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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. Scroby

    tiny update

    I'm going to post a blog or blogs about the BAW and CCW shows soon. I actually did a blog about BAW a few days ago but due to a site error, I wasn't able to post it and when I hit the back button to try and post it again, everything I typed out was gone. I should have some time tomorrow, so I will try and get up a blog about the BAW show tomorrow and maybe CCW on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. So yeah they are coming, I've just been busy to type them out...again but they are coming along with a update on my training.
  2. Scroby

    tiny update

    yeah, your right, I should have copied it but by the time I realized I didn't, it was already at the next screen.
  3. hmmm thats intresting.
  4. Scroby

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    I think on Jan. 9th, Dreamer vs. Khali was extreme rules... if there was one after that, I can't recall. Okay. When was the last time they had Extreme Rules in a real match? RVD vs Test I think. The one McMahon thought was a shitty match even though it was actually pretty good.
  5. Scroby

    Impact Spoilers

    Annoucing that Abyss shot his dad in the back 3 times = Fonzie jumping the shark.
  6. Scroby

    Wrestling Society X (WSX)

    I watched the first episode that aired last Friday on Youtube but I missed the "debut" episode on Tuesday as I tried recording the replay but I guess I set the date or time wrong on the VCR. I found the...I guess the Pilot episode to be alright. The first match between Sydel (sp?) vs Jack Evans was alright. I wanted to get into it but it was just really to fast and Evans really didn't sell shit and just kept doing the flipping crap. Zak Wylds on Commentry was actually pretty good, he wasn't that bad on it. Kiss Kloss, as much as I hate to say it, didn't annoy me but the other guy who kept saying "dude" and "bro" just sucks balls. The ring annoucer was over the top, something different but he looked corny walking around the ring annoucing the wrestlers. Ok who ever is in the production truck needs to learn to stop cutting to another camera so much. The battle royal main event, it was intresting, it started out pretty good...then it just went to to many table/hardcore spots all at once. It was just one thing right another, after another, after another, after another. I understand they only have half an hour, but man pace things a little bit. The show was ok, it wasn't bad but it does need improvement. Hopefully next week, I can record the replay without any issues and try to enjoy it. Is the episode that aired on Tuesday on youtube?
  7. Scroby

    No Way Out tickets

    I saw an ad or two during raw the other night. But did it spoil the main event?
  8. Scroby

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I was going through the XBL Marketplace seeing what new tv shows/movies/music videos have been added to the Marketplace and I found out you can now download TNA Impact all the way from May 18th 2006 through 1/24/07 and thats freaking cool.
  9. I'm downloading the 1/24 episode right now, this is honestly awesome. It is a 160 Microsoft points, so it does cost a little money (forgot how much excatly), but 160 points really isn't that much. It's a very cool idea for TNA to do this and also the fact you can go all the way back to the May 15, 2006 episode of Impact is great.
  10. Scroby

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    Not with this again. Just like "nobody got" the Punk - Hardcore Holly feud which ended with CM Punk jobbing clean? I am taking the Missouri approach from now on and will only admit I am wrong after the fact. You got me on that one, I thought the feud was going to continue, I'm really surprised it just ended right after that match but I'm not thinking the same thing will happen here with Striker vs Punk as it'd be really REALLY weird if the feud just ended after Striker cheated to win the match.
  11. Scroby

    California Championship Wrestling

    No..I don't think he could do a 450 splash. This Virgil is a lot younger, smaller, high flyer. He also goes by A Pimp Named Virgil
  12. *Sidenote: CCW had a show in Dec. but I couldn't find full results of what happen and I did not work that show, so I can't post the full details. Sorry* CCW returns to Newman CA for their first show in 2007 with me as a Ref on Jan. 27th! Here are the matches annouced so far..... Mother Truckin Otis v Shane Dynasty The Badapples (Dede and Adam Badapple) vs the Reno Boys & Buddy Sotello Esq. Virgil vs El Chupacabra a special NEWMAN CITY STREET FIGHT, between The British Messiah Sir Timothy Thatcher vs The Big Ugly JD Bishop and in the Main Event for the CCW world championship! The Champion, Vinnie "The Innovator" Massaro v "Wrestling Personified" Rik Luxury I think last month Vinnie just beat El Chupacabra for the CCW title when Rik Luxury came out and challanged Vinnie to a match for the title at the Jan 27th show. I think thats how it went, I'm not 100% sure. Plus "Old School" Oliver John, Mr. Massacre, "Rock Legend Scum" Adam Thornstowe, Super Otaku and more! Tickets $10 adults, $5 for children www.californiachampionshipwresting.com (Though the website is down at this moment, but check the website out later, it might be back up when you check it.)
  13. Scroby

