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Masked Man of Mystery

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Everything posted by Masked Man of Mystery

  1. Masked Man of Mystery

    Who is the most reliable wrestler...

    Well, the D-O-Double G is over in NWA:TNA wrestling as B.G. James, and he seems quite happy over there. I don;t know if he hasd a written contract with them. Also, beside the fac that that gimmick is staler than the Dudley Boyz, EWR seems to indicate that they don't like each other very much anymore.
  2. Masked Man of Mystery

    Dreamer done as wrestler

    Tommy Dreamer seems to me like a guy who didn't have a whole lot of God given talent but worked his BUTT off and is extremely loyal and he can put together a decent match. Given my druthers, I would much rather see Tommy Dreamer get pushed than Bradshaw or Hardcore Holly, who just stiff people and now Hardcore Holly is the reason why I am not watching the only wrestling I can regularly see on TV. "Tis a shame. I hope he ends up in TNA or something. I don't think CZW would be good for him at all.
  3. Masked Man of Mystery

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Jackie.....Jackie.....BLOODY JACKIE IS THE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPION?!? THEY COULDN'T PUT THE BLOODY BELT ON THE ULTIMO DRAGON BUT THEY'LL PUT THE BLOODY BELT ON JACKIE!!!! Screw them, this cmpany doesn't desrve my attention anymore. I hope this company goes under and goes under hard.
  4. Masked Man of Mystery

    Daredevil movie vs. Hulk movie

    I like Daredevil better as a traditional comic book movie, but the Hulk is definately better acted and it has moire depth. In Daredevil, the dark side was half done(the scene were he says he's not the bad guy) and I would have had him work through his demons first, maybe end the movie with Elektra's death then have him take on Kingpin for the sequel AND END IT THERE
  5. Masked Man of Mystery

    TSM Mat Madness

    American Dragon
  6. Masked Man of Mystery

    Which wrestler entrance would you like to do ?

    Give me Ultimo Dragon's WWE entrance, THAT is cool in my opinion.
  7. Masked Man of Mystery

    Who were the kings of overselling?

    EVERYBODY oversells the Stunner in the WM18 game.
  8. Masked Man of Mystery

    What Should Scott Steiner do when he returns ?

    Okay, here's one idea: Steiner comes back and he just destroys someone...say Val Venis or someone else really expendable. Orton gets the bright idea to make him the next legend to target, and so we go. Steiner just creams the guy, and Orton sells like his back got injured by the Recliner. Steiner gets into monster heel mode while Orton turns face and Evolution breaks up as HHH disappears for his movie and I don't know about Flair and Batista. So Steiner and Orton feud with Steiner getting big heel heat and Orton playing the sympathetic face who has learned his lesson or something. HBK has turned heel by this point, by the way, so he's full time with Benoit and we can go from there. Assuming Steiner can put on a decent match, of course.
  9. Masked Man of Mystery

    Angle needs a 3rd neck surgery

    That's a brilliant idea Eh, I don't know. Kurt as GM sucks, I don't think he would be so great as color commentator (can't be much worse than King, though). Kurt's funny when he's the BUTT of the jokes, not when he's telling any. He doesn't need to be funny, he should be what Tazz was early on, telling you how this move or that move hurt, the thought process behind the move, or whatnot.
  10. Masked Man of Mystery

    The best botches.

    On the FMW Rule the Asylum DVD, the first match is Wing Kanemura vs Mark Awesome. Awesome gets his leg caught in the ropes for like 5 minutes and Kanemura's throwing chairs at it and kicking it and it just took foever to get him out. I think he was trying to do a placha. And he ended up winning the bloddy match after he power bombed Kanemura just about every way you can(and they called it an Awesome Bomb every time on the commentary despite the obvious differneces). Also, on the XPW Exit Sandman DVD, there's an extra match involving Youthanasia, SOuthern Comfort, and somebody other team. At one point, two guys try to do an Asai moonsault on the same tope rope and collapse it. The match goes on and people just look rediculous with that rope broken and them entereing and exiting the ring.
  11. Masked Man of Mystery

    Star Trek Prequel Movie In The Works?

    I personally could never get into Enterprise. Either let it die or give Riker a show(I haven't seen Nemesis yet, I have the DVD but I just haven't gotten around to it, so if Riker swears off Starfleet or something, just ignore me, but Frakes isn't doing much as far as I know)
  12. Masked Man of Mystery

    I don't like anime.

    If you go and sign up with Netflix, I think they have a good selection of anime, that might not be a bad idea. You might also wan to check your library. The library I go to has a ton of anime and manga
  13. Masked Man of Mystery

    List your favorite series' finales

    okay, does that show(?) exist on DVD or video? I checked ebay but it just gave me a bunch of figurines and shit. Just got US release on DVD this week. Get the box with it for like $6 or $7 for a pretty solid box and Chiyo-chan and Kamineko pins. At least at Best Buy. Very much worth getting. is the box the entire series, or is it just a couple episodes? 1st 5 episodes, there'll be six volumes in all.
  14. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Thund..err...SmackDown! Thread

    Some people might actually agree with him and give him a face pop though, He was better off as a drunk Texan stuck in the midcard if he needs to wrestle at all.
  15. Masked Man of Mystery

    Angle needs a 3rd neck surgery

    For his own sake, his should get the thing fused and retire. I imagine a few years of upper midcard-main event wrestling has given him enough cash to live comfortabley. Or, you put credibility back into RAW's announcing team by making Angle the color commentator and firing the pervert known as Jerry Lawler
  16. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Thund..err...SmackDown! Thread

    It's Bubba vs Eddie
  17. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Thund..err...SmackDown! Thread

    You other guys better start posting soon, because I really do have to do my homework, and I can't keep carrying this thread. Come on, people!
  18. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Thund..err...SmackDown! Thread

    Why do Rico and Jackie Gadya have a special ramp?
  19. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Thund..err...SmackDown! Thread

    You know, the sad thing about alll those soldiers is that they'll be back over there in a couple of weeks or so
  20. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Thund..err...SmackDown! Thread

    KEEP RICO OFF THE MIKE FOR GOD'S SAKES! He might well have one of nthe most annoying voices in wrestling. I'm fine with him doing his gimmick, but GOD
  21. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Thund..err...SmackDown! Thread

    By the way, does anyone else think they need to tone down the blue on his entrance, I'd prefer they just have darkness with a spotlight on him or something, whihc is soemthing they used to do, I think
  22. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Thund..err...SmackDown! Thread

    Booker looks like he's been poisoned by the smoke or something
  23. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Thund..err...SmackDown! Thread

    Took 'im bloody long enough to show up again
  24. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Thund..err...SmackDown! Thread

    Maybe he *was* at some point, but sure as hell not now. If El Gran Luchador means that London will get used and maybe pushed, so be it. Well, I disagree, I think Ultimo is still better than Chavo, but heck, I'll take Paul London getting pushed anyday
  25. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Thund..err...SmackDown! Thread

    Chavo, the greatest cruiser of all time is...you guessed it...Ultimo Dragon. And if he isn't, he certainly better than you are