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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. and Lashley hasn't even defended the title yet!
  2. Scroby

    Paul Heyman sent home

    I'm thinking Heyman will be back next week. I can't see Vince firing Heyman now.
  3. Scroby

    Paul Heyman sent home

    Well this is intresting.
  4. I have a question......since this is such a shitty HOF year why don't they induct Randy Savage? Do they have like some vendetta against him.... Yeah pretty much, the rumor flying around is that Savage is the one that took Steph's virginity. That was in that DVR sleaze thread.....I don't know if I really believe that though. Thats why I posted the word "rumor" on it. i don't know how true it is either.
  5. Scroby

    I can't stop pissing on my own leg.

    and I thought a jellyfish stung you. Just start pissing in a cup for now on.
  6. I have a question......since this is such a shitty HOF year why don't they induct Randy Savage? Do they have like some vendetta against him.... Yeah pretty much, the rumor flying around is that Savage is the one that took Steph's virginity.
  7. Scroby


    For those who don't know, I've been really getting involved in the North California Wrestling Indy Curcuit and I've decided to write blogs about the shows I'm doing and basically my life on the curcuit. First let me do the introduction and tell you about myself. My real name is Toby Reynolds and I've been a wrestling fan since I was little little kid. By the end of 2003, I decided to take a huge step in my life and get involved with pro wrestling. I moved to Bremerton WA, to live with my dad and train with a indy promotion called ICW. ICW was based out of Bremerton so me moving there made sense. Unfortunaily it didn't work out and I moved back to California. I had a job lined up in Bremerton, I was suppose to transfer to a store out there but the transfer got screwed up and after about 3 months I got tired of not being able to find a job in WA and before I ran out of money I came back to California. Even though I was only in WA for 3 months, I did work with ICW and all the guys there treated me very well. I miss those guys and hope some day, I can work with them again. After about a year in a half of being back in California, I found that there was a indy promotion called the WCWA in the near by city of Concord. After checking out their website I gave them a call and set up a meeting with them to talk about training. After I met the owner and two of the trainers, I had my mind set up, I would start training two days later but that will be a story for my next blog. (I got to have something for you guys to come back to.)
  8. I was enjoying tonight's ppv......until CM Punk, Holly, and RVD were elimated basically at once. After that, the main event went from a lot of "Oh!"s to "What the fuck!?" Everything on this ppv was pretty fun to watch just until the last 10 to 15 mintues of the elimation chamber. I don't understand why WWE is booking elimations to happen so quickly in elimation style matches. We saw it happen at Survivor series where multiple elimations took place very quickly and we saw here it again in the chamber match and what made things worse, it was all the guys that were over with the fans. I also don't understand why the EC match was booked if your going to have 3 of the 6 guys elimation so closely together, hell that could have been a regular extreme rules match just done elimation style and you would have gotten the same kind of effect. The build to the EC match was great, you really couldn't predict who was going to win the match but then at the end of that match, it was really to predictable on who was going to win, and damnit the fucking barbwire bat wasn't even fucking used! Like I said before, the actual Pay Per View was a fun PPV to watch, just until the final 10 to 15 minutes of the elimation chamber match, thats when the PPV went downhill and just kept going further and further downhill. I'm also predicting after tonights crowd re-action to Lashley winning the title, Lashley most likely won't keep the title that long. Oh and one positive from tonight's show: I grabbed me a lot of fantasy points!
  9. Scroby


    Enjoy it Smues!
  10. I would love to be in a match just like that.
  11. naww, he was just giving a shout-out to New Jack. Oh no shit! I should tell New Jack on Friday.
  12. So is it creditable then?
  13. Scroby

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    details please. I caught a snail and I think I've talked to that girl before. Is she where you go find the secret skill 4 at? She's in the flowers?
  14. Scroby

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    I just got myself the Master Sword and Secret Skill #4...but I've only found one of those damn bugs. I stopped playing but I'm going to be leaving for the Desert Temple pretty quickly and damnit I need a bigger fucking wallet!
  15. Scroby


    For SNES and the version on Midway's Arcade Treasures 2. I knew it!.....I have that one too.....sad, sad, times. Anyway it looks like I have to buy a wireless router so I can connect to the Wii internet. Myself and Nintendo tried just about everything to try and get the USB connector to work and nothing worked at all. So if I want to connect to the internet with my Wii, I have to go out and buy one.....which bites. Hopefully I can get a refund in store credit on the USB connector. I also rented Trama center today....the game just sorta throws you into surgery. Right now I'm suppoes to remove a tumor but my patient died on me...that bastard.
  16. 1wrestling? Who runs that?
  17. Scroby


    I'm not really sure what I want for Christmas, I guess money so I could really start saving for my future bills....or some Halo 2 figures to help me finish my collection. I'm missing quite a few. As far as getting things for other people, its about time for me to start messageing people and see what they want.
  18. Scroby

    Going to a comedy club on Thursday

    Thats the plan!
  19. I have a date on Thursday and we're going to a comedy club but we're going to go see someone who I have no clue who it is. I don't think she does either but we're going anyways. Anyways I was wondering has anyone ever heard of or have ever heard of Mark Lundholm or Huck Flyn? and if you have, what did you think of them.
  20. Scroby


    Anya you have Pit Fighter don't you?
  21. Scroby

    Going to a comedy club on Thursday

    Date went ok, we had a good time and plan on going back to the comedy club to see Craig Shoemaker in about two weeks. I'm going to Oregon next weekend to work a wrestling show, so I'm sorta saving my money this week. Huck Flyn was pretty funny, the crowd wasn't to into him at first then he pulled out his guitar and the crowd got more into it. Huck's pretty much a classic rocker who takes song and somewhat parody's them a little bit. That was sorta the best part of his act, got us singing by the end of it. One of the best parts was when he pulled out his guitar and someone shouted "Freebird!" then Huck threw up his middle finger and says "You wanted a free bird, well there's your free bird." Mark Lundholm was really funny, actually had me tearing up a little bit. His comedy was just sorta all over the place though he pretty much talked about how there's only normal people and everyone else in the world. We both had a good night but had to turn in early because I had to be up at 5 am the next morning for work and she's still getting over being sick and the cough medicane (along with a cosmo) was making her really tired, but we're going out again in a few weeks, so we'll see how things go there.
  22. What's even worse is the week (I think it was the week before) before the whole "we're now the Voodoo Kin Mafia" angle took place, VKM did a "shoot" promo the week before saying how badly TNA dropped the ball with them and that they were done with TNA. Then a week later they were the VKM and were now leading TNA in a war agasint the WWE. How in the hell does that work?
  23. Scroby


    That doesn't surprise me as Nintendo is pretty good with memory saving....not counting the first Nintendo Gamecube memory card, boy that was a HUGE mistake on their part.
  24. I don't know if Hyatt dating Harvey counts as Harvey had a pretty big tie with pro wrestling behind the scenes since he is close friends with Eric Bischoff and who was Stacy and Aniston fighting over?
  25. mmmmm easy fantasy points!