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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. Scroby


    3 years is a long time for breast improvment. :0)
  2. Scroby


    I think Vincent would still be on the island. That dog is awesome when you think about it. Shows up at all the right times, always lending a helping hand...VINCENT IS THE NEW LASSIE! Sun said she blamed two people for Jin's death, one of them being her father, but we still haven't found out who the second person is yet. It could be Whitmore, Jack, or Ben, hell even the helicopter pilot. (I forget his name. I seriously can't remember any person who came off the boat's name other than Miles and Daniel and I recently started rememinger Faraday's name.)
  3. Scroby

    The Eliminator II: Electric Boogaloo

    I have no clue what this is....but I'm bored...I'm in!
  4. Scroby

    The Google SafeSearch Off Picture Thread

    Damn you Spiff!!!!!!! *Shakes fist*
  5. Scroby

    The Google SafeSearch Off Picture Thread

    You should be around when I fart.
  6. Scroby

    The Google SafeSearch Off Picture Thread

    Chocolate Socket
  7. I kinda find it funny that people's main compliants about the movie is the lack of realism. Weather it be the storyline or the CGI or the Ants/Parie Dogs, but I don't understand why. It's a movie..when has Indiana Jones ever been based on realism? Whocares if the storyline is a little out there or if there's CGI? Does it really make that much of a differance? I've always seen the Indiana Jones films as fun, funny, somewhat over the top action films and when you look at the Crystal Skull, it's really no different from the other films when it comes to the type of story/movie that was made. Though I will give people one thing to complain about...and that's the monkeys. More so thats really the only thing that bugged me about the movie. Other than that, it was quite good.
  8. Scroby

    ECW on Sci-Fi 5.27.08

    And there is no need to do so since his name change was storylined. Thank you Captain Obvious.
  9. Scroby

    Wrestlemania 21 or Raw 2

    Even though Raw 2 had a ton of glitches, it's multiplayer season mode is extremely fun. I recommand it just for that reason.
  10. Scroby

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    A WCW ring at a WCW Pay-Per-View.
  11. Scroby


    That doesn't surprise me if true. I have a feeling that the two hour finale flashback or flashforward whatever you wanna call it will be Jack's flashforward at the end of last season will be the same thing with more added content, or at least something that will be surronded by that flashforward and will lead up to the ending scene being "We gotta go back to the island!". (Sidenote: I haven't read the spoilers, just guessing.)
  12. Scroby

    TNA and the Legal Man

    That honestly just sounds like match booking and whoever booked the match to workout that way shouldn't have.
  13. Scroby

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I'm angered that this isn't a Burger King commerical with the Buger King coming up and shooting the two guys who are rapping in the face....then handing them some kinda breakfest burrito.
  14. Scroby


    I actually Ref'ed at that Troopslam show. It was a fun show, I hate to say it but the crowd was dead, you could honestly hear a pin drop if you listened closely enough. It was my first time meeting Steve Rizzono and he's a very nice guy who seemed in high spirts thoughout as the night went on. He seemed to enjoy the show as well as he was sitting out and watching every match as they took place. Hopefully I get to work with him again as he was just a cool person to talk to.
  15. Acutally it doesn't.
  16. I saw the movie last night..it's a good movie. Lots of funny stuff and action, stuff you would normally get from a Indiana Jones movie, I recommand people go out and see it!
  17. Scroby

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    I also think Lashley is about to show up in Booker T's promotion in Houston. I'm not sure if he's wrestling or if he's just going to sign autographs.
  18. Scroby

    Smackdown Spoilers for 5/23/08

    .....why? They just gave away who's gonna win the match. Taker's winning,........AGAIN. Edge doesn't have a chance. So let me see if I understand you correctly, just because they gave away the might be to obvious storyline of Undertaker winning, your not going to order the show even though the match and other matches on the show could be really good? You know...seriously stop posting.
  19. Scroby


    Kate = April?
  20. Scroby

    Smackdown Spoilers for 5/23/08

  21. Scroby


    Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...awesome. (sorry, since there's so many characters now, I lose track of names or forget names that haven't been mentioned in such a long time really easily.)
  22. Scroby


    Whose Dr. Candle?
  23. Scroby

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    It's stuff like that, that makes Pro Wrestling the greatest thing in the world.