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Everything posted by SamoaRowe

  1. SamoaRowe

    Walmart clerk trampled to death

    I just saw this posted at Yahoo and I knew it would already have been posted here too. That's a really sad state of affairs if it's becoming common place for people to get so unruly that they would risk harming themselves and others just to save a couple of dollars. I guess I should be grateful I survived my morning opening at Best Buy.
  2. SamoaRowe

    I need to vent about Sarah Palin.

    She's a woman. That's how it affects his life. Or it might just might be due to her having another outlet to spread her toxic ideas and beliefs. People with real "toxic beliefs," not just these half-baked Republican Party puppets like Sarah, publish books, host radio shows, so on, so forth. Her ability to do so and be compensated for it still shouldn't have any effect on the day-to-day life of Y2Jerk, inasmuch as he is not an Alaskan taxpayer nor is he required to spend his money on her book. Perhaps, but having a strong dislike (or hatred) of Sarah Palin =/= hatred of women.
  3. SamoaRowe

    The Pit comments on TSM's misogyny

    Well, the Pit can kiss my black ass.
  4. SamoaRowe

    I need to vent about Sarah Palin.

    She's a woman. That's how it affects his life. Or it might just might be due to her having another outlet to spread her toxic ideas and beliefs.
  5. SamoaRowe

    The Fred Phelps World Tour

    I remember that video. It got taken down from youtube for copyright violations. It was called something along the lines of "America's Most Hated Family." It was extremely interesting, I recall seeing it available on Amazon at some point, it's worth watching.
  6. SamoaRowe

    The Fred Phelps World Tour

    They're going to be hitting Manchester, NH on December 12th, only half an hour away from my apartment. I've considered ways to fuck with them, but I think the best solution in the end is to simply ignore them. How do you think they'd feel if people didn't react to their public performances? They feed on the anger they generate. I say it's time to make these ass clowns irrelevent.
  7. SamoaRowe

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    objet petit a's rant is simply too hilarious to even start addressing. I'm just going to copy and paste it to share with my friends, who will surely also have a good laugh.
  8. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Yes, this is a most wonderful feeling.
  9. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Just got back from voting. This was my second presidential voting opportunity, and I went with Obama for President, John Lynch for NH governor, Jeanne Shaheen for NH senator, and Paul Hodes for Congress.
  10. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Ah, that's a great reason to hold a grudge. I don't even remember making that statement, but hey, I believe you.
  11. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Spoiler: And you know what, TheManErnieRowe, I don't like you. Not because of this. Other stuff, in the past. Um, okay. Sorry to hear about Obama's grandmother. It sucks that pundits were mocking Obama's visit, that is just stunning insensitivity and stupidity.
  12. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    I'm really bummed that I have to work tomorrow night and miss a chunk of the festivities. I might have to ask my fiance to tape CNN for me.
  13. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Wow, At Home is on a roll today. Good job smacking down the conservative BS.
  14. SamoaRowe

    Cyber Sunday - October 26 2008

    Too bad Cena mocked him about his back tattoo 5 years ago in a rap. "That's a nice tattoo of your mother on your back."
  15. SamoaRowe

    Major Shakeup In ROH

    I'd say a little of both. I'm reserving my judgment until we start to see some new results and perhaps even a DVD or two.
  16. SamoaRowe

    Samoa Joe returning to ROH

    With Homicide and now Joe making returns to ROH, it seems to me that they're both probably concerned with the future of the promotion and want to help with sales. I wonder if they're taking a pay cut to do this.
  17. SamoaRowe

    Major Shakeup In ROH

    I've been seeing the opposite effect at the Boston shows. They outgrew the Braintree venue last year and have drawn solid crowds at Boston University. And the merch tables always seem to do well. Sucks to hear that things aren't so hot in CT and NJ.
  18. SamoaRowe

    Major Shakeup In ROH

    Thanks for the updates. I always hoped that if it seemed that ROH was going under, that I'd see it coming from a mile away and I'd be able to brace myself. ROH played a big part in keeping me into professional wrestling during a time when WWE wasn't doing it for me (TNA deserves some credit too, in their early days). I would be very sad if ROH were to shut down.
  19. SamoaRowe

    Perry Saturn

    This sucks. I was very rarely ever satisfied with Saturn's push in the WWE and I consider myself to be a fan.
  20. SamoaRowe

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    And less thread-worthy- there's a new NWA Champion! The National Wrestling Alliance sent out the following press release: Mexico City, MX (October 25, 2008) – Centro Banamex Convention Center was a history making site as it hosted the NWA™ Worlds Heavyweight Championship match featuring Adam Pearce Vs. Blue Demon, Jr. In the end, Blue Demon, Jr. won the famous "10 lbs. of Gold" in a very controversial fashion. "I passed out while Demon had me in a Half Boston Crab and when I woke up I was told that I was under the rope and the Referee had stopped that match. This is clearly against the NWA Rule Book and I will be taking this up with Trobich. Demon, you are not the NWA Worlds Champion," said former champion Adam Pearce. "I think Pearce has a case. I've reviewed the footage and he is in the right, his arm is under the rope, but in the NWA, the Referee's decision if final," states Ruben Zamora of NWA Latin American Relations. Blue Demon, Jr. is the first Mexican and Masked Wrestler to ever win the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship in the six decades the National Wrestling Alliance has been in business. For more information on the NWA please visit nwawrestling.com
  21. SamoaRowe

    CTDWAT: Indies/Overseas/General

    Yes, it does. The following is at 411mania: Ring of Honor Announcement Sunday, October 26, 2008 Ring of Honor is announcing that Gabe Sapolsky will be leaving the company effective immediately. Everybody at ROH would like to thank him for his contributions and wish him well in all future endeavors. Going forward Ring of Honor will be focusing on the stories and the talent in the ring. The company will have no further comments on this issue or a replacement for Mr. Sapolsky. We would like to thank all of the fans and media who have supported us over the years and look forward to bringing you more great wrestling excitement in the future.
  22. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Yeah, I was just thinking that I must have imagined that special comment Olbermann made when he totally blasted the democrats for not doing what they were voted in to do in 2006.
  23. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Fine. Define it as a union between two consenting adults (regardless of gender) and be done with it.
  24. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Yes, it's common knowledge that God is a republican.
  25. SamoaRowe

    Campaign 2008

    Consider me proud to be a liberal.