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Everything posted by 2GOLD

  1. 2GOLD

    TNA Turning Point 2008...

    I can get that they will probably sell that AJ could have had the belt if he hadn't been cocky and went for the win. Just like with Joe vs Sting. That is probably going to remain Sting's main point and you know what? He'd be 100% RIGHT! And that's what is going to kill the MEM now. Because Sting will be right, Styles/Joe would have both won the matches against him if they just went for the win instead of showboating or doing something else stupid. Ending it with a roll-up after the other matches ended with a roll-up is lazy finish booking. All the main events ended horribly and that CONTINUES to be a TNA flaw. The guys are delivering great to good matches but the endings are overprotective crap. Sting should have got up behind him, hit the death drop and pinned him. It still works the same way with Sting playing up the cocky attitude costing the originals. As for who gets the next shot, I have no idea. There is literally no one on the guys who can challenge for the belt. Joe looks tough as nails but still a loser. Styles maybe but that ending didn't exactly lead to a rematch clause. Abyss lost to Angle. Right now the only original left is...umm...I guess Rhino but he beat the Shiek and he's not even really an original. So what the hell? Eric Young would be crazy.
  2. 2GOLD

    TNA Turning Point 2008...

    Abyss facing Angle instead of Morgan is simple. Abyss is a TNA original, Matt Morgan is not. It's not really that complicated of a reason.
  3. 2GOLD

    TNA Turning Point 2008...

    Joe just basically got the hell beat out of him for the final ten minutes and then loses with a low blow feet on the ropes? Who the FUCK books the finishes in this damn company?!?! They are so incredibly anti-climatic! It felt like it was building to Joe doing something but instead...he loses to that? Damn TNA, learn to book endings! You have Joe kick out of TWO jacknife powerbombs, ten shots to the forehead to a steel turnbuckle and then...he loses to a feet on the ropes low blow?!?! God dammit, what the hell?
  4. 2GOLD

    TNA Turning Point 2008...

    That was a really anti-climatic ending to an otherwise great match. A european uppercut through a table? Uggh damn, that was just a downing ending to it. He should have at least picked him up and hit the Angle slam.
  5. 2GOLD

    TNA Turning Point 2008...

    Probably aren't entirely sure how to do it. It's been one great match though between the two. Really fun little match between two very different styles. And Kurt got some damn good distance on his leap off the stage.
  6. 2GOLD

    TNA Turning Point 2008...

    Why would they have him lose by roll-up if he was leaving? You'd think they would let Book axe kick him and pin him clean in the middle. Even if Christian is staying, he wasn't winning tonight. Book wasn't losing the belt that quickly, it wasn't happening and it wasn't happening to a guy who hadn't picked a side.
  7. 2GOLD

    NFL WEEK 10

    Correction..they were just relaying what Harbaugh said to them in an interview. Well that's a little better. John is a wild and crazy guy, but I like what they have done with Joe. And he's progressing very nicely. Might be the first and only RAVEN I'd get the jersey of when it comes out in t-shirt style form. He's learning much quicker than I thought he would.
  8. 2GOLD

    NFL WEEK 10

    Maybe the Bears coaching staff thinks if they send in something to stop the same play that has been killing them all year that it'll send their defense into a confused state of chaos. Also the announcers are comparing Joe Flacco to Tom Brady in terms of poise and cool nature. Little early for such crazy comparisons.
  9. 2GOLD

    NFL WEEK 10

    The Lions offense. I swear, that offense is the worst god damn thing I have ever seen. Both of them have flashes of good defense (the Dolphins had a few games where a touchdown would have won) but the Lions offense makes the Dolphins offense of last year look like a NY Giants. They are both equally horrible but it's inexcusable for the Lions offense considering that receiving core.
  10. 2GOLD

    The College Football Thread 11/4 - 11/8

    Missouri it is then!
  11. 2GOLD

    The College Football Thread 11/4 - 11/8

    Welcome to officiating in the SEC! Our refs can't make the correct call but they can tackle better than half the players. Also, I'm hoping more and more that Texas Tech goes undefeated because Missouri vs Texas Tech would be one hell of a fun game. The final score might end up equaling 100 points. Hell, Kansas could put up a ton of points as well. Either game would be a shootout.
  12. 2GOLD

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Why is it every center fielder the Cubs have high hopes for ends up having absolutely no skill to HIT the god damn baseball? Both Corey Patterson and Felix Pie looked to be such great prospects and neither one of them can hit the ball with any consistency. Do the Cubs just have no one in the minors who can teach guys how to be patient and make good solid contact??
  13. 2GOLD

