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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. Scroby

    What the fuck? SNOW in southern California?

    It nice and hot here in the California Bay Area, now the only thing is that it doesn't snow in Portland on March 16th or 17th. Doing another wrestling show up there, luckily the weather was nice in Jan, I'm hoping the same for March.
  2. Scroby

    Xbox 360

    I want it because I'm a big Halo fan and I actually enjoy collecting the Halo stuff. You should see a part of my wall, covered in Halo 2 figures. Thats the reason why I want it. Personnally I think the LE of Halo 3 is mainly for the die-hard fans of Halo.
  3. Scroby

    OAO ECW Thread

    Technically the angle has only been going for 3 weeks, 2 of those weeks actually involved matches where all of the New Breed didn't win clean. You do have to put over the heels before you have the faces start winning. So I say give it another week or two before we start seeing the faces win.
  4. IT'S STILL REAL TO ME DAMNIT!!!! I'm sorry I couldn't resisit.
  5. Scroby

    Hunter's Torn Quads

    Haha, you called Totally Crazy fat!
  6. Scroby

    Xbox 360

    The guy failed to tell you how the Legendary edition comes with 3 dvds as well as the Master Cheif replica helmet, though I didn't know about the intruction booklet, which actually sounds pretty dumb. Unless Bungie wrote it from a Grunt's point of view. Alright, but why would I want 3 DVDs and a Master Chief replica helmet? I don't know why you would or wouldn't want the 3 dvds and the replica helmet. I'm guessing your not that big of a halo fan?
  7. Scroby

    Joe Rogan vs. Carlos Mencia

    Ok, so we get it now, Rogan hates Mencia for various reasons. Now the real question is will Joe keep pursuing this or is it actually over now?
  8. Scroby

    OAO ECW Thread

    Has Snitsky vs CM Punk been annouced for next week? The feeling I got from Snitsky is he's going to just attack random guys. Just conjecture on my part. *nods*
  9. Scroby

    OAO ECW Thread

    Has Snitsky vs CM Punk been annouced for next week? The feeling I got from Snitsky is he's going to just attack random guys.
  10. It kills the prestige of the titles, doesnt it? Kinda trivializes it, like a sub mid card title.That retar, we cant have aa belt that tackey headline Wrestlemaina. Why didnt Edge change it? Oh please, like Cena's the first one to customize the World Title. See also: Graham, Superstar Billy Warrior, The Ultimate Austin, Stone Cold Steve And in his second reign, Edge DID change it...sorta. The Rock had the bramah bull belt. When? I seriously don't remember that one. Personalized belts are stupid, at any rate. I do like the current RAW tag belts, though. The classic ones were good, but around for a LONG time. They had a nice run. I think the design of the old tag belts were the only one's not re-designed until after the brand split. Which I think would make the longest running design the WWE ever had for a belt. Correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't this about the time that Austin was chasing Rock? If your talking about the Bramah bull belt, yeah I do think it was around that time.
  11. Scroby

    OAO ECW Thread

    My main problem with the angle is that it was already tried with Heyman and it didn't work and they're just doing it again but using Vince instead of Heyman, now does that mean it won't work again....probably, but at the same time if it gives most of the roster something to do, I won't complain about it. One thing I'll say about the Originals vs New Breed matches that so far, the matches have been pretty decent to watch, except for the screwed up finishes that Burke has done, twice. I think the one thing thats pissing everyone off about the angle is that the New Breed has been going over the Originals a lot and a lot of people don't think that should happen. I think a lot of people would much rather see Sandman, Dreamer, RVD, Sabu, Balls win the matches and when they don't, people seem to get really pist off about it. Same goes with CM Punk, when he doesn't win or gets the crap beat out of him people seem to get really pist off as well. I will point out that the Originals vs New Breed has been only going on for about 3 weeks, and in week 1 the Originals did go over by beating up Vince's boy Burke, in Week 2 the New Breed did go over but I don't think any of it was a clean win and week 3 both tag matches ended up with the New Breed cheating to win their matches again. So its not like the New Breed is going over and just dominating the ECW Originals, they are cheating to win matches, I think just as long as their winning matches by playing dirty it won't look like the ECW Originals are just jobbers. Also its not like any of the ECW Originals have been made to look weak either, so thats a plus. Me personnally, I'm kinda intrested in seeing where this angle is going, if it is indeed going anywhere and hopefully it does go somewhere intresting this time instead of it just all of a sudden ending like it did with Heyman last time it was done.
  12. It kills the prestige of the titles, doesnt it? Kinda trivializes it, like a sub mid card title.That retar, we cant have aa belt that tackey headline Wrestlemaina. Why didnt Edge change it? Oh please, like Cena's the first one to customize the World Title. See also: Graham, Superstar Billy Warrior, The Ultimate Austin, Stone Cold Steve And in his second reign, Edge DID change it...sorta. The Rock had the bramah bull belt. When? I seriously don't remember that one. Personalized belts are stupid, at any rate. I do like the current RAW tag belts, though. The classic ones were good, but around for a LONG time. They had a nice run. I think the design of the old tag belts were the only one's not re-designed until after the brand split. Which I think would make the longest running design the WWE ever had for a belt.
  13. I have no idea, umm if I remember I'll listen for it before his match and if I can remember I'll post an answer for you the next day.
  14. Scroby

