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Masked Man of Mystery

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Everything posted by Masked Man of Mystery

  1. Masked Man of Mystery

    just in: star wars on dvd

    Instead, it made one of the better early N64 games
  2. Masked Man of Mystery

    Wrestler Entrance Themes

    So does whoever did Taker's second boker theme, but it still got used. Limp Bizkit or whoever
  3. Masked Man of Mystery

    What if Shawn Michaels never got injured?

    I would be okay with(if not exactly a fan of) his Christian gimmick except for the reasons mentioned above. And I'm a Roman Catholic. If he wants to thank God for ever time he can get his leg up for the Sweet Chin Music, that's his thing, but he is still referred to as the Heartbreak Kid, and he still comes out to Sexy Boy, both of which aren't terribly in line with what I was taught in my religon classes. They could stop calling him that, and they could give him differant music if he really wanted to go through with it, they did it for D-Von.
  4. Masked Man of Mystery

    A Wrestling Move Discussion

    I always thought it was the sitout choke slam, or would they be about the same move anyways?
  5. Masked Man of Mystery

    Wrestling 101

    I actually believe that Money Inc. beat the Natural Disasters for the WWF Tag Titles on WWF Superstars in around 1992 when Dibiase made Earthquakes arm drop 3 times. I SWEAR!!!!!! Indeed, although I think it was the Million Dollar Dream that was set up by like two or three sleeper holds in a row by DiBiase and IRS. It was actually kind of neat when I think about it since it was a clean win by a pair of little guys on big guys that didn't have that sort of KO moment where they hit him with something. The one that stands out for me is when Hogan's arm went down 3 times in Lesnar's bearhug, because he NEVER let the arm fall, despite getting into the situation tons of times.
  6. Masked Man of Mystery

    WWe to add 2 more PPV's in 2005

    If they want 2 extra PPVs, why not ask Corny if he has the talent and have one(or both) dedicated to OVW guys, and put it out dirt cheap(I'm talking $10 or something). Either that or give the cruisers a PPV of their own. That might inspire me to actually go and get cable so i could see it.
  7. Masked Man of Mystery

    Zach Gowen

    teach him to do promos, then make him a manager if creative wants to do anything with him.
  8. Masked Man of Mystery

    Kevin Nash confirms he is done with WWE

    According to Micahel Buffer, Kevin Nash is a "citizen of the world", so I guess we all should give him props. I will, I was a Nash fan years ago. That could just mean he went on a guided tour with NPR, they have those all the time.
  9. Masked Man of Mystery

    Sex, Lies and Headlocks

    What is it about, specifically?
  10. Masked Man of Mystery

    Chris Benoit will win the World title soon

    I hope to God Benoit wins the title at Backlash. I'll definetly be at Raw the next night as the Calgary crowd will most likely give him a monstrous ovation. Wrestlers don't win in their hometowns. Except for Angle. And now Hardcore Holly
  11. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Smackdown! (1-8-04) Thread!

    Masked Man of Mystery > Stephanie McMahon Thank you very much. I knew all that EWR would amount to something.
  12. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Smackdown! (1-8-04) Thread!

    You know, it would've been hilarious if Tajiri kicked her in the back of the head, and that knocked something into place so she could see, then started hanging out with Tajiri and dressing like Torrie during her time with the Buzzsaw. It would be total njonsense, but it would be a fun part of the feud.
  13. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Smackdown! (1-8-04) Thread!

    Hardcore says Show isn't too smart? Pot. Kettle. Black. 'Nuff Said
  14. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Smackdown! (1-8-04) Thread!

    Where's Angle? Where's his family values now?
  15. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Smackdown! (1-8-04) Thread!

    This is propably the best Rock "N Roll Express style tag match I've seen in the last few years
  16. Masked Man of Mystery

    The OAO Smackdown! (1-8-04) Thread!

    Did anyone else think Ange sounded a bit hoarse, andf Tazz seems a bit more heelish?
  17. Masked Man of Mystery

    Wrestling 101

    With the Rock being the exception to that rule, but he's only half Samoan.
  18. Masked Man of Mystery

    Torrie & Sable to pose for Playboy.....

    Big match? BIG MATCH?!? Are you kiddin'? They'll be the main event, right after Lesnar kills every cruiserweight in the WWE, HHH retains against Rocky, and Steamboat cripples himself trying to take a bump properly, and then these two will have an Ironwoman match which ends in a draw after they rip each other's tops off
  19. Masked Man of Mystery

    Question of identity

    Who is this to the right of Regal? I found this while looking through Victoria's pics at wwe.com
  20. Masked Man of Mystery

    Wrestling 101

    Except pipes. which are always made of lead, and of course tables, which are wooden. Side question: What are annoucner tables made of? They must be balsa wood or something because they collapse almost on impact.
  21. Masked Man of Mystery

    Wrestling 101

    23. No table is ever set up, no foreign object is brought into play, etc. for no reason. It will be used, whether in the intended method or otherwise.
  22. Masked Man of Mystery

    Heat Taping (spoiler)

    They seem to be wanting to kill Rico by constantly putting him against this Heidenreich fellow until the law of averages leaves Rico a twitching mess.
  23. Masked Man of Mystery

    Maven taking time off

    Hope she works through it.
  24. Masked Man of Mystery

    Interesting comment from Bradshaw

    My God, that's the best political statement to come out of the WWE in years
  25. Masked Man of Mystery

    Top 10 Stars....

    Booker would be amrketable if they pushed him at all. I mean, the perfect idea would be to steal a page from the LoTR DVDs and package a Ultimate Booker T Collection with glove shaped book ends