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    Everyone still does the "holding the tights" or the "holding onto the ropes" happens everywhere all the time. So to blame it on "ohhh its a weak finish" just remember EVERYONE does it.
  14. Scroby

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    Saw the show, became really really intresting to me... CM Punk vs Matt Striker: Punk lost again, okie dokie, here's the main problem with Punk loosing to Striker. For some reason Striker is all of a sudden getting a push and is now being pushed as an actual mid-card heel who can win, but here's the issue, before the Punk feud, Striker was pretty much jobber who got mic time and you can't go to that to mid-card heel by pitting him against a guy who WAS pushed as a dominant wrestler. This match did nothing for Striker, the only thing it did was give Punk another loss in the past month. Now I'm not going to freak out and complain about Punk loosing, because when a wrestler losses, I really don't give that much of a damn unless they are actually getting buried when they shouldn't be. Now I know some of you are saying "Oh Punk is being buried now because Striker beat him!", but to be honest, if the Striker/Punk feud is going to continue Striker should get a dirty win over Punk weather you like it or not, its true, it helps keep the story keep going. RVD vs Holly: Good match and again I see people complaining about RVD loosing here as well. We all know RVD SHOULDN'T be loosing, we all know that, but for us to get mad when we all know the reason why he's loosing is pointless and to complain about it is even more is pointless. So lets take a look what happen here, RVD and Holly have a good match, RVD does control most of the match but Holly does get the win. Now the rumor floating around is that at Wrestlemania, it might be Lashley vs Holly for the ECW title. So what do you do here? You start building a new #1 contender in Bob Holly if the rumor is indeed true and having him beat RVD is a way to help estblish Holly as a contender for the ECW title. Now was RVD vs Holly a squash? No, it wasn't. Was RVD buried in this match? No, he wasn't, they both looked good as Holly and RVD both have good matches together. So to sit here and complain "Oh RVD looses to Hardcore Holly, Fuck Vince!" after both RVD and Holly had a good match, is dumb. Vince McMahon promo: So we took out Paul Heyman, and had Vince take his place....ok, it could work and actually makes more sense having Vince do it instead of Heyman. Could this lead to a Heyman return, I HIGHLY doubt it, but I like where this is going already. Test vs Lashley: Ok Lashley has destoryed Test 3 times in one week, Test has been completely buried now as a #1 contender for the ECW title. Lets move along already.
  15. Scroby

