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Everything posted by 2GOLD

  1. 2GOLD

    The absence of the second half transitional champ

    I'm really confused here.... Was Kurt Angle ready the first time? Hell no Was Brock Lesnar ready the first time? Screw that, silence was the main sound heard for him at the time. They took a chance with both Lesnar and Angle and it paid off. If not Cena then Crippler. You can't keep passing the belt back and forth while these guys who are over become stale. They either have to move them up or face the facts they never will. Case in point, RVD. They missed the chance to make him a world champ a long time ago. Same with Booker T (still the biggest slap in the face by the WWE). About the only guy who has constantly been able to recover from this "he's not ready" stance is Jericho and that's just because the guy has charisma rivaled only by The Rock. And even HE isn't allowed to elevate to World champion again.
  2. 2GOLD

    WrestleMania XX Could Be 5 Hours

    Hahahahaha 50 dollars ahahahahahahaha Yeah right! There isn't a wrestling card on the planet that would be worth 50 dollars. Unless wrestlers are literally coming back from the dead, that is an insane amount for a wrestling PPV.
  3. 2GOLD

    RVD interview

    You don't purposely try to bust someone open, jackass. He said the style encourages blood, and he's right. Plus, the wrestlers in the WWE couldn't survive a Japan hardcore match. Some maybe.
  4. 2GOLD

    Goldust Not Getting Renewed Contract

    If Dustin leaves the WWE, he is done without the Goldust gimmick. He doesn't get over without it, he never has (see WCW and late WWF days if I remember right) and I don't think TNA has a magic formula to get him over. And no way in hell does Vince allow him to purchase that gimmick cause Vince will not allow him to make other people money. He just won't. And without it then it would be like Sting without the face paint, it's just not going to work. However, the WWE REALLY must be insane if they resigned Make a difference Fat ass on Smackdown but cut Goldust. That doesn't make any sense at all. If I think about that for more than 10 minutes then blood will come shooting out of my nose. The company gave him a horrible gimmick and he made it work. HE GOT LANCE STORM OVER! Lance Storm! The guy was getting cheers when with Goldust and now....he's Val's walking dick. The moral of this story boys and girls? DON'T be a team player, it'll get you fired.
  5. 2GOLD

    quick question

    You know, I'm so used to Dragon being on Velocity that I'm just happy he's on tv. I can't remember the last time I saw Tommy Dreamer wrestle. Speaking of which, what happened to Zach Gowen? And wherever he is, can he stay there?
  6. 2GOLD


    Randy Orton has the charisma of Mark Henry and he gets about the same reaction. Orton is a black hole. Batista may be horrible but I did like his look when he was in OVW. He seems like he might have an upside while Randy seems like he would have never made it this far if his last name wasn't Orton.
  7. 2GOLD

    WWE News From The Online Torch

    I can see it happening if they work a knee, but what's the point of it? Rey is one of the top cruiserweights in the company so why waste him fighting big guys when he should be used to build something that crowds eat up (see Sunday Night Heat befrore SS). It serves no purpose to even have the match for either man. If Show loses, his size no longer matters and you can't use it. So Show just becomes the big dumb slowpoke or couldn't beat someone who looks a kid wearing a Spiderman costume instead of this giant of size. Sure it builds Rey...but for what? You know he'll never be a world champion. So he beats the Big Show for a cruiserweight title push. See, that is where it hits a roadblock.
  8. 2GOLD

    WWE: Bribery Works!

    These designs are so bad, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing them around the house. Other than the original V1 shirt (and not that pussy Hardy Boyz design Mattitude shirt), I would not even wear this crap to sleep.
  9. 2GOLD

    WWE News From The Online Torch

    I still say some of the best WWE champions weren't exactly the tallest guys in the world. But Rey Jr is a cruiserweight and should remain that way, just use him to build that damn division and screw him facing Big Show. I say you have to be at least 6'0 to be a decent champion in the WWE. Now if a guy is 6'0 and they won't sell for him then that's a load of crap.
  10. 2GOLD

    WWE: Bribery Works!

    WOW! A whole $2.50 off their piece of shit designed shirts! Thank you WWE for running this during Christmas time! I mean, that extra $2.50 I can use towards maybe a box of candy canes! Could this be anymore obvious? Shopzone sales are down and they need them to pick up during Christmas time so they offer a weak discount so people will buy things. Don't be surprised if you see error after error after error all the way up to Christmas just so they can make a buck. Crafty
  11. 2GOLD

    Matt Hardy

    What is really pathetic is they had WEEKS to come up with at least a DECENT intro and instead we get a damn green colored type. I REALLY hope they bring back his Smackdown intro or at least upgrade his damn RAW one.
  12. Evolution loves Keanu Reeves Matrix Reloaded was their dream
  13. Evolution likes the movie Speed
  14. 2GOLD

    Austin's Return Storyline

    Maybe Austin comes back cause STONE COLD SAID SO! ...... God, that sucked....what the hell was I just thinking??
  15. 2GOLD

    Pick Trish's New Shirt?

    It's a female in the WWE. I'm just surprised it took them this long to give her a shirt this stupid.
  16. Jericho calls Austin a bad boss, he points out all of his flaws, he refuses to back down from Austin, he keeps pushing to get Austin fired, and so when the time comes around to close the feud...the win that fires Austin goes to RANDY ORTON. What? So, if I have this correct. The Austin/Jericho feud was dumped so Randy Orton could continue his over the top Rocky Maviva push to further show he is like a stain that just won't come out of the rug. For what? To once again turn Jericho face so "the living legend Chris Jericho" he can be the next in line to further push Orton? This guy is becoming Triple H 2.0, the younger version with 20% the talent of young HHH. I'm confused how seeing another angle trashed to further push Randy Orton is a good thing. Yeah, I just ranted but it needed to be said.
  17. 2GOLD

    Pick Trish's New Shirt?

    Ha...ha....nothing like a little ninth grade humor. God, when did this company get filled with comedy store rejects???
  18. 2GOLD

    Video games that made you cry?

    The Thing: Cause after all those damn hours and keeping people's trust, to see it end like THAT is just evil. Friday the 13th: God damn this was a hard game and when you finally win, all you get is THAT! Stupid Nintendo and not having the power for cool endings. I DEMAND a new Friday the 13th game so I can get a proper ending!
  19. 2GOLD

    So, let me get this right...

    Randy Orton could shoot Jim Ross in the back of the head LIVE on RAW and the fans still wouldn't give a damn about him. He's a skinny version of Mark Henry.
  20. I don't know about the talented part but she is definately quite attractive. Well, considering before she left she couldn't jump off the turnbuckle or barely walk in the ring, I think it's safe to say she came back more talented. Hell, she had none when she went so she HAD to have come back more talented. In my warped logic, talented means ring work. So her ring work got better.
  21. Which Shamrock? Frank, Ken or Ryan?
  22. 2GOLD

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Isn't that just common sense anyways? Yes, but I have seen some complaining about guys won't submit after an Angle slam. Not here from what I remember (then again, there are 58 pages) but I still mentioned it anyway in case one of those complaints surface. Common sense, of course But how often has the Smackdown series given people common sense? It's like new territory for many.
  23. 2GOLD

    Stevie & Victoria turning face

    Ummm....that doesn't seem like a face turn to me folks. It sounds like Stevie did a tribute match to Crash and after the match, just lost it crying and Victoria was there for him since she is his friend and co-worker.
  24. OH WOW! A NIPPLE! ..... Considering the amount of clothes she wears, is a nipple slip really that big of a deal? Jackie comes out 90% nude anyway and odds are she'll be the next Playboy girl. Still, I give her tremendous credit for being one of the few females to go to OVW and come back more attractive and talented than when she left.
  25. 2GOLD

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    Few things I learned #1: Angle Slams do NOT set up the Angle lock. You have to work the legs to have the damn Angle lock be worth a damn. If you get in a submission match, screw your Angle slam. WORK THE LEGS! Then hook the Angle lock and it's bye bye whoever cause they will tap quick. #2: Undertaker seems to be immortal cause I hit him with a damn forklift and he STILL was getting Smackdowns built up. Even in the video game world he refuses to sell! #3: The entrances (other than Matts) suck. Total letdown here #4: The Undertaker sells less than Undertaker! #5: The best way to earn money is to be a high profile wrestler in season mode. The cash rolls in better. I'm sure I've learned more but I'm still looking for a machine gun in the game so maybe I can beat the damn Undertaker.