    OAO ECW Thread

    It was a pretty decent match as well. So I'm wondering if the WWE is just buring the originals or is the losses actually leading up to something? It could lead to a Heyman on-air return where he cuts a promo firing up the originals to where they just beat the crap out of the new breed.
  15. No, it was suppose to be Holly vs Lashely in a extreme match before the Rumble but it got changed to Test vs Lashley for some stupid reason and it wasn't a extreme rules match.
  16. Tiki's right, its off the 5. Its about 35 minutes past Modesto.
  17. Thats what happens when you promote a show with only one match.
  18. Scroby


    Pit..thats his name right...is going to be in the new Super Smash bros game, so I think there's a chance a new Kid Icarus game might be made.
  19. Scroby

    Xbox 360

    The guy failed to tell you how the Legendary edition comes with 3 dvds as well as the Master Cheif replica helmet, though I didn't know about the intruction booklet, which actually sounds pretty dumb. Unless Bungie wrote it from a Grunt's point of view.
  20. Scroby

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    yea and they keep calling carlitos "flatliner" like move "the modified reverse neckbreaker" is that the name for that move? The announcing in this game is beyond terrible. JR calls a chair shot the stone cold stunner, the mick kick a bulldog, and tons of random other really stupid mistakes are made throughout. It was mildly amusing at first, but after months of playing, now its just irritating. Also, the "new and improved ladder match" sucks ginormous balls. I had the same exact thing happen to me during the Rumble storyline ladder match. I beat jbl;'s ass for 10 minutes, got him to full on red on his whole body AND threw him out of the ring to the floor just to be safe, then I tried to climb up the ladder and there he was two seconds later, randomly knocks me (as Lashley) off the ladder with ONE PUNCH and pulls the briefcase down while i lay there on the mat unable to move. However that only seems to happen in ladder matches. Any other match I just mash like hell and Ill get up pretty quickly or normally depending on how badly hurt I am. Instead of just throwing them to the outside, I actually drag their dead ass over to the weapon's area and do something to them over there and leave them laying there as I run back to the ladder to grab the title. Bringing them to that area tends to work best for me. How was the lag factor? Everytime I try to find a game online, the lag is horrible in every game.
  21. Scroby

    Impact Spoilers

    I wonder how much tv time the ladder match will actually get. Thats a lot of people to be in a ladder match thats on a one hour show, so I'm wondering if it came off as a big trainwreck or if they actually give it a lot of tv time and it looks good. Either way I'm looking forward to the ladder match.
  22. Scroby

    Raw Spoilers for airing 15/02

    Could Rikishi even FIT into that outfit nowadays? I actually saw Rikishi about 3 weeks ago, and with a few alterations, he could fit into that outfit. I mean the man can wear clothes, its not like he walks around in that thong of his....oh yes, he still wears that thong when he wrestles....its quite big. *Sidenote: I also got to hang out with New Jack and D-lo Brown that same night as well, you can read about it in my blog if you want to*
  23. Meh, the stipulation could be a lot worse.
  24. Just read the ECW pre-view and they're finally doing a Extreme rules match...but its Holly vs Lashley.
  25. EDIT: I didn't notice that there is a NWO thread with this posted in it already, so I'll post another bit from PWInsider audio: -There is a lot of talk going on about Paul Heyman being brought back, not on the creative team, but to lead the ECW originals. They might do an anlge where Heyman cuts a major promo, saying that before he was doing what Vince was telling him to do, but now he's back and will finally stand up to Vince, and help lead his boys to win the war. Look everyone...WWE IS ACTUALLY USING LOGIC!!!! I'm shocked.