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USC Wuz Robbed!

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Everything posted by USC Wuz Robbed!

  1. USC Wuz Robbed!

    The NFL Preseason Thread.

    I'm surprised Archie Manning wasn't named the Saints' best player.
  2. USC Wuz Robbed!

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Stephanie is absolutely a booker. Her title is "Head of Creative", isn't it? That entails of more than just writing. The only person that can veto her is her father.
  3. USC Wuz Robbed!

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    Because if I'm right about where I think they're going with this, you will see Batista challenge Punk for the title and win it, possibly as a heel or at the very least, tweener. Then you have Batista as champion bringing the belt into Mania, where you have Cena challenging him in a big time rematch. You don't want a face champion/heel challenger dynamic for Cena/Batista at Mania, and it makes no sense for Cena to challenge Punk before Batista. edit: Cabbageboy, while the NWO were "heels" they played to the crowds like faces would. I wouldn't really use them as an example.
  4. USC Wuz Robbed!

    The NFL Preseason Thread.

    My point is, if he was a true mentor and pro, he'd accept the backup role. I'm sure St. Louis wouldn't have minded him backing up Bulger or New York for Manning. But no, he absolutely must be starting, so that's why he bounced around. I wouldn't be surprised if Leinart nailed down the starting job in Arizona this year, that Warner would want out of Arizona.
  5. USC Wuz Robbed!

    Madden, NFL Head Coach, and NCAA Football 2009

    My best bench press total was 42... and it didn't give him much strength.
  6. USC Wuz Robbed!

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    It'd also be nice for you to check the thread once in a while too... but nah. It's better to expect people to do the work for you.
  7. USC Wuz Robbed!

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    For a franchise face, he's gone something like 1-6 this year in PPVs.
  8. USC Wuz Robbed!

    This Week in Baseball 8/11 - 8/17

    My apologies.
  9. USC Wuz Robbed!

    The NFL Preseason Thread.

    And every time Warner loses the job, he whines and storms off to a new team. Yeah...
  10. USC Wuz Robbed!

    The NFL Preseason Thread.

    I'd think Kitna. While Warner has shown he is willing to teach guys, he tends to try to undercut them as well, as his Arizona stint is proving with Leinart.
  11. USC Wuz Robbed!

    The NFL Preseason Thread.

    This would be his first season not on IR, right? Maybe Kitna can teach him stuff like he did in Cincinnati with Palmer?
  12. USC Wuz Robbed!

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    Am I the only one who thought Batista would turn heel based on the end of the match?
  13. USC Wuz Robbed!

    The NFL Preseason Thread.

    What's the status on Drew Stanton?
  14. USC Wuz Robbed!

    This Week in Baseball 8/11 - 8/17

    You're right. There is absolutely no point in making sure we get the right calls. That was so crazy of me to even think of it.
  15. USC Wuz Robbed!

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    I would've shit my pants if Benoit crawled out from the flames Wouldn't Eddie Guerrero make more sense in context of La Familia?
  16. USC Wuz Robbed!

    This Week in Baseball 8/11 - 8/17

    Ok in that case you'd have to change the rules in accordance to the introduction of the instant replay.
  17. USC Wuz Robbed!

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    You need to be punched in the face. Cabbageboy too for other reasons. He deserves to be punched in the face because he has a differing opinion than you do on a wrestling pay-per-view? Seriously. Take some prozac. No, for his neverending negativity in EVERY THREAD.
  18. USC Wuz Robbed!

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    You need to be punched in the face. Cabbageboy too for other reasons.
  19. USC Wuz Robbed!

    This Week in Baseball 8/11 - 8/17

    Trying to come up with a good example here. Let's say runners first and second. Batter hits a liner to the outfield. The fielder makes a play, the umpire rules it an out, the runners scuttle back to their bases. But the play is challenged, replay shows the ball bounced on the field first. What happens? The runners at this point are in jeopardy. You can't just award them the next base, that's not in the rules. You can't give the ball to the right fielder, restart the play and give him a shot at an out on the bases. Seriously, what happens in that situation? If the baserunners reached base safely, I'd say re-award them the bases. Simple.
  20. USC Wuz Robbed!

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    The second Edge teased doing the Old School, I knew he was going to end up through the tables.
  21. USC Wuz Robbed!

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    Did anyone else feel that they were trying to get people to sympathize with Edge? As much of an asshole a character he has been lately, that was just overkill.
  22. USC Wuz Robbed!

    This Week in Baseball 8/11 - 8/17

    Wait are you saying you don't want replay because it could affect a baserunner? What a fucking lame excuse.
  23. USC Wuz Robbed!

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    "I have half the brains you do!"
  24. USC Wuz Robbed!

    The NFL Preseason Thread.

    Maybe 909 can explain what made Booty suck at USC and maybe teke can explain what makes the Bootys suck at life in general.