing, its their one shot at immortality and they put ten men behind the ball and everyone patted them on the back for it, fuck that, you've got to compete in a cup final, doesnt matter if you lose 1-0 or 7-0 you still get a losers medal.
  25. Vanhalen

    English Football

    fuck me!!!!! i dont think we've spent that in our existence