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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. Scroby

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    IcyHot works wonders as well. In a related annoyance to people who BLARE their horrible music. When I worked for Gamecrazy there was a mexican resturant about a minute walk away in the same plaza and one of their workers would FUCKING BLAST his horrible music when he got off work at 10 o'clock at night. He'd get in his suped up truck, turn on these blue lights that he had installed under his car, and just blast his fucking stereo as loud as he possibly could. There were nights where he had to return a video or something to Hollywood video and he would actually drive to Hollywood video from the mexican resturant that's a actual minute walk, park his truck and leave it running and radio blasting as loud as he could, return whatever he was returning and get back and speed off. Then once he left the parking lot, he turned his radio the hell down. He pretty much did this shit 5 nights a week.
  2. Scroby

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    People who decide it's ok to walk into on-coming traffic just because they're in a parking lot. Yesterday I went to a pirate festival and the only parking was very minimal, I'm driving looking for a spot and this one girl (wearing a community college shirt) is walking through the parking lot, I go to turn left to look for parking and she just keeps walking right in front of my car. I press on my brakes and she says "don't you see me walking?". I was ready to tell her she wasn't smart enough for community college, but she wasn't the only person to do this. There were so many others who just kept walking right into the middle of cars looking for parking spaces. I know I pressed on my brakes a few times because people wouldn't stop walking when they were crossing to one side of the parking lot to the other.
  3. Scroby

    I taught somebody a lesson

    Ripper: Made me laugh so much I couldn't swollow my drink.
  4. Scroby

    WWE Signs D-Lo Brown

    No not really...That's how you're remembering D-Lo. Everyone's whose posted so far has only talked about his in-ring work and his gimmicks (CHEST PROTECTOR!!), so far you're the only one's whose brought up the Droz accident and if you want to talk about "sketchy in the ring" and ask "how many wrestlers have paralyzed a guy?", ask yourself this question...how many wrestlers have killed someone? D-Lo is a great wrestler in the ring and one of the best that I've personnally worked. He's a great guy and only wants to give to the buisness and add to it. WWE did a good thing hiring him again. I wouldn't be surprised if he has a great run right off the bat.
  5. Scroby

    What isn't stale in the WWE?

    I'm honestly just having trouble watching anything WWE right now. I can watch ECW for the entire hour without a complaint but I only watch about half of Raw now and I haven't watched Smackdown in about a year. I think I'm just getting tired of all the crappy storylines and the same people in the same championships matches. That's why I think I can really only watch ECW fully, it's mainly wrestling orinated and it's not the same people in the championship over and over again. There's normally a new face who wants to be the champion and are actually trying to after the title. Yeah....yay for ECW.
  6. Scroby

    The Eliminator 2. Day II.V

    Drip, Drip, Drip.
  7. Scroby

    The Eliminator 2. Day II.V

    I piss on your "internet-wide celebration"!
  8. Scroby

    Random Thoughts

    No no...Warrior is done.
  9. Scroby

    Random Thoughts

    Ah, fuckmite!
  10. Scroby

    News You Can (barely) Use

    I honestly just couldn't buy the newsletters WON/F4W prints out. Isn't technically all the same "news" in the first place or everything pretty much speculation?
  11. Scroby

    Random Thoughts

    Wasn't he just on Raw making out with Maria?
  12. Scroby

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    I do see your point as you do make a valid one, but there's a few things you have to take into account when it comes to ECW and when men "beat up" or "attacked" women. 1. ECW was not on a major network. 2. ECW, while had a good following, didn't have that large of a tv viewing auidence on a nationwide showing. 3. That was a much different time. 4. ECW was known for pushing the envolpe (sp?) and was known to be geared towards more "hardcore" or "adult themed" pro wrestling.
  13. Scroby

    Spoilhaz for next Thursday

    Hmm doesn't TNA do the matches in some sort of order though? Like they do single matches, then tag matches, then so on and so on? I don't remember the last X World Cup to well.
  14. Scroby

    Spoilhaz for next Thursday

    Has the tournament actually started yet or are they just doing "pre-view matches"? I have a feeling Curry Man will be the guy who gets pinned the most out of Team TNA.
  15. Scroby

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    ....But I do. :0) (thats a joke by the way.) Seriously though, I can see where both Jingus and Truthiness is coming from and I see both of their points...but I'm gonna have to side with Truthiness here and here's why. Even though Professional Wrestling is "fake", there are way to many people who believe it's real. Not everyone is a smart fan (thank God!) and there are those people (including kids) who take pro wrestling really to serious and when someone sees a male pro wrestler hitting/beating up a woman, it's either gonna do a few things, get the heat it deserves...or anger people. And if it angers people, then the letters and phone calls begin. Parents talking about how their kids were watching and how they are disgusted by it. Then viewers tune out, then it just becomes a slippery slope from there and it shouldn't. Yeah Pro Wrestling is considered entertainment but doesn't mean it people buy in it way to much. And Jingus you really compare what happens on "The Shield" to Pro Wrestling because "The Shield" is also rated TV-MA while Pro Wrestling shows is not and a good portion of Pro Wrestling fans are kids who have parents who don't want their kids exposed to certain things thats on more "adult" themed shows.
  16. Scroby

    ECW on Sci-Fi (6/10/2008)

    Isn't Matt Sydal his real name? Can't trademark and own that... Well there ya go then. Geez is it really that hard to figure it out or that big of a deal?
  17. Scroby

    ECW on Sci-Fi (6/10/2008)

    RVD did what to your girlfriend? Thanks Mellow. I needed that laugh. I wonder why WWE changed his ring name after he wrestled as Matt Sydal last week? Same situation as Monty Brown, where they didnt want people Googling his name and finding information about TNA? It's most likely because WWE wanted to own Matt Sydel's name but Sydel probably told them no so WWE came up with Evan Bourne.
  18. Scroby

    Impact Spoilahz for This Thursday

    The thing about Lumberjack matches is the fact that they're really overdone now adays. WWE does them consently with the lumberjill matches and just no one really buys into them anymore.
  19. Scroby

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    I picked up the Rock dvd tonight as well. I've watced 25% of the first disc so far and yeah I feel disapointed with it already. I think going with the way the Stone Cold dvd was presented was a mistake. Maybe having people talk about the Rock and his matches kinda like they did with Ric Flair's dvd would have been better, but yeah....I'm not really into this dvd so far.
  20. Scroby

    Pictures I Like

    Picture 1: Mini Bike Gang who are shirtless and are wearing wild Japenese demon masks. Picture 2: Mini Bike Gang of Wild Japenese demon masks apprently jump this dude and wish to mug him...or rape him...or both. Picture 3: Girl in bikini who needs a nose job steals a mini bike from the gang and rushes in and saves dude from possible mugging and/or raping. Picture 4: Guy who advoids possible mugging and/or raping drops Ugly Nose girl and picks up 4 topless chicks who are hitch hiking who wish to reward him wih orgy.
  21. Scroby

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Those commercials suck ass and don't dare deny it Plus they're on all the fucking time! Radio or tv! Oh! I'm hatin....I'm rollin deep with the hate!
  22. Scroby

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    There's a new one. Speaking of commericals...E-surance commericals.
  23. Scroby

    Random Thoughts

    I wouldn't be surprised if WWE picked up Danielson, they seem to be going after smaller guys now like Colin and Matt Sydel. Maybe WWE is finally wanting to get away from the big guys who seem to always be on roids.
  24. Scroby

    Random Thoughts

    ...who is that?