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Masked Man of Mystery

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Everything posted by Masked Man of Mystery

  1. Masked Man of Mystery

    Hi, my name is Rudo, and....

    I can't watch any wrestling right now the way my schedule is unless it's on the DVR in my work's break room. I'm much happier going through the used wrestling DVDs I found at Strawberries and MMA stuff because the current product doesn't even sound interesting to me anymore. I hope TNA or ROH get a show on broadcast TV and remind people what this is all about
  2. Masked Man of Mystery

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Delete old game saves, there's no other way without getting another card
  3. Masked Man of Mystery

    all-time top three wrasslin' games

    No Mercy Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium (tie)Day of Reckoning 1(haven't played 2 yet) and WCW/nWo Revenge
  4. Masked Man of Mystery

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Perhaps to drive them insane? Mankind hung out in the boiler room, didn't he? That's the only logic I can think of
  5. Masked Man of Mystery

    ALRIGHT...You've convinced me...

    Good to have Dames back
  6. Masked Man of Mystery

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I found out that, at least at my store, they got mislabeled as coming out next week on our boxes, so if you ask them they might have it and not even realize it
  7. Masked Man of Mystery

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    It must be, because whenever a kid shoots up a school we see the montage of Doom and Mortal Kombat and people talk about banning video games.
  8. Masked Man of Mystery

    50 Cent: Bulletproof

    mind explaining that last one?
  9. Masked Man of Mystery

    NBA 2K6 and NBA Live 2006

    Does anyone know if there's going to be another 2K college basketball game? I know EA has the exclusive NCAA football rights, so I don't know if that extends to b-ball too. Also, whatever happened to Nintendo making Penant Chase? Surely they wouldn't heavily promote a game like that only to cancel it, I mean, the closest thing I can recall Nintendo pulling like that was turning Conker 64 into Bad Fur Day. I wouldn't think Mario Baseball is the replacement title, unless they were just going to screw realism.
  10. Masked Man of Mystery

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    any luck?
  11. Masked Man of Mystery

    Jim Ross possibly leaving RAW announce team

    I do hope this means Quadros gets work, since Pride seems to have no interest in reuniting him with Bas
  12. Masked Man of Mystery

    Who do you guys miss the most

    definately Charlie Haas
  13. Masked Man of Mystery

    Gay wrestlers?

    I refuse to believe that man is even remotely straight. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is that the guy who Joey Styles says gives him hives?(I don't get that at all)
  14. Masked Man of Mystery

    Jim Ross possibly leaving RAW announce team

    Somehow Tony Schiavone never bothered me, I'd be fine with him. Styles would rule though, and he can do WWF spot calling ie ONS. Heyman would be also be ideal if they could resign him. Heck, make them the 3 man RAW team, that'd be hilarious, just to see Heyman and Styles rip on Tony. Or, the best announcing team in all of sports and sports entertainment, Stephen Quadros and Bas Rutten
  15. Masked Man of Mystery

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Does anyone else create fictional characters when they play around with the CAW? I almost never make real wrestlers, but I always make up people. One of my personal favorites, going back to the early days of my Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium days, is very simple character named Suplex King. He's definately inspired by Tazz, but he's some kind of white dude who has as many suplexes as the game engine will allow him and wears orange and black tights. I also, of course, always make myself, and I wear a mask every time I can[like I don't in the AKI N64 ones because the masks are near non existant, one of my few complaints with them). Nowadays my character is some form of my e fed character with my name instead of Otaku II
  16. Masked Man of Mystery

    50 Cent: Bulletproof

    I thought he was shot la bunch of times in the face, guess I had the story wrong
  17. Masked Man of Mystery

    50 Cent: Bulletproof

    I've always wondered how precisely he survived that....I assume a wire is something to allow him contact to the police, or do I have this wrong? What is the story?
  18. Masked Man of Mystery

    Day of Reckoning 2

    How's the music in it? The last generation of WWE games had ear splitting music for the menus
  19. Masked Man of Mystery

    Study: God Unnecessary For Strong Society

    It's a proven fact that when people have a state sponsered church, they aren't as religous, whereas when people have a choice and can devote themselves to other things, they don't go to God or whatever. Mind you, this does not hold true in the Middle East, that's a differant matter
  20. Masked Man of Mystery

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    A little Engrish here and there never hurt anybody(as far as I know, anyhow....)
  21. Masked Man of Mystery

    Is WWE the best promotion talent wise?

    Taker needs to retire already, unless he wants to manage someone calling them his charge or something
  22. Masked Man of Mystery

    Bill Bennett:

    Or it reveals that he's a racist.... Why blacks? If you kill any large group of people the crime rate will go down due to less people being around and thus less people to spread the money around to, which leads to fewer poor people and non poor people tend to not steal unless they're scumbags, which anyone can become
  23. Masked Man of Mystery

    How many guys from WCW 1993 onward...

    Whoops, I didn't see him mention the luchadores.... The Wall?
  24. Masked Man of Mystery

    Booking for 10/6

    Technically, shouldn't he keep it off now since he's a luchadore?
  25. Masked Man of Mystery

    Ross Report for Sept. 29

    Show is what he is, a big huge guy with some wrestling ability. He needs to be a heel though, he just doesn't work as a sympathetic face in my eyes