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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. Scroby


    Already answered. Ben was supposed to meet all of the others at "The Temple" and they were lead there by Richard. This has not been addressed all season, but keep in mind not a lot of time has passed on the island this season. Well - we already saw Ben send it into motion. "The Temple" isn't the same place as "The Orchid" is it? Have we actually seen "The Temple"? And while you're right, we did see Ben send Lostzilla into motion, does he actually have control over it or does Jacob and Ben was just able to get permission to use Lostzilla for protection?
  2. Scroby


    I disagree that there's not much to discover anymore ... there's an infinite amount of stuff to discover, it's just up to the writers to come up it it and present it in an interesting fashion. Not to mention the countless things that they've introduced and then left unexplained: The story behind the 4-toed statue; the history of the island; more about the history of Dharma and/or the Others; what happened to Rousseau's team; the food drops (who's dropping them, and for whom?) ... not to mention the "big picture" stories of the numbers, the healing powers of the island. You're right, I forgot about the things that have been shown and unexplained. Espically that 4 toe statue but it seems with all the stuff that is going on, explaining things like the 4 toe statue is going to take some time to get to. Maybe during season 5 if we get more focus on the island. So since there is still a few more things than I remembered that we need to find out about the island or just unanswered things that haven't been explained yet...let's make a list. There's been so much going on now, it's kinda hard to remember things like that, so I'll start. -How is the island going to be moved? -What's the deal with the 4 toe foot statue? -Where have the others been hiding all this time? -How did the Black Rock get stuck in the middle of the island? (I can't remember if this was already answered or not.) -Dharma history? -What happen to Rousseau's team? (Though I have a feeling we'll never know what excatly happen or it'll be blamed on the sickness that Desmond got when he traveled away from the island.) -Does the island actually have healing powers? -What do the numbers actually mean? -The food drop? -Who or what actually controls Lostzilla?
  3. Scroby


    I agree, but I've had an issue with it since I think the 2nd season (can't really remember that far back.). Ever since the show started getting real Jack and Kate flash back heavy or when Jack and/or Kate would be the main focus when the story was on the island. It just got old and fast. I've been kinda thinking the same thing as the season has gone. I kinda miss when the stroytelling was about discovering things on the island or just finding out about the island in general....but I really don't think there's much to discover anymore. I think the only things we can really find out is just about the island in general. Also this season has really been all about the characters, while the island and the happenings on it has been placed in the backround, but now it seems we're finally getting back to finding out more stuff about the island as it seems that the season finale will put more focus on Ben and Locke moving the island and maybe Locke discovering more about it, which I'm really looking forward to.
  4. Scroby

    Virtual Console

    I'm still itching for Maniac Mansion.
  5. Scroby

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    What a pro! What do you expect when you give Sandman his cases of beer before the show starts? The Sandman wrestles with alcohol in his system, when I worked with him in Oct. he was drinking while all the matches were going on but he still wrestled his match just fine. It just looks like he got his drink on way early in the night.
  6. Scroby

    Pictures I Like

    EFA x's 2
  7. Scroby

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Is it me or is Michelle McCool way to dominat when it comes to her wrestling. Everytime I see her wrestle? (which really is so often), it seems she's always taking the fight to the girl she's wrestling or she's reverseing things or able to take control really quickly after being beat up for a little bit. I don't know what it is, but it just seems like she's always the center of attention or comes off as the dominat female wrestler when I see her in the ring for anything.
  8. Scroby

    ECW on Sci-Fi (5/13/2008)

    So Punk losing to someone who has held a tag team title for months isn't ok?
  9. Scroby

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    And it doesn't spin anymore.
  10. Scroby

    Promoting Pro Wrestling

    Are we talking about putting a show on or are we talking about promotion/advertising for one? If we're talking about putting a show on, it takes some deicated to making it work. Normally there are two types of promoters, wrestlers who have their own ring/have their own school or marks who think they understand the buisness because they've watched wrestling all their life or think they know something because of the internet. Normally the wrestlers with their own ring are the ones who survive longer as the marks fuck things up within a couple of months and piss off a lot of people. I know of one mark who pissed off 85% of Nor-cal wrestlers and got his title belt taken from him....his fed soon died after and he hasn't been heard from since. Anyways, here are some things you need to have or at least get that will really help. 1. Your own wrestling ring. The reason why I say have your own wrestling ring is because it's a pain in the ass if you don't. You either have to find someone who is willing to let you rent their ring and you're most likely going to handle the set up and tear down of the ring, even if you're renting it from someone. Or you could find someone who owns their own ring and make them apart of the promotion as either a booker or some other role in the back and they'll be nice enough to allow you to use their ring...well while they're pleased with you. 2. Get a building..most likely a gym. You can do two things here either try to get your own building to run out of or find some kind of publicly owned or private owned building and rent it out once a month. If you decided to go to a publicly/privately own building, you have to play by their rules or you lose your building. That means, you run on the dates they hand you, you pay rent and if they want you to give them a percentage of tickets sold..gotta hand that to them too. If they don't want any cussing or alcohol served at their shows, better not sell the alcohol and make sure the other wrestlers know they CAN'T fuck up or bye bye building. If they want guardrails, rent them or buy them. Basically anyone who decides to run out of somewhere that isn't their own building, your balls are in their palm of their hands. If you're able to get your own (lease/own/rent) building....CONGRATS! You have full bloody access to do whatever the fuck you want. You get to pick your own dates, and only pay the mortage or rent on the building. Which you can do by hopefully drawing well enough to at least pay the workers and the rent. Now you don't need a huge building. You don't need to have a gym or some kind of arena, all you need is a building with a high enough ceiling, big enough to seat a lot of people in folding chairs, and restrooms for them. And if your building doesn't have rooms or hallways so you can have some sort of kitchen area or some kind of lockerroom, no worries, just make parts of the building your lockerroom or kitchen area. Taking some tables and lining them up so you can sell snacks and drink, that's all you need. If you can get a curtain, try to make it long enough so it can reach wall to wall and block off people seeing the people in the "locker room". Or maybe get enough fake walls. Like the walls that have wheels on them so you can move them around. 3. Locate a sound system. Music is a vital part of pro wrestling, get your own sound system or rent one. 4. sell concessions...feel free to mark shit up too. *thumbs up* 5. Get chairs so people can sit. Similar to the sound system thing, either buy your own or rent them. 6. Advertise! They're are a few ways to advertise. Flyer: Passing out flyers is the cheapest way to advertise. The only problem is trying to find stores/shops that will let you hang one in their windown or leave some tiny flyers on a counter for people to take. Newspaper ad: A bit more than flyers but there's a better chance more people will see it than the flyers. Radio/TV ad: Costly but the best way for people to find out about your show. That's all I can really think of........ummm yeah.
  11. Scroby

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Jesus Christ that is very sad. Dude has WAY to much time on his hands.
  12. Scroby


    Abaddon is also the one who put together the team of people (I don't remember all their names other than Miles), who initally got picked to fly to the island to seek out Ben on the island. Damn you Mik! Beat me to it!
  13. Scroby


    What makes the game seem more pointless, it goes online! WHY!!!!!!!!!!?
  14. Scroby


    After downloading the new channel, I watched a trailer for Endless Ocean and seriously, what is the point of the game? Is it to just to explore under the ocean? Is that all you do?
  15. Alrighty everyone, I know it's been over a month since I posted the last two videos but now I'm bringing you guys match 5 of the Supreme Seven Series between Rik Luxury and SPW Champion Adam Thornstowe, along with other matches as well. This match didn't take place in SPW though, hell it even didn't take place in California, it took place in Reno Neveda for Wrestlerawk. Here is the match listing for this show. Paul Isadora vs Malachi Shane Dynasty vs Vinnie Massaro 3 Way Dance: Timothy Thatcher vs Ryan Drago vs Wage Reighton Match #5 of the Supreme Seven Series Rik Luxury vs SPW Champion Adam Thornstowe in a Tables Match. And for the Main Event, a Dog Collar Match Luster the Legend vs The Big Ugly JD Bishop Enjoy and again, please leave feedback. I'd like to know if you guys are enjoying the matches your watching or even if your not enjoying the stuff I'm posting.
  16. I really want to start showcasing the Nor-cal indy scene. For quite awhile a group of guys who call themselves "The Territory" have been filming a lot of shows here in Nor-cal and with their permission, I'm going to start posting shows and matches they've filmed. I'll most likely post new videos every week or two. I'm going to start it off with The Territory's first offical episode of a SPW (Supreme Pro Wrestling) show that took place awhile ago in Sacramento. If you want more information about SPW go to www.supremeprowrestling.com Make sure you check out the main event. I'm going to throw in a bonus video as well! This is Brawl's Internet Champion Sheik Kahn Abodi vs El Chupacabra with me as Referee. This match took place at BRAWL in Antioch California a few months ago and was for the Internet Championship. <!--id1--><div><embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docid=7577682648172577118&" /></embed></div><!--id2-->
  17. Scroby

    ECW on Sci-Fi (5/6/2008)

    I agree with you Hail, but I think if Tommy was put in a good enough feud with someone where the booking wasn't the same crap over and over again, Tommy's role would be great.
  18. Scroby

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Very much agreed!
  19. Scroby

    ECW on Sci-Fi (5/6/2008)

    Again, you need to realize that win and losses in pro wrestling means nothing at all. What matters is how two people look and tell the story in the ring. Tommy's gimmick in pro wrestling is someone who doesn't really win matches but feeds off peoples emotions. Tommy's role in pro wrestling is to make others look good, and he can do that while looking strong in the ring. For example in tonight's match. Yeah Tommy lost against Knox, but it wasn't like Tommy got destoryed for 10 minutes and then lost to Knox's face first spinning ddt on a chair. Tommy looked strong and took the fight to Knox. Why do you think Tommy got so over in ECW? It wasn't because he was winning matches, it was because of the story he was able to tell during his matches. It was the fact that the odds were always stacked against him and when it looked like he was ready to win, someone or something would take the win away and the fans ate it up. Tommy's role and about 95% of wrestlers today, role is to make others look good. People really need to realize this and get away from "OH MY GOD, HE LOST AGAIN! THE BOOKERS MUST BE INSANE!".
  20. Scroby

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    and just for the hell of it.
  21. Scroby

    Mike Adamle

    I'm really hoping we get one Joey Styles promo where he just rips into Adamle.
  22. Scroby

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    I found a station that plays a big orchestra band song but I couldn't tell you what station it is off the top of my head, and I think the station only plays that one song. There's a dj that will talk a bit in-between the song playing, but I know after I heard the song end, the dj came on and said "ONE MORE TIME!" and the song started over. What does the logo look like for the "Liberty Rock" station?
  23. Scroby

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    I rented the game on Friday and at first, I didn't really care for the game because I felt the controls were bad, espically for driving. I hated driving. It was such a bitch to turn without running into something, but I've played a little more and gotten used to the controls and I'm enjoying the game much more. Though the radio sucks, where is the good Rock station? All I can find is rap or what I think is talk radio. Is there a rock station? Like with actual rock music?
  24. What the hell is "pRon"?
  25. Scroby

    WWE Ramps Up Drug Testing

    You do know other companies drug test their employees like this all the time right?