    The End of an Era

    Of those that record VHS to DVD, how much can you get on one DVD? Cause I have a LOT of MST3Ks I have got to transfer before time runs out. Plus it'll probably return like the record player did. Blank VHS tapes won't but I'm sure the VCR will show his ugly head again.
  14. 2GOLD

    The Time Is Now... to Change Cena's Theme

    Robert Patrick gave an Oscar worthy ham performance in THE MARINE. I mean, the movie is mostly John Cena running and jumping logs in the swamp. Meanwhile his wife is being dragged around by a group of basically one lining idiots with a scene where Robert Patrick LITERALLY discusses the options of updating his Dish package (or was it long distance provider? Can't remember 100%) If Rob wasn't in that film, it would have been horrible. If they make a sequel, he has to return as the brother of the man John killed in part 1. With a cajun accent. And a voodoo witch girlfriend. Make it happen!
  15. Which part of the job wasn't he cut out for? The walking out and setting up matches or the walking out and umm...telling wrestlers they would be forced into matches?
  16. 2GOLD

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    I thoughts the Orioles made positive strides with building and putting together a young outfield. I know the Cubs have been beating down their door for Roberts for two seasons; maybe they can find a way to make that deal happen and get a prospect or 3 from the Cubs.
  17. 2GOLD

    Super Crazy released

    I believe he has a good relationship with Konnan and I know the MexiPowers lost Juvi recently after he had another one of his Juvi moments. He'll fit right in with them. If not then he goes to CMLL but I'd say AAA is his most likely destination.
  18. 2GOLD

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Obama will never win them over. He is the wrong shade of the rainbow for them to ever get on his side. It wouldn't matter if he went on to be a great President who somehow rescues the economy, increases the value of the dollar, and solves the middle east (actually, I'm pretty sure accomplishing all three of those would make him a GOD)..they will always hate him. He has zero, hell less than zero, of ever winning over a section of the country that thinks he's a terrorist cause he don't have a good Christian name and isn't white.
  19. 2GOLD

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    If people will buy a book into the mind of a serial killer, they will buy a book into the mind of the man who they blame for one of the worst consistent mess periods in American history. There are a LOT of questions about the decisions of Bush that really only he can answer. I would say I would be more interested in a book from Bush about his view on his term (does he KNOW he was a complete failure? Does he acknowledge it? Does he give justification for his reasons?) than a book from a President who did a good job. A book about Clinton? Wasn't interested in the least. Unless he went into great detail on whether or not Monica gave a good sloppy bj just because I'd like to know if she was worth it. I mean I'd hate to know the country got put through that mess and she wasn't even good at what she did.
  20. 2GOLD

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Maybe she was being ironic? Not in the least. She did one of those horrible ass angry symbols reserved for aol messaging that I refuse to type cause they are lame. She is a democrat who was pissed when he beat out Hilary. I figured it was maybe cause it was a man beating a woman candidate was the reason she was pissed then. Nope, she just didn't want a black man to be President. And damn, so what happens to all of the marriages? Are they banned now or are they still legal? What's the deal with that?
  21. 2GOLD

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    I just learned one of my now ex friends is a racist bitch. Guess all the development meant for her brain clearly did go into her massive chest. Nothing like getting a text saying, "I can't believe that f*cking ****** won!" Swear to goodness, some people are bloody idiots. What's the word on the gay marriage Prop in California? CNN.com is a overloaded mess right now.
  22. 2GOLD

    TSM Presidental Election Voting Thread

    People are dancing in the street, clearly in celebration of La Parka's historic victory.
  23. 2GOLD

    NFL WEEK 10

    Unless one of those releases is Al Davis from ownership of the team, the Raiders are screwed. At one time maybe Al could get it done, but those days are well gone. I mean, what is the point of the cost cutting? To sign MORE free agents next year into the bloated mess with another new coach who will last until his first meltdown press conference around week 4 when Al throws him under the bus?
  24. 2GOLD

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Goshdarnit, people like him. Not in Minnesota they don't. Clearly this proves once and for all, that Jesse THE BODY Ventura is better than Al Franken.
  25. 2GOLD

    Barack Obama's Inauguration

    Now one can only hope people actually listened to the message of his speech and didn't just ignore it to do a lot of HA HA finger pointing. Also Soledad O'Brien knows how to bring down a mood with her nice little, "It was a speech much like the one Martin Luther King gave before he was assassinated." Nice Soledad, real nice.