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Masked Man of Mystery

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Everything posted by Masked Man of Mystery

  1. Masked Man of Mystery

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Color me unimpressed with GTA in general unless San Andreas is just radically differant, which I doubt
  2. Masked Man of Mystery

    3/9 Feedback

    The idea was that Brock could hurt her much much worse if he wanted to(throwing her into the wall, for example) so it was a staredown. Keep watchin' though ; )
  3. Masked Man of Mystery

    So I pissed off a bunch of people in a forum

    Now hang on a second there, if you join a game with explicit instructions saying no rush and then you rush, that is plain out cheap.
  4. Masked Man of Mystery

    Who do you hate less?

    I think the thing that hurt Cena the worst for me was the summer of '04 where he just buried Dupree and Suzuki to the point where I don't know if Dupree can ever come back if he recovers from whatever was wrong with him, it escapes me. And that's a shame, because Rene Dupree has talent, and he's very young, I'd certainly take him healthy over Cena, and yet Cena was beating him and Suzuki, sometimes in handicap matches, with his lame as can be finisher
  5. I dunno how old you are, but I personally didn't notice a lot of things about my area until just recently, and I do think things have slipped, but eh, it's life
  6. Masked Man of Mystery

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Y'know, I just happened to pop in one of my Project A-ko DVDs, I'm amazed there was never a game released base on those movies/OAVs, you'd think some kind of game could be made, if only a Shadow of the Colossus style thing where A-ko fought her against B-ko's mecha
  7. Masked Man of Mystery

    Slobodan Milosevic found dead in his cell

    One less scumbag in the world, I suppose. I wonder what or who killed him, though
  8. Masked Man of Mystery

    3/9 Feedback

    I'm prettttttttty sure he's referring to his skit where Leon goes digging for weapons, as opposed to your promo. He just got the placement of his skit mixed up, hence your confusion. I think! Well, if that's the case, I'm not insulted. It was a solid show, as usual, just all the comebacks and such in the main event seem confusing and such
  9. Masked Man of Mystery

    Don't believe the hype

    Based on what I saw on the Road to Glory DVD, Samoa Joe sucked in UPW.
  10. Masked Man of Mystery

    Goldberg CLOSE to or HAS signed with Tna ??

    He didn't know if they could pay him and his TNA shirt was too tight.....sorry, I'll try to stop now....
  11. Masked Man of Mystery

    Goldberg CLOSE to or HAS signed with Tna ??

    Goldberg could do something useful, but Luger, well....I DON'T KNOW!!!
  12. Masked Man of Mystery

    3/9 Feedback

    Uh....if you're referring to my promo, I'm kinda insulted, frankly, that you would call it not so important....
  13. Masked Man of Mystery

    Don't believe the hype

    Could you please clarify that a tad? He is a fucking Gymnist with no sense of storytelling, phycology or long term selling. His matches look like choreographed dance, not wrestling. And since he is a major player in the Indys, he heavy influences peopel who follow him. The biggest problem with the Indyz are lack of storytelling and too much no-selling. And that because of AJ Styles influence Whats wrong with the WWE is that the Mian Event is stale and boring. And that cuz of HHH's ego. Maybe I'm just an ignorant fool, but unless you mean by storytelling something like "overcoming the odds" I have trouble seeing a story in a match. Most of his moves, though, do work on the head, which is part of what he wants to set up the Styles Clash. He isn't a technician, so he keeps a fast pace most of the time time on offense, which is good as far as I'm concerned. He wrestles a cruiserweight style, for God's sake. I've never noticed his spots looking contrived. He just has trademark moves like everyone, the Pele and the like. He strikes me as just as fluid and spontaneous as a Bret Hart or a Ric Flair in the ring. But maybe it's just me. If I could ask a question, do you like the high flying style at all, and if you do, give me an example or two of who you like. Maybe I can see your point then. The Styles Clash has impact on the chest, #1. I always notice his spots looking contrived, so we differ there. Ditto with your bret Hart and Ric Flair comment. Rey mysterio matches look like they could happen in a sense is that it doesnt look like before hand they planned where guys stand and such. Try and watch a Stryles match and never say to yourself, "wow, great luck for AJ the guy just happened to be there" or "man, its like he knew he woudl end up there". I never watch a match of his and think its legitamite. I'd say face and chest on the Clash, but fair enough. I guess we just see it differantly, so I'm willing to agree to diagree. But I have to ask you about Bret there. You think his spots look contrived? I always see him as this consumate ring technician who goes in knowing what he wants to do to a guy, so he hits his 5 moves of doom to take them out, but maybe I'm seeing it wrong
  14. Masked Man of Mystery

    Lesnar vs. Akebono to headline Sumo Hall

    I just assumed it was kayfabed. I think they were too lazy to kayfabe anything for that
  15. Masked Man of Mystery

    Lesnar vs. Akebono to headline Sumo Hall

    Remember they weighed Show and Akebono, he's only a few pounds heavier. Can't speak for his talent though.
  16. Masked Man of Mystery

    TNA arena crowd

    I'd rather have the vocal, if screwy, crowd, than a dead crowd or one that is booing your top face
  17. Masked Man of Mystery

    Fans respecting wrestlers in the WWE

    Taker in the mid 90s looked like one of the best brawlers not in ECW from the Tombstone DVD, he was going crazy stuff for a man his size with planchas, diving over the guard rail, etc. He slowed down a lot as Biker Taker, and kinda just worked a formula match until just recently it sounds like
  18. Masked Man of Mystery

    Don't believe the hype

    Giys, chill, there's no need to be insulting here. I can't begin to argue about Samoa Joe and Kurt myself, I haven't seen enough Joe, but if a person enjoys Angle's work, perhaps because he's been able to build up a long term appreciation, just like you have for Joe, then so be it. No need to be hostile. Really, it's a man's opinion. Heck, I think Austin was a terrible wrestler, at least in the '99 and onward matches I saw him in, and yet people conisistantly say he's a Hall of Famer, while I don't see the appeal. I don't go around tearing him apart in every thread and calling everyone an idiot. Besides, giving intelligent, well thought out responses(which we're getting to, it looks like) are much more likely to convince someone than "You're a mark." Excuse me for sounding preachy, but I dunno, it just seems like there's a lot of unnecessary hostility on the board of late
  19. Masked Man of Mystery

    Booking for 3/9

    Heck, I was let off the hook when I was just burned out, you're fine man. You deliver.
  20. Masked Man of Mystery

    It's Ash Wednesday/Lent Season

    The guy who works at my school's caf said eggs are okay
  21. Masked Man of Mystery

    It's Ash Wednesday/Lent Season

    I remember that too
  22. Masked Man of Mystery

    Who do you hate less?

    I'll accept that, I just mean that not many people are willing to lose that much blood in a match qand it does impress me.
  23. Masked Man of Mystery

    Good games you love

    What system is Zan for?
  24. Masked Man of Mystery

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Does anyone know if they're going to release one last set of wrestling games before this generation is abandoned?
  25. Masked Man of Mystery

    Who do you hate less?

    The only difference is that WWE tries harder to book around Triple H's weaknesses, thus the easily impressionable idiots think he's anything more than average in the ring. See, I think after watching a lot of old school wrestling that HHH simply patterns his style after Race and Flair and the like, or he's trying to, whereas Cena strikes me as plain out limited in the ring, or he's unwilling to learn some new moves. Trips is a good wrestler for when he came out, and he's willing to bleed like a stuck big, which does count for something to me, whereas Cena didn't even tape up after supposedly being stabbed