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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. Scroby

    Guy who sued Telemarketers...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=un_PjRXV5l8 and!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9nJ0rpAcqk
  2. Scroby

    TSM Poster draft

    So you're pretty bored to huh Milky?
  3. Scroby

    Smackdown and ECW Spoilers for June 10TH AND 13TH 2008

    Hey Jason Styles and Brian Cage got try outs. Good for them. They're both bay area natives. I've worked with Cage a ton of times while I've only worked on the same show of Styles twice, both nice guys.
  4. Scroby

    Xbox 360

    It's a fun and very VERY bloody game.....it's awesome. Not only that but the AI is actually kind of difficult as well, even on easy. You'll learn real fast that it's really not messing around as you're pretty much fighting to survive each mob you come across. I really recommand it. But if you're still wary about paying $60.00 for a game you're not to sure about. I recommand you download Ninja Gaiden Black on XBL, it's a really good game...and yeah, it'll rape you for quite awhile as well.
  5. Scroby

    Hulk previews Hulk's new game!

    I played the first Hulk game that came out a few years ago and while it was fun, it got really boring and fast. I have a feeling this new Hulk game will pretty much be the same way, fun but yet will get old fast.
  6. Scroby

    TSM Poster draft

    I think Youth N Asia is bored.
  7. Scroby

    Gangrel Q&A

    That was a lot of "I don't knows" and "I don't really have an opinion on this". To be honest, when me and him went over the questions (I typed the answers out) he really had to think about the majority of the answers as he had trouble remembering a lot of things. It's not that he didn't want to answer anything, because he did, he just had memory issues.
  8. Scroby

    WWE Signs D-Lo Brown

    Awesome for D-Lo! He really deserves it.
  9. Scroby


    Nope, I'm pretty sure it's because she was annoying.
  10. Scroby


    Step Sister of Boone, who was seeing Syaid...then got shot dead.
  11. Scroby

    The Eliminator 2. Day II.V

    Greed: Lust: Gluttony: Wrath:
  12. Scroby

    ECW on Sci-Fi (6/3/2008)

    No offense..but that's kinda a dumb question. The simple answer is that Armando is not a wrestler, he was the GM of ECW who wrestled a few matches prior against someone who WASN'T winning matches on a regular basis, who just got made into a full time wrestler. Then put against the U.S. Champion Matt Hardy...why would Armando win that match, none the less get any offense in? At least when it came to Colin, Armando got a few shots in and it wasn't a slide in, get the pin and win, then slide out. Colin still got the win but it was a "I caught you off guard" type of win. It was a good show tonight, but I still don't like Adamle as a annoucer, he just really sucks. His voice is so bland he never sounds excited for anything that's going on. When something crazy is going on, like the Kofi/Shelton fight that happen after Shelton's match, he didn't even sell what was going on like it was a uncontrolable fight, instead he just calmly threw out that stupid "jamican me crazy!" line. He fucking stutters everytime he tries to same someone's name or some type of move. I thought Don West was bad but at lest Don West knows how to sell and put things over. I'm convinced Mike Adamle is just a way to make Jim Ross's mistakes sound a lot better.
  13. Scroby

    Random Thoughts

    yeah, i signed up. If anything Vince should at least give it to someone whose in the buisness.
  14. Scroby

    The Eliminator II: Day 1

    ...I'm lost.
  15. Scroby

    Random Thoughts

    Gangrel Q & A update: So we didn't get a chance to work on the questions last night, but we'll work on them soon. There's just been a lot going on with both me and him so we're trying to find time to work on the questions. So we'll get working on them as soon as we can.
  16. It's a fun thing to do. I've never dressed up for Rocky Horror...ok I've dressed in drag once before that's not the point. It's just a fun thing to do for a night or so.
  17. Scroby

    The Eliminator II: Day 1

    *flashes everyone*
  18. Scroby

    WWE Draft 2008

    I think moving Jeff Hardy to Smackdown would be a smart move.
  19. Yup, that was happening at the theater I went as well. The girls that I was going to see the movie with dressed up nicely and were drinking cosmos at the bar across the way, there were women dressed up all fancy like, some you could tell were trying to hard. It was kinda surreal seeing it happen, it was like seeing a woman's verison of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
  20. Scroby

    Beverly Hills Cop IV

    I'm excited but the director worries me.
  21. Scroby

    WWE Draft 2008

    When is the draft? June 9th?
  22. Scroby

    Random Thoughts

    I talked to him a little bit ago, we're going to work on the questions later tonight. Again I'm sorry guys, we both forgot.
  23. Scroby

    Random Thoughts

    Oh fuck! I'm sorry guys, I need to work on that, I actually..kinda....forgot. Me and him need to go through the questions and I need to write out his answers to your questions. He's kinda a bad at typing things out, so I was going to help him out. I'll get on it asap, again sorry everyone. It's my fault you guys don't have them yet.
  24. I'm very excited to see it, but I have to wait till Tuesday for various reasons. I just hope it doesn't piss on the show, but I'm optimistic that all the reviews say it's for the fans only I've never been a fan of the show. I watched a few episodes years ago when a girl I was kinda seeing popped in a dvd...I honestly didn't pay attention. I really have no desire to see the movie either, but a few of the girls from my cast was going to go and my director (who dates one of the girls) decided to tag along as well and asked me to come along as well....Luckily for me it was sold out, both 10:10 movie showings. Everyone else bought their tickets online so my diretor got stuck seeing it..I went home and watched National Tresure 2. Which is decent at best.
  25. Tonight..I'm going to be seeing the Sex in the City movie. I feel so ashamed.