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Everything posted by Scroby

  1. Ok, first off. Fuck you for naming me Scroty. Indiana Basin Slit Milky Luke-o Ginger Snaps Agent Dr. Venkman Canadian Guitarist Matt Young KKK Rock Region King Kamala Classic Cand. Chris Sideburnious - The cat with the chicken hat wins. KOAB JN News Carnival Mole Jingus Culture Beat Region Czech Alfdogg KingPK Snuffbox Vitamin X Youth N Asia El Dandy Cowboy #'s Powerfinder Region Black Lushus Kreese Spaceman Spiff bulb Byron Al Keiper Andrew TS Smues SCROBY!...assholes.
  2. Scroby

    The Simpsons Question

    Your right..I think. i can't really remembe what made burns say his line, but I think that's his best line ever.
  3. Scroby

    The TNA Exodus Starts...

    A TNA exodus? really? 1. I'm not surprised Harris left, nothing was going on with him. 2. Ron Killings has been unhappy with TNA for a long time, so it's not really a surprised that Killings has been offered something else.
  4. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Sorry gonna nitpick for a second. I really wish people would quit posting the same wrestling news twice. Whenever i see someone make a big post with a whole bunch of news, about 90 % of it is stuff that's already been posted. I mean is it seriously that hard to look back a page or two and see if that news tidbit has already been posted and discussed already? It's not like the person who posted the news wasn't in the general thread when the subject was being discussed.
  5. Scroby

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    Actually WWE.com just says they were added to the match. It doesn't say they had to qualify or anything. See, that would be all fine and dandy, except the headline at the top of the page listing the entrants reads as follows: 2008 Royal Rumble Participants Not just anyone can enter Royal Rumble. Superstars must qualify for the coveted honor to battle for a World Title opportunity at WrestleMania. Here is a list of who has qualified for the 2008 Royal Rumble so far: Oh, well I was just reading the box next to their picture and name.
  6. Scroby


    So what's the offical date, the 31st or Feb 1st?
  7. Scroby

    The Simpsons Question

    "Mr. Burns, are you the devil?" Burns: "WHO TOLD YO.....I mean, why no." Best Burns line ever!
  8. Scroby


    So I'm assuming this is what's going to lead to The Planets of the Apes. Hell we're already half way there with the head of the statue of liberty coming off.
  9. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Ok which one is Chris Harris again? Is that the one that drinks a lot of beer or is that the babyface? And yes I'm being serious.
  10. Scroby

    Awkward moments involving roommates.

    And no one took pictures!?
  11. Scroby

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    That's pretty much the excuse they used and for Kane it was because he's one of the most dominant wrestlers to be in the Rumble.
  12. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    That's actually a pretty good story.
  13. Scroby

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    He'll be the new ness.
  14. Scroby

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    I see what your getting at. I blame the fact that CM Punk has don't shit since his feud with Morrison.
  15. 1. KKKtookmybabyaway - Regularly reads my blogs...and leaves comments. 2. NorcalMike - Invites me to his place to watch Pay Per View 3. Jingus - I know he's in the wrestling buisness. 4. Carnival - posted awesome cat pictures 5. MattYoung - I ain't mattyoungin it but fuck it. 6. Milky - somehow, i just noticed he's pretty cool. 7. King Kamala Classic - posts great videos in the youtube wrestling thread 8. Black Lushus - It's Lushus. 9. Jhawk - I've always liked Jhawk (no homo) 10. EHME's Torn Condom (what can I say, he's grown on me)
  16. Scroby

    Awkward moments involving roommates.

    is that what you mean?
  17. Scroby

    Awkward moments involving roommates.

    You know, I really can't. Sorry man.
  18. Scroby

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    Actually WWE.com just says they were added to the match. It doesn't say they had to qualify or anything.
  19. Scroby

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    Actually WWE.com just says they were added to the match. It doesn't say they had to qualify or anything.
  20. Scroby

    Pictures I Like

    Man O' The Fuckin Year right there. Keep on rockin' Vlady. Is it me or does he look a little like Mel Brooks?
  21. Scroby

    Awkward moments involving roommates.

    We're still roommates and I don't really think she's hot but my friends who have met her all say she is.
  22. Scroby

    Awkward moments involving roommates.

    WHAT!? so 27)I'm sleeping till about noon until I awake to her "oh God!" with loud panting. I hear a few smacking and realize my roommate hasn't shut her door. I yell "You know it would help if YOU SHUT YOUR FUCKING DOOR!" except I don't get a respone, I just hear another spank of the ass. Well what I assume was the smack of the ass anyways. I finally get up to the shut her door, shut my door, then turn my raido on. 5 minutes later, her boyfriend comes out and says "Damn Toby, your making a lot of noise.".
  23. Scroby

    Impact spoilers for 1/17

    So for TNA Abyss = Undertaker (almost) Judas = Kane James Mitchell = Paul Bearer.
  24. Scroby

    The 2008 Royal Rumble Thread

    $10 more, yes. Enigma, there for those who can't do simple math.