    California Championship Wrestling

    Here are the results for the show on Sat 1/27/07 Match 1: Ryan Drago vs Old School Oilver John Old school Oilver John came out and made the crowd pop loudly for him. He ran around the crowd and made each side of the crowd pop before the match got started. Winner: Old School Oilver John after hitting a spinning piledriver on Drago and I counted 1...2..3. Very hot match. Match 2: Mother Truckin Otis vs "Showtime" Shane Dynasty Winner: Mother Truckin Otis after hitting Dynasty with "Gotter Dun". Match 3: In a Newman Street Fight, It was the Big Ugly JD Bishop vs The British Messiah Sir Timothy Thatcher Winner: The Big Ugly JD Bishop *Sidenote: Thatcher is actually leaving in a day or two to work in England and go on a tour with a promotion in England, I wish him a lot of luck in his journey and I can't wait to see him a few months and to hear about his tales* Match 4: Rock Legend Scum Adam Thorwnstowe and Mr. Massacure with Buddy Sotello Esquire vs The Badapples Winners: The Badapples, Adam had just hit a top rope double stomp on Dede Badapple when Buddy Sotello got on the ring apron to try and encourage Thornstowe to hit Dede with a chair, but Dede recovered and threw Adam into Buddy while Buddy was holding the chair. Adam hit Buddy and the chair then Dede rolled up Adam and got the 1...2..3. After the match, Thornstowe and Buddy started arguing which led Thornstowe to walk out on Buddy and Mr. Massacure along with the Sotello Syndicate group. Match 5: Virgil vs El Chupacabra with me as Ref Winner: Virgil after hitting a 450 splash onto Chupacabra which caused him to get the pinfall. People are saying this is a early candiate for match of the year for Norcal, and if thats true, I'm really proud that I was able to Ref it. Match 6: Senshi Tim and Super Otaku vs The Reno Boys, Malachi & Luster the Legend (with his new GZW world title, there's a backstory to this title that I will post in a blog soon. So check up on my blog, link is poted in my sig.) with Buddy Sotello Esquire Winner: The Reno Boys by Submission after Luster made Senshi Tim tap out. Match 7: The Main Event for the CCW title "Wrestling Personified" Rik Luxury vs CCW's World Champion "The Innovater" Vinnie Massaro Rik almost got away with being the first wrestler to dethrone Massaro and winning the CCW World Title by knocking Massaro out with a chain wrapped around his fist when the Ref wasn't paying attention, but a 2nd ref came out and re-started the match and Massaro came back and ended up getting the win over Rik Luxury and was able to retain his CCW World title. Winner and still CCW World Champion Vinnie Massaro The crowd was big and loud all night long, really good crowd. The next CCW is set for Feb. 24th back in Newman CA with the main event schduled to be Vinnie Massaro defending his CCW world title against "Showtime" Shane Dynasty. I'll put a pre-view up as soon as CCW gives me one to put up.
  16. Scroby

    Impact Spoilers

    Brother Guido, Brother Mamamaluke, Brother Johnny, Brother Palumbo! ......THAT DOESN'T HELP!
  17. Scroby

    Impact Spoilers

    Little Italy Brawl? Why is LAX and Team 3D have a little italy Brawl? Who the fuck is from Italy? I'm so fucking confused!
  18. Scroby

    Pictures I Like

    Censor kitty strikes again!
  19. Scroby

    No Way Out tickets

    Matt have they played any commericals for the show yet? Like on tv or over the radio? Before NWO 2004 happen, like a month or two ago, they're was an ad on the radio for it and it spoiled the main event which was Eddie vs Brock for the title. Has any ad ran for the show said what the main event would be?
  20. Scroby

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/29/2007

    DING DING DING! the whole Undertaker thing was just a tease to hype up the whole "Who will the Royal Rumble winner pick to face at Wrestlemania!" angle they've done for the past few years. I would like to see Kennedy vs Bastista at WM as well, with Kennedy winning the title but it's going to be Undertaker vs Batista the seeds have already been planted for the past few weeks.
  21. Scroby

    WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007

    If its a new CAW with low stats, your pretty muched fucked for awhile until you start building his/her stats up. I suggest you start doing season mode with your CAW and get the stats up.
  22. Scroby

    OAO ECW Tuesday January 30th

    So we're going to have another crappy Dance session, Vince 20 minute promo on Donald Trump, and Test vs Lashley 3 (Singles match wise) with another crappy finish? I actually might skip out on ECW to watch WSX.
  23. Scroby

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread-1/29/2007

    God I hope your being sarcastic. Khali vs Hardy will be intresting, I'm thinking DQ finish as well.
  24. Scroby

    OAO 2007 Royal Rumble Thread.

    What did I miss that gave the thoughts that Booker vs HBK would be scrapped? I thought the show was pretty good tonight, the only things I didn't like was the finish to the ECW title match, and that Kennedy didn't win. I was really pist that Kennedy didn't win tonight. Tag match: It was the basic tag match there, was good to watch. ECW title match: Test worked his ass off for this match and the match itself was ok, why they did the finish where Test just gave up and walked out was just dumb. For some reason Test got buried within the past week. Smackdown title match: Why the fuck didn't Kennedy win tonight? He should have won, I'm pist that he didn't win! Kennedy for World Champion! Raw Title match: At first I really didn't care to much for the match, when Cena threw the steps at Umaga, I was thinking "ok...what else can you do?", the top rope chokeout was pretty creative, and Umaga going for the super spike was pretty cool. Royal Rumble: Very fun to watch as always, I didn't like Sandman getting in and getting out so quickly, I wanted him to cane moe people. Undertaker winning is great as I had him in my fantasy team this week.