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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. Scroby

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    The hell is that?
  2. Scroby

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    I figured Kane used smoke signals and the Undertaker answers yes or no with either a lighting bolt or thunder. I really liked Kane and Knox as a tag team. That'd be a great tag team and fuck, both Ric Flair and the Undertaker are going to be at the Raw show in Oakland. I got tickets for the Smackdown show in Fresno instead. Damnit! I don't mind the FU being called the Attitude Adjuster. It's better than the Victory. I mean what if someone kicks out of the Victory, not much of a finishing move is it?
  3. Scroby

    ECW - Feb 3, 2009

    Swagger's first singles lost, yes.
  4. Scroby

    ECW - Feb 3, 2009

    Why are we posting "ongoing" spoilers? Why not just post the spoilers in full after the show happens in 45 minutes? Finally Jamie Noble is on ECW. It's about freaking time.
  5. Scroby

    OMG Terminator 4 is definetly going ahead

    "He doesn't know how to work with actors!" "I'm not walking on this set if you're still hired!" Bale's a fucking bitch.
  6. Scroby

    TSM Wrestling Spotlight: The Big Show

    They just did that with Kane....sorta. The problem with Big Show just running over everyone is that he's so well known is that he just can't do that. He'd have to disappear for months again and get back in really great shape before he could just start mowing over everyone. Especially since he just came off with that feud with the Undertaker, where the Undertaker beat him quite a few times in different match types. Actually I take that back, the Big Show could be moved over to ECW and there he could just mow over everyone.
  7. BTW and Jason Styles? Booyah. That's it. .........yeah......the only problem with that is I'm pretty sure Jason Styles is a lot older than AJ, plus he's a prick as well. I got a couple of stories of shit he's pulled and copied.
  8. Scroby

    Pictures I Like

    I know a lot of people hate the fail pictures, but even without the word "fail" it would be an awesome picture.
  9. Scroby


    I thought the same thing as well. I was kind of disappointed to find out that wasn't her.
  10. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    If they wanted to, have somebody from one brand win Money in the Bank and then the other brand can have a superstar win the Royal Rumble. Both main events would be covered for Wrestlemania, but of course that takes the fun out of the Elimination Chamber. How so? Both Elimination chambers are for the titles.
  11. Scroby

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    No need to bring me up here. Don't do it again. Or what motherfucker? What the hell are you gonna do? You tell him, internet tough guy! *flexes*
  12. Scroby

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    I took this out of the TNA folder and brought it over here because A) I don't want Venk getting on me about it and B) The TNA Folder licks ass. No need to bring me up here. Don't do it again. Or what motherfucker? What the hell are you gonna do?
  13. Scroby

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    Eh, I'll believe it when I buy it.
  14. Scroby

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    And sold! I don't get why the WWE is only putting on three WCW matches on there. You'd think they'd throw in a few more.
  15. Scroby

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    The fuck!?
  16. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    Because when a wrestler hits the ropes, they launch the wrestler back. Sort of a poor example, I guess, but it helped illustrate the secondary point - you can explain it easily enough, but no-one ever really does. When a wrestler's thrown to the ropes, he either bounces back or grabs it, and whichever one he does is taken as the logical choice for him in that situation. In the situation I described, you can rationalise it afterwards, but in-story the explanation is "that's how it is". It's just pedantic crap that bugs me enough for me not to just take it like that, not really a writing failure that's worse than anything else going on. Like I said, it's more pedantic than anything else - like asking why winning a wrestling match makes up for someone trying to steal your son or trying to kill you or something. It's wrestling, that's how the story works. It just bugs me. Ever hit a pair of ropes that are elevator cable? You get launched back. That's why even when you see people grab the ropes, they still have a little whip to it. Besides if you want a more logical question, why doesn't the wrestler whose Irish whipping the other wrestler, Irish whip hard enough so the wrestler goes flying though the ropes?
  17. Scroby

    TNA Impact - January 29, 2009

    Maybe Truthiness is just like Jack Swagger All American and because he's also more loyal to the WWE, the WWE gets a break.
  18. Scroby


    Except the Others didn't build the hatch station, Dharma did. Well fuck! By the way, Best Buy has Lost season 4 on sale for 34.99.
  19. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - January 2009

    Because when a wrestler hits the ropes, they launch the wrestler back.
  20. Scroby

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    They're very poorly stocked. Stores only got an average of 4 of each one. I actually saw them today...as I was leaving the Best Buy. They weren't in the new releases or even in the wrestling section. Hell they weren't even near the wrestling section. They were on a end cap on another dvd section, not even in order. I didn't even see the dvds till I was leaving and the only reason I did was because I glanced to my left before I walked towards the doors.
  21. Scroby

    Pictures I Like

    Samurai Girl on ABC Family...I think.
  22. Scroby


    Exactly what I was thinking too. Could that and the lead cause all that magnetism though or was that something else? So, bomb leaks, Faraday tells the camp to patch it up and bury it. The camp patches up the bomb and buries it only to have an issue while burying said bomb, where maybe the bomb leaks some more, and the camp builds the Swan around the bomb so the people who are locked inside the swan can keep the bomb from exploding by typing the code every 108 seconds and activating some type of do-dad that keeps the bomb in check. However the key is a fail safe if something goes wrong that will blow up the bomb and the swan along with the people inside the swan as well. MAKES SENSE!!!!!! Ah fuck it, it's a paradox!
  23. Scroby

    Does Rourke Being at WM Cheapen "The Wrestler"?

    No offence, but if this is your counter arguement to "it's stupid"... I think general consensus is that Zeus coming in from a movie was stupid and that he stunk in the ring, so I think it's more of an arguement for the 'con' side to adopt. Hey! Leave Debo alone! I wouldn't be surprised if Rourke is still in for the Wrestlemania thing but everyone is just going to keep it hushed until the Oscars are over. I wouldn't be surprised to see Jericho come out on Raw on the 23rd and start talking shit again about the movie and Rourke.
  24. Scroby


    Is it me or does Richard wear eye liner?