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Fuzzy Dunlop

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Everything posted by Fuzzy Dunlop

  1. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Pictures I Like

    SO YOU'RE ROBERT. Maybe. EDIT: No it is Czech. Wow, you are way off.
  2. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Regarding Name Changes

    Maybe I could be the r-train.
  3. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Regarding Name Changes

    I'd like to have my name changed to DopUssy
  4. Maybe I could be King of the 708.
  5. Fuzzy Dunlop


    Roast me. I know it sucks, doesn't it?
  6. Fuzzy Dunlop


  7. Fuzzy Dunlop


    Old Acquaintance Be Forgot
  8. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Hey, didn't that Douglas Nunnany guy use to post here? That name sounds so fucking familiar.
  9. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    What happened to Angle's big announcement? I thought they advertised that during RAW.
  10. Fuzzy Dunlop

    People Who Tailgate

    I don't drive a truck, and I seriously only get upset when people are going below the limit in the left lane. Nothing pisses me off more than when I have to pass them on the right.
  11. Fuzzy Dunlop

    People Who Tailgate

    I just said I'm generally going 10 to 15 over. Just because some asshole in a rice burner wants to show off how fast his piece of shit Honda is doesn't mean that I have to go flying down the highway like a man with a death wish. Well, firstly, I wasn't even talking to you, I was making a general statement to people who are being "chronically tailgated," yet continue to drive the limit or below in the left lane. Also, I related a real-life experience to futher my point, and you still thought it was in reference to you. Tell me why that is.
  12. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Sleeper Cell

    If anyone has Comcast, you can watch them on ONDemand for the rest of the month.
  13. Fuzzy Dunlop

    People Who Tailgate

    My advice would be don't drive so fucking slow. If any of you have a serious problem where you're being chronically tailgated, it probably speaks to how slow you're driving, like the other night I was driving home from work at 1am, in the left lane, and the car ahead of me was going at least fifteen below the speed limit. It was insane.
  14. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Tim White's "Suicide" skit

    And now his guestbook's been closed.
  15. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Tim White's "Suicide" skit

    Reading through the comments left in his guestbook, it looks like a bunch of marks showed up, and are complaining about "internet smarks" who don't understand that the WWE is entertainment, or something.
  16. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Tim White's "Suicide" skit

    Thank you to everyone that has signed the guestbook, whether or not you have posted a favorable comment. Please realize, the storylines the WWE portray is fiction, just like 90% of the shows you see on television, and should be taken as nothing more than that. Believe me, I have been a wrestling fan for over 27 years. Some of what is shown on TV I don't care for, but then again, some do. Most fans "poo poo" all over what they don't understand. Most fans refuse to believe that wrestling isn't what it was about 10-20 years ago. As much as I would like to see those days return, I know that it is almost impossible to recreate an era that topped them all. We all have to accept that what the WWE portrays is nothing more than a television show based in the world of professional wrestling, and not the other way around. I accept all criticism that you may have with this comment, because each one of you is entitled to your opinion. And don't think I'm responding because some comments were harsh. I find them funny, and somehow, somewhere, Tim is looking down to us and having an eternal chuckle. Thanks for visiting, Sean [email protected]
  17. Fuzzy Dunlop

    NFL Week XV

    That's just not even accurate.
  18. Fuzzy Dunlop

    JBL calls Juvi a retard

    The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Juventud suggested to the SmackDown writers that he has his own talk show on SD titled ‘The Juice Is Loose’. It doesn’t look like that one will be happening. He has also suggested a Mask vs. Mask program with Rey Mysterio and himself. When they brought up the fact that Juventud doesn’t even wear a mask, he said he could wear one just for that feud. When it was brought up that all of his ideas were for himself and not the Mexicools, he said that Psicosis and Super Crazy aren’t in his league and he should be up with the top guys like Mysterio. This is obviously not helping cool off all of the heat he has been getting backstage. Nobody will travel with him anymore except Cowboy Bob Orton. When talking about Juvi, JBL recently said “Don’t waste your time with him. He’s a retard. He’s hopeless.”
  19. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Is WWE going to get any better?

    Five years ago we had Austin, Rock, Taker, Foley, HHH, Angle, Benoit, Guerrero, and Jericho, and a kick-ass tag team division with Acolytes, Dudleys, Hardyz, Edge/Christian, and others. All of the above were pretty much always involved in some kind of feud, and they were always on both RAW and SD.
  20. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Requesting help with an essay

    In 7th grade, I had to give a speech about what I wanted to do for a career when I grew up, and why, and I picked wrestling and made this huge poster with all my favorite wrestlers. Thankfully this was '97 and wrestling was still cool, I definitely would not do a wrestling-related assignment now.
  21. Fuzzy Dunlop

    TNA Turning Point

    So the big surprise was a chair. Interesting.
  22. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Armageddon Predictions

    Apparently this week on SD Batista/Rey are fighting MNM with the titles on the line, so if they win, it'll be champs vs. champs at Armageddon. However, the Mexicools already won the number one contendership for Armageddon in that big tag team battle royal, and what would MNM/Mexicools do without the titles on the line? So for this match, I'll predict interference by either JBL or Big Show/ Kane, leading to the champs retaining.
  23. Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?
  24. Fuzzy Dunlop

    Benoit to TNA?

    Agreed. Whenever I'm looking for an old promo or anything like that, I always check his site, and I'd read his recaps even after I watched the show.
  25. Fuzzy Dunlop

    WWE in Iraq

    Why in place of SmackDown if it's the RAW roster?