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Masked Man of Mystery

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Everything posted by Masked Man of Mystery

  1. Masked Man of Mystery

    Old school Marvel

    That's why I think Marvel is so neat. Whereas Superman and Batman, DC's biggest heros are an alien with no real faults and a millionaire, respectively, Spiderman and the X Men connect so well because they are primarily outsiders and especially with X Men you see the race relations thing, which is great because kids were still reading comics back then and might have made some of them think about things. Even with Ultimate SPiderman(which is the only modern American comic I've really read), you see the tradition continue, although I think they shouldn't have kowtowed to the movie so much. I'm still more of a manga guy myself
  2. Masked Man of Mystery

    My Country 'Tis of Thee...

    The WWF is just doing what it always has, being extremely pro America to get the cheap pop, from the Iron Sheik to Hogan beating up Russians(and Canadians playing Russians) to headbutting the Soviet flag, to La Resistance, to Bradshaw. Why other countries watch any of it boggles my mind, certainly there has to be local wrestling in other countries.
  3. Masked Man of Mystery

    One and Only Cancer Returns Thread

    Rock is stupposed to be coming back next month, so couldn't we see Rocky with the belt for at least a brief time before he presumably loses it to someone(probably Hunter again) at Wrestlemania?
  4. Masked Man of Mystery

    Should Stone Cold get his win back over The Rock?

    And to think my old name was a space away from that(for those who don't remember, I was "Bret Hitman Hart"). No wonder I got so much heat when I joined.
  5. Masked Man of Mystery

    End the Batman Series

    As I have a fair knowledge of Greek tragedy, the tragic hero ALWAYS has at least one character flaw. Achilles was extremely proud, and thus lost his best friend(go read the Illiad). Anyways, what if they had Batman die this way: One last battle with the Joker, he beats Joker to a bloody pulp, then turns his back, and Joker shoots him, end of the issue: shot of Batman's face on the concrete or whatever. There will always be evil in the world, it can only only be contained, never defeated. Tragic ending.
  6. Masked Man of Mystery

    New 'Wrestling' Death Trial Ordered

    Didn't Mick cover that case in Foley Is Good? Life in prison isn't goign to help this kid though. He needs real mental help.
  7. Masked Man of Mystery


    What are the rules of shootfighting and how are they differant from those of UFC?
  8. Masked Man of Mystery

    Another Reason Why Puff Diddy Sucks

    I just hate him because he was going to sue a Japanese band called Puffy who wanted to release a CD stateside. They ended up changing their name to Puffy AmiYumi.
  9. Masked Man of Mystery

    Backstage News On Reaction To Heyman & Cena

    I think that the WWE thinks that it has it's next Hogan, it's next Austin, I daresay, it's next Rock. Cena brings charisma galore to all the kids who dig the rap act(he's funny, but I wouldn't ever buy a rap album he did), along with at least competant ring skills. They are going to give him the ever feared GOD PUSH and all us smart marks are going to feel screwed over when Benoit paralyzes himself and has no world title reign(unless they actually gve Benoit a program with Lesnar)(An apology for screwing this up before I looked at it again)
  10. Masked Man of Mystery

    Card Captor Sakura-Cardcaptors

    Well, this is one of my fav animes for whatever reason, and as such, why not talk about it? Suckiness of dubs, character relations, whatever. To start things up, here's my take on the Sakura-Tomoyo thing. Maybe I'm just naive, but I think it's closer to very close friends/very strong admiration rather than the more huri leaning stuff I've seen suggested on the web.
  11. Masked Man of Mystery

    Card Captor Sakura-Cardcaptors

    I don't know about that. At the end of Endless Waltz, Hilde(that's her name) looked like she was pretty seriously going out with Duo, and Heero was off doing his own thing, but we're getting off topic here.
  12. Masked Man of Mystery

    Card Captor Sakura-Cardcaptors

    There's also 1x2(or Heero/Duo) from Gundam Wing, which makes nos nense at all. The nwhole thing that bothers me with CCS is EVEN IF you go screwing with Wing, the characters are at least of consenting age, whereas Sakura and Tomoyo are in the 6th grade by the end and Sakura's falling for Li. In fact, Tomoyo backs off near the end so that relationship can develop, but again I say, THESE ARE KIDS, FOR GOD'S SAKE!
  13. Masked Man of Mystery

    Malice aka Gigantes found dead

    I am finding that the whole 1 death is a tragedy, a million deaths are ba statistic thing is comign into play. I haven't been on the board that long, but I remember a lot more sympathy for Crash Holly when he died, and let's face it, he wasn't a great wrestler by any strech of the imagination. I have heard of this man, although I don't think I ever saw one of his matches, and, drugs or not, it is sad. It is sad whenever anyoen dies. Plain and simple. And yes, there should be some kind of investigation, or rather, there should have been, a long time ago. Remember what jake said in Beyond the Mat? I bet he wasn't alone there.
  14. Masked Man of Mystery

    One and Only Anime Thread

    I saw it, liked it. I liked the first CCS movie better though.
  15. Masked Man of Mystery

    Has anyone else done this?

    Has anyone else just marked out at the very sight of a wrestler? Just looking at the guy/gal coming out and being like dang, he/she looks like an awesome fighter. I pretty much became an instant fan of Ultimo Dragon and Ken Shamrock like that.
  16. Masked Man of Mystery

    Im sick of this bullshit xenophobia

    Just remember, it isn't as bad as the days when just about all of the black wrestlers had to dress up like savages or something. But yes, this as a stupid angle that came about from the Iraq situation. Mark my words, though, we'll be seeing Iron Sheik again before long...
  17. Masked Man of Mystery

    What would Shelton Benjamin be doing right now?

    Thanks for clearing that up. Sad though.
  18. Masked Man of Mystery

    What would Shelton Benjamin be doing right now?

    First of all, excuse me for sounding stupid and/or rude, but what happened to this fellow, Ruass Haas? I would agree that the Haas Brothers would be a strong possibility, and that possibly Shelton would be feuding with Brock(it's possible), OR, maybe teaming with Brock again as the Stretching Crew. That would be neat, because then you'd have a really good tag threat, but that would mean Benoit/Angle for the title, and I think WWF/E doesn't want to have an ex cruiserweight as their champ. At least not since Jericho.
  19. Masked Man of Mystery

    One and Only Anime Thread

    By the way, the Bubblegum Crisis opening song was "Konya wa Hurricane", or Tonight There's A Hurricane
  20. Masked Man of Mystery

    One and Only Anime Thread

    I know Robotech was 3 shows, I should have clarified. I meant was the Macross Saga part of Robotech close to the storyline of Macross.
  21. Masked Man of Mystery

    WWE DVD's for CHEAP (2/$5) tommorow

    I just wanted to thank the person who posted this info. Thanks to them, I ended up with Summerslam '99 Survivor Series '00(I think, I didn't look qt the copuright at the copyright at the end) Rebellion '01 nWo: Back In Black as well as a couple of Robotech DVDs, Dune, and Blair Witch 2
  22. Masked Man of Mystery

    Why be a fan...

    Amen, Dames
  23. Masked Man of Mystery

    Random Puroresu Themes

    True enough, but that song is clearly a lesbian love song, although, I suppose, if it's cut correctly, it could work with the nutcase gimmick
  24. Masked Man of Mystery

    Whos been hurt most having to wrestle WWE style

    I think some of the big guys are suffering for the simple reason that they my be getting set up to only do the basic moveset. For example, Kane developed the flying clothesline, but since then, what nig man has used anything equivalant?
  25. Masked Man of Mystery

    Random Puroresu Themes

    That is weird. To the best of my knowledge she's not running a lesbian gimmick...is she? I don't get to really see Raw, but I always thought she was just a weirdo freak, at least, that's what I could get from her appearance in the Wrestlemania